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Message no. 1
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Bizzare Bazar (was Dunkelzahn's will)
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 09:13:21 -0700
Jak Koke wrote:
| Dunkelzahn was assassinated by a secret cadre of Wendigo shamans hired
| by Ordo Maximus and allowed into the Watergate Hotel masked by a powerful
| illusion cast by Tutor and armed with nuclear weapon-foci prepared in
| rituals orchestrated by Winternight and linked by the Blood Mage Gestalt to
| the Quetzalcoatl teocalli in Tenochtitlan.. [snip]
| .. <grin>

Okay, I'm using that <BEG>.

Got anymore bizare stuff like that that we can use to torment our
players? :)

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing
which ones to keep."
Message no. 2
From: Mark Steedman <M.J.Steedman@***.RGU.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Bizzare Bazar (was Dunkelzahn's will)
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 16:36:05 GMT
David Buehrer writes
> Jak Koke wrote:
> |
> | Dunkelzahn was assassinated by a secret cadre of Wendigo shamans hired
> | by Ordo Maximus and allowed into the Watergate Hotel masked by a powerful
> | illusion cast by Tutor and armed with nuclear weapon-foci prepared in
> | rituals orchestrated by Winternight and linked by the Blood Mage Gestalt to
> | the Quetzalcoatl teocalli in Tenochtitlan.. [snip]
> | .. <grin>
> Okay, I'm using that <BEG>.
> Got anymore bizare stuff like that that we can use to torment our
> players? :)
Then try doing what i think Jak did for the above which is string
together about the first five plots from Threats and similar places he
could remember in a sentance and see what happens.

Tutor, those Winternight Nukes and the 'gestalt' all appear in

Message no. 3
From: Haloween Jack <ST97000132@****.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Bizzare Bazar (was Dunkelzahn's will)
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 17:51:01 -0500
On Tue, 28 Oct 1997 09:13:21 -0700 David Buehrer
<dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG> wrote:

> Jak Koke wrote:
> |
> | Dunkelzahn was assassinated by a secret cadre of Wendigo shamans hired
> | by Ordo Maximus and allowed into the Watergate Hotel masked by a powerful
> | illusion cast by Tutor and armed with nuclear weapon-foci prepared in
> | rituals orchestrated by Winternight and linked by the Blood Mage Gestalt to
> | the Quetzalcoatl teocalli in Tenochtitlan.. [snip]
> | .. <grin>
> Okay, I'm using that <BEG>.
> Got anymore bizare stuff like that that we can use to torment our
> players? :)

Ok how about the big "D" did himself in. It was all a big
publicity stunt to get use to think there is something or
some group more powerfull than a dragon. Why not give the
populous a general dose of paranior

Haloween Jack is Back!

"Love is the fine line between pleasure
and pain. Except if you are into S&M then
its pain! Pain! PAIN!"
Message no. 4
From: MC23 <mc23@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: Bizzare Bazar (was Dunkelzahn's will)
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 22:35:25 -0500
Haloween Jack once dared to write,

>Ok how about the big "D" did himself in. It was all a big
>publicity stunt to get use to think there is something or
>some group more powerfull than a dragon. Why not give the
>populous a general dose of paranior

Nah, the whole faked death conspiracy was my first guess but thought
it too obvious. This was the same Dragon who had the Tapestry of Fate
after all. I don't doubt he knew of his impending demise and knew how to
make the best of it but I don't think he went about making a martyr of
himself just for show.


Ancient cultures believed that names held great power, personal names
more so and they were guarded very closely. To protect themselves, they
answered to another name, because if another discovered their real name,
it could be used against them.
History repeats itself.
Welcome to the Digital Age.
I am MC23

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Bizzare Bazar (was Dunkelzahn's will), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.