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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Paul Gettle <RunnerPaul@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: A sniper on a date. [was: Building the Munchkin]
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 22:55:16 -0400

At 04:31 AM 10/6/98 -0400, Starjammer wrote:
>Date: "What a lovely evening! See if you can get the maitre d' to
seat us
>on the terrace."
>Shooter: "That wouldn't be advisable; there's fifteen vantage points
>the surrounding buildings for someone who wanted to blow your head

I think this has to be one of the best perks of being on the list: all
the witty dialogue I can swipe for use in my own games. I've collected
plenty of good exchanges like this, but this has to be the best one
I've seen in a long time.

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.5.3

-- Paul Gettle, #970 of 1000 (RunnerPaul@*****.com)
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Message no. 2
From: Starjammer <starjammer@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: A sniper on a date. [was: Building the Munchkin]
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 01:33:24 -0400
At 10:55 PM 10-6-98 -0400, you wrote:

<snip dialogue>

>I think this has to be one of the best perks of being on the list: all
>the witty dialogue I can swipe for use in my own games. I've collected
>plenty of good exchanges like this, but this has to be the best one
>I've seen in a long time.

Thank you. I do try... :)

> -- Paul Gettle, #970 of 1000 (RunnerPaul@*****.com)

Starjammer | Una salus victus nullam sperare salutem.
starjammer@**********.com | "The one hope of the doomed is not to hope
Marietta, GA | for safety." --Virgil, The Aeneid

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about A sniper on a date. [was: Building the Munchkin], you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.