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Message no. 1
From: Faux Pas <fauxpas@******.NET>
Subject: Aztlan post
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 20:43:29 -0600
Okay, I know that most of the names behind the posters have been guessed,
but has anyone determined what "Corruption" is? Over on page 68, Hecate (in
reference to a shaman saying that on a vision quest, he saw an eastern
dragon with blank or black spots that writhed enter the Aztechnology pyramid
in Tenochtitlan) said that it sounded like Corruption. Was that the name of
the dragon? Or the writhing black/blank spots in the dragon's aura?

In the last two pages, Wordsmyth mentions something about bodies and blood.
Is this a reference to the Blood Elves from Earthdawn? And can someone give
me a brief description of what blood elves are? I'm thinking those are the
thorned elves (or something like that).

-Thomas Deeny
the Cartoonist at large is on the web at

"I probably should put a new quote here."
Message no. 2
From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: Aztlan post
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 21:44:59 -0800
Faux Pas wrote:
> Okay, I know that most of the names behind the posters have been guessed,
> but has anyone determined what "Corruption" is? Over on page 68, Hecate
> reference to a shaman saying that on a vision quest, he saw an eastern
> dragon with blank or black spots that writhed enter the Aztechnology pyramid
> in Tenochtitlan) said that it sounded like Corruption. Was that the name of
> the dragon? Or the writhing black/blank spots in the dragon's aura?

AFAIK Corruption refers to being Horror marked.
Those individuals under mental attack/domination by Horrors are said to
be marked, or corrupt.

> In the last two pages, Wordsmyth mentions something about bodies and blood.
> Is this a reference to the Blood Elves from Earthdawn? And can someone give
> me a brief description of what blood elves are? I'm thinking those are the
> thorned elves (or something like that).

I think you hit it right on the head.
Message no. 3
From: Sight Unseen <toabo@****.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Aztlan post
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 03:09:18 -0500
At 08:43 PM 11/14/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Okay, I know that most of the names behind the posters have been guessed,
>but has anyone determined what "Corruption" is? Over on page 68, Hecate (in
>reference to a shaman saying that on a vision quest, he saw an eastern
>dragon with blank or black spots that writhed enter the Aztechnology pyramid
>in Tenochtitlan) said that it sounded like Corruption. Was that the name of
>the dragon? Or the writhing black/blank spots in the dragon's aura?
Judging from what was said there and in Cybertechnology, astral
space in Atzlan is being corrupted by all that blood magic. The dues in
the latter text seem to indicate that it's destabilizing pockets of astral
space, turning them into little black holes where once you enter, you never
come out of. Major non-fun in my grimoire.

Message no. 4
From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: Aztlan post
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 00:12:50 -0800

Horrors have not been completely defined by FASA yet, AFAIK.
Essentially you can think of them as really big/nasty spirits.
Or better yet, lets just call them demons.
They attack sentient beings, including dragons, and attempt to feed off
Some feed off of hate, misery, pain, etc.
They get into the victim's head using something like telepathy, and
influence them into actions that will produce the desired negative
emotions, and feed off them.
They don't usually kill the victim until he can suffer no more.

AFA Atzlan is concerned, the Horrors are attracted to this plane by all
the pain and suffering the blood magic is causing.
The fovea IMO are spots where the horrors dimension is starting to touch
the SR dimension.
This is touched on a little in the Harlequin's Back module as well.
Places of great emotion/pain/magic - ie. places with a background count,
are much easier for the horrors to cross over at.
The horrors are coming into Atzlan, that is the corruption mentioned in
the Atzlan book.

Hope that helps.

Steven A. Tinner
Message no. 5
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: Aztlan post
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 11:53:42 +0100
Faux Pas said on 20:43/14 Nov 96...

> In the last two pages, Wordsmyth mentions something about bodies and blood.
> Is this a reference to the Blood Elves from Earthdawn? And can someone give
> me a brief description of what blood elves are? I'm thinking those are the
> thorned elves (or something like that).

Yes, those are the elves with thorns growing through their flesh. They
devised this as a defense against the Horrors when their wooden kaer was
slowly being broken into by the Horrors -- they found out that the
Horrors needed to induce pain and suffering themselves in order to feed
off it. By growing thorns, the elves were constantly in pain, which
spoiled them for the Horrors.

