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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Scott Wheelock iscottw@*****
Subject: A couple questions (possible spoiler)
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 00:08:08 -0400
Two quick ones here, to aid me in a bit of fiction.

1) What's the Body/armour of the Steel Lynx drone in R2?
It needs to get destroyed in a story I'm writing, and I
need to know what's a feasible method of killing it (I recall
someone saying a while back that under R2 rules, it was
very tough).






2) I don't know if anything to do with Bug City is a spoiler,
but I don't want to take any chances. What's the date given,
in T:UCAS, I believe, for the resolution of the Chicago problem?
I don't really need details, just a date :)

Thanks very much,
Message no. 2
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: A couple questions (possible spoiler)
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 00:11:52 EST
In a message dated 2/20/1999 11:09:44 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
iscottw@***** writes:

> 1) What's the Body/armour of the Steel Lynx drone in R2?
> It needs to get destroyed in a story I'm writing, and I
> need to know what's a feasible method of killing it (I recall
> someone saying a while back that under R2 rules, it was
> very tough).

Bod: 2/ Armor: 12

That means (most) pistols won't have a chance, armor piercing or not. For
that matter, it's going to take some nasty-ass firepower one-way or the other.

in our experience, flip the damn thing over and drop a shaped charge (C12) on
top of that.

Another trick we've developed is the reverse, get a small C12 charge mounted
to the top of a cheap skimmer/hover type drone, and get the thing underneath
it. On top of the C12 is a "warhead" of some type (use your imagination),
which will shoot upwards towards the body of the Lynx.

Wrecker is another neato way of doing it (Magical).

I also know of the "lay down the electricified fence", wait until it's on top
of the stuff, and then throw the loose end of the fence or conductive cables
attached to the fence, on top of it and connect to your cities central power

-K (and who Gridlink didn't have it's uses..?? ;-)
Message no. 3
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: A couple questions (possible spoiler)
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 02:11:17 EST
In a message dated 99-02-20 23:09:44 EST, you write:

> 1) What's the Body/armour of the Steel Lynx drone in R2?
> It needs to get destroyed in a story I'm writing, and I
> need to know what's a feasible method of killing it (I recall
> someone saying a while back that under R2 rules, it was
> very tough).
Body 2, armor 12, so you would need a decent AVM or a relly large block of
C-12 to destroy it IMO.

Starrngr -- Now with a Relocated webpage:
Ranger HQ

"You wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring your music on a RUN? No wonder they call
you Howling Mad..." -- Rabid the Pysad.
Message no. 4
From: Veskrashen veskrashen@*******.com
Subject: A couple questions (possible spoiler)
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 00:52:40 -0600
> iscottw@***** writes:
> >
> > 1) What's the Body/armour of the Steel Lynx drone in R2?
> > It needs to get destroyed in a story I'm writing, and I
> > need to know what's a feasible method of killing it (I recall
> > someone saying a while back that under R2 rules, it was
> > very tough).
> >

Actually, a more elegant solution would be to take it over using the miji rules
rules in rigger2. That way, it's someone *else's* problem.

Message no. 5
From: Airwasp@***.com Airwasp@***.com
Subject: A couple questions (possible spoiler)
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 13:10:36 EST
In a message dated 2/20/1999 11:09:44 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
iscottw@***** writes:

> 1) What's the Body/armour of the Steel Lynx drone in R2?
> It needs to get destroyed in a story I'm writing, and I
> need to know what's a feasible method of killing it (I recall
> someone saying a while back that under R2 rules, it was
> very tough).

The Body of a Steel Lynx is a 2.

> M
> A
> Y
> B
> E
> A
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> ,
> M
> A
> Y
> B
> E
> N
> O
> T
> 2) I don't know if anything to do with Bug City is a spoiler,
> but I don't want to take any chances. What's the date given,
> in T:UCAS, I believe, for the resolution of the Chicago problem?
> I don't really need details, just a date :)

Sometume June/July of 2059.

Message no. 6
From: Scott Wheelock iscottw@*****
Subject: A couple questions (possible spoiler)
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 16:46:42 -0400
"And now, a Channel 6 editorial reply to Airwasp@***.com."

<snipping to avoid leaving massive spoiler space>
Thanks Herc, that's what I needed.

Message no. 7
From: Airwasp@***.com Airwasp@***.com
Subject: A couple questions (possible spoiler)
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 15:32:39 EST
In a message dated 2/21/1999 8:21:37 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
veskrashen@*******.com writes:

> > > 1) What's the Body/armour of the Steel Lynx drone in R2?
> > > It needs to get destroyed in a story I'm writing, and I
> > > need to know what's a feasible method of killing it (I recall
> > > someone saying a while back that under R2 rules, it was
> > > very tough).
> > >
> >
> Actually, a more elegant solution would be to take it over using the miji
> rules
> rules in rigger2. That way, it's someone *else's* problem.

Continuing on this line of thought, and improving on the idea, have the
hacking rigger do the following two things:

1. Invert the Smartlink protocols (if no smartlink, then modify the
recognition system for whom it can not shoot).

2. Have it ignore any further orders transmitted to it via it's radio.

This way the darn drone turns against it's original owners and really becomes
their problem.


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about A couple questions (possible spoiler), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.