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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Sommers <sommers@*****.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: BABY is in!
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 13:23:37 -0400
For those of you who ordered a BABY off of the web page last week and got a
confirmation, I juts got mine from FASA today. I got the confirmation on
Friday that it had shipped, so they're getting good turn around time.

Looks very cool, I like the leather cover. I just wish that besides the
limited edition, they had done a regular laminated hardback like 1st and
2nd edition. Oh well:(

I also got a 1998 flyer with it, Its got Magic in the Shadows, First Run
and Corporate Download all in there with cover art. It could be just filler
art, but the Corporate one rocks! Keyboard being digitized and flowing into
a chromed out head. Very different kind of feel to it. Anyway, their all on
the latest order list that they sent along with it, with dates for this
year. Who knows, maybe they'll make them:)

Sommers, BABY 932
"Hey, this is better than actually getting some work done."
Message no. 2
From: XaOs <xaos@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: BABY is in!
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 12:46:43 -0500
> Sommers, BABY 932
> "Hey, this is better than actually getting some work done."

Ditto. I just walked away from the UPS man with BABY in hand. Nice to have a
BABY number instead of a confirmation number, isn't it?

BABY 971
Message no. 3
From: Dhl9@***.COM
Subject: Re: BABY is in!
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 14:29:37 EDT
In a message dated 8/24/98 1:25:08 PM AST, sommers@*****.UMICH.EDU writes:

> For those of you who ordered a BABY off of the web page last week and got a
> confirmation, I juts got mine from FASA today. I got the confirmation on
> Friday that it had shipped, so they're getting good turn around time.
> Looks very cool, I like the leather cover. I just wish that besides the
> limited edition, they had done a regular laminated hardback like 1st and
> 2nd edition. Oh well:(
> I also got a 1998 flyer with it, Its got Magic in the Shadows, First Run
> and Corporate Download all in there with cover art. It could be just filler
> art, but the Corporate one rocks! Keyboard being digitized and flowing into
> a chromed out head. Very different kind of feel to it. Anyway, their all on
> the latest order list that they sent along with it, with dates for this
> year. Who knows, maybe they'll make them:)
> Sommers, BABY 932
> "Hey, this is better than actually getting some work done."

Mine arrived just about an hour ago. # 852. I looked thorugh it once and it
will now join my Mommad Ali autographed picture and my Jerry Rice rookie card
in a safe place and be taken out and admired on rare occasions.
Message no. 4
From: Steve Eley <sfeley@***.NET>
Subject: Re: BABY is in!
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 14:53:48 -0400
Dhl9@***.COM wrote:
> Mine arrived just about an hour ago. # 852. I looked thorugh it once and it
> will now join my Mommad Ali autographed picture and my Jerry Rice rookie card
> in a safe place and be taken out and admired on rare occasions.

You're kidding, right? I ordered mine because I abuse my RPG books too
much for softcovers to stay decent, and there appeared to be no other way
to get SR3 in hardcover. I'm hoping the yearbook binding will keep it
looking good at least as long as my SR2 hardback, which is only now
looking really scuffed.

I'm certainly not going to put it under glass somewhere and gaze fondly on
it. It's a game book; I intend to use it for gaming.

Have Fun,
- Steve Eley (no BABY number yet; not that big a deal)
Message no. 5
From: Dhl9@***.COM
Subject: Re: BABY is in!
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 15:06:09 EDT
In a message dated 8/24/98 2:52:53 PM AST, sfeley@***.NET writes:

> You're kidding, right? I ordered mine because I abuse my RPG books too
> much for softcovers to stay decent, and there appeared to be no other way
> to get SR3 in hardcover. I'm hoping the yearbook binding will keep it
> looking good at least as long as my SR2 hardback, which is only now
> looking really scuffed.
> I'm certainly not going to put it under glass somewhere and gaze fondly on
> it. It's a game book; I intend to use it for gaming.
> Have Fun,
> - Steve Eley (no BABY number yet; not that big a deal)
> sfeley@***.net

I went out and bought a softcover. I am usually meticulous about my books but
the first day I had my SR2 hardcover I dropped it and damaged it. I am not
going to have this happen to this one. Alot of stuff from my youth I kept in
good working order and the collectibles market can offer some astonishing
prices if you sit on things long enough.
If it doesn't become valuable that is fine. I think the Limited Edition
hardback was very well done by FASA. Classy rather than flashy. It looks and
feels expensive.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about BABY is in!, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.