Gurth@******.nl -
A little bit more on-edge.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
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Message no. 6
From: Mark Steedman <M.J.Steedman@***.RGU.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Aztlan post
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 13:35:51 GMT
Steven A. Tinner writes
> Faux Pas wrote:
> >
> > Okay, I know that most of the names behind the posters have been guessed,
> > but has anyone determined what "Corruption" is? Over on page 68,
Hecate (in
> > reference to a shaman saying that on a vision quest, he saw an eastern
> > dragon with blank or black spots that writhed enter the Aztechnology pyramid
> > in Tenochtitlan) said that it sounded like Corruption. Was that the name of
> > the dragon?

> > Or the writhing black/blank spots in the dragon's aura?
this is what the corruption refers to.

Do not confuse it with the 'black patches' which exist in SR, those
are to do with HMHVV (the reference is rather well hidden, only
secrets of power i think) with AFAIK has nothing to do with horrors
(or bugs or wraiths etc) This variety would be attached to the
physical body i assume. (the atzlan post refering to stuff connected
to the mental side of the aura)

> AFAIK Corruption refers to being Horror marked.
> Those individuals under mental attack/domination by Horrors are said to
> be marked, or corrupt.
Corruption is horrors. However there are more levels than just
'you're got'. Definitions are open to interpretation and viewpoint
Being 'horror marked' basically allows the Horror to attack you [it
actually corresponds to an actual horror power out of the ED game
with the same name, the details don't really matter] more easily. If
you continue to fight the horror you will probably suffer its
displeasure, give in and do what it requests and you will become
corrupted by it [note i am aware of the second power that boosts
this, but unless you are a GM the distinction really does not matter]

As to the dragons identity SR offers no cules, i have heard
persistent rumors of a corrupted dragon in 'creatures of Barsaive'
[effectively ED's answer to PANA, but critters are generally far more
important in ED] but i've not read that book.

> > In the last two pages, Wordsmyth mentions something about bodies and blood.
> > Is this a reference to the Blood Elves from Earthdawn?
would have to check, as there is so much about blood magic in Atzlan,
there being a lot more to it than the one 'create blood elf' ritual.

> > And can someone give
> > me a brief description of what blood elves are? I'm thinking those are the
> > thorned elves (or something like that).
> I think you hit it right on the head.
Over blood elves yes. They are like that due to the effects of the
'ritual of thorns' basically a 'frag us so badly the worst of the
horros find it easier to inflict pain elsewhere' survival measure.
Not at all good, it saved their lives, souls well thats open to
debate, and i doubt FASA have answered it so players cannot read all
the books and find out.


Message no. 7
From: Droopy <droopy@*******.NB.NET>
Subject: Re: Aztlan post
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 02:26:26 +0000
Mark wrote:
> > > Or the writhing black/blank spots in the dragon's aura?
> this is what the corruption refers to.
> Do not confuse it with the 'black patches' which exist in SR, those
> are to do with HMHVV (the reference is rather well hidden, only
> secrets of power i think) with AFAIK has nothing to do with horrors

The theory has been kicking around that HMHVV is directly related to
horror constructs, as are all 'undead' in SR.

> As to the dragons identity SR offers no cules, i have heard
> persistent rumors of a corrupted dragon in 'creatures of Barsaive'
> [effectively ED's answer to PANA, but critters are generally far more
> important in ED] but i've not read that book.

It's not a rumor.

Message no. 8
From: Mark Steedman <M.J.Steedman@***.RGU.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Aztlan post
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 11:13:28 GMT
Droopy writes
> >
> > Do not confuse it with the 'black patches' which exist in SR, those
> > are to do with HMHVV (the reference is rather well hidden, only
> > secrets of power i think) with AFAIK has nothing to do with horrors
> The theory has been kicking around that HMHVV is directly related to
> horror constructs, as are all 'undead' in SR.
Possible, but i haven't seen any evidence in SR, and i wasn't aware
vampires were in ED.

> > As to the dragons identity SR offers no cules, i have heard
> > persistent rumors of a corrupted dragon in 'creatures of Barsaive'
> > [effectively ED's answer to PANA, but critters are generally far more
> > important in ED] but i've not read that book.
> It's not a rumor.
Fine, but i have yet to read the book in question and considering the
error rate on subjects such as these i feel like covering myself :)


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Aztlan post, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.