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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Bull bull@***********.com
Subject: Anti-Munchkin Fun
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 09:36:37 -0500
[NOTE: First off, this is a joke. Enjoy it. Second off, this is
nota weapon ever designed to fall into a PC's hands. *IF* you use it, use
it as an NPC weapon to deter and control the more munckinous players :] --

Ares 9000 Series Panther Assault Cannon LX (aka the Anti-Munchkin gun)

The PAC 9K is a powerful new weapon designed by Ares Arms. It is a
devastating weapon, capable of mass destruction, in a compact and highly
reliable weapon. The only drawback to this weapon is the price, and the
fact that Ares has only made a few of these for some of it's more
specialized Divisions.

The PAC 9K fires specialized ammunition designed specifically for this
weapon. It has a pistol grip to it, and the ammunition is made in a
combined effort by Ares Arms and Ares Alchemical Division. The ammo is
Dikoted, Explosive, APDS, with an Orichalcum tip so that it can hurt some
magical beings and spirits. Capable of firing the Assault Cannon rounds in
Full Auto mode, with a built in Gyro Stabilizer to reduce recoil and a
specialized built in smart link, this weapon is a munchkins wet dream, and
his worst nightmare.

Conceivability: Nil
Ammo: Belt Fed or 30 Round Magazine
Mode: SA/BF/FA
Damage: 21D+1
Weight: 12
Availability: 26/3 Months
Cost: 1,000,000 Nuyen
Street Index: 8
Legality: 1-k
Recoil Comp: 6


Conceal: 3 (Belt of 100: 0)
Damage: As Weapon
Weight: 1.25 (12.5 Belt)
Availability: 26/3 Months
Cost: 15,000 Nuyen (Belt: 150,000 Nuyen)
Street index: 12
Legal: Umm, no

(>) The PAC 9K is an amazing weapon. Fired on full auto, it's capable of
reducing even a Stonewall into scrap metal. Of course, getting you hands
on one is like making Lofwyr your personal slave. It just doesn't happen.
(>) Firing PIN

(>) Ares custom builds these bad boys on a per order basis. On top of
that, there are security measures in place to make sure that ONLY the
person the weapon is built for can use it. The specialized Smart
Link? Well, you have to have a smart link in order to fire the weapon, and
the PAC 9K is designed to read a specialized signal coming from the owners
Smart Link. If you don't have the right signal, not only will the gun not
work for you, but you just blew up yourself and about a city block
surrounding you.
(>) Hangfire

(>) Anti-Munchkin Gun! HAH! I love it!!!!
(>) Joe the Gamer Shaman
"I know who's REALLY running this show!"

(>) The simple fact of it is, unless Damien Knight thinks you have a
reason to have one of these, AND you can scrape together a couple of mill
for the gun and ammo, the only time you'll see one of these is while you're
trying to break into one of Ares' better secured locations. And I would
strongly advise against that.
Or you can always come visit me and I'll let you see mine. Maybe. :]
(>) Bull
"The Best Ork Decker You've Never Met"

Bull -- The Best Ork Decker You Never Met
bull@*******.net == bull22@***********.com == bull@***********.com
ICQ: 35931890
====================================================== =
= Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any Fours? = =
"Animals have 2 jobs: To taste good and to fit well."
-- Greg Proops, "Vs."

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Anti-Munchkin Fun, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.