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Message no. 1
From: LDYTinne@***.com LDYTinne@***.com
Subject: CC martial arts (spirituality & the MA)
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 18:19:27 EDT
In a message dated 6/6/00 4:34:49 PM Central Daylight Time,
acjpenn@******.com writes:

<< >
Not true. The body of knowledge we call the martial arts developed in
several different areas from Japan to Africa. If there is a "perfect" art,
it wouldn't have been known world over.

That was then, this is now. The world is relatively connected.

> Spiritual codes are good for role-playing, but realistically us mere

I was speaking of real life. I follow the path I stated.<<<

Then my apologies. But I will assert that few people are truly afraid of
dying. And fewer still have the opportunity to test their resolve to their
beliefs in this matter.

> to be an extra-ordinary feat for most RP'rs. Besides realistically most
Sams and other PC's with martial artists are 'Sunday go to worship' faithful
to their "spiritual Paths" at best!

Where do you get this? <<<

Your entitled to disagree, but in all my time as a role-player I have seen it
3 times 2 of which came from the same individual player.

>>>physad should require a deep spiritual commitment to your art, and those
are the pc's with the most martial arts knowledge. <<<

Why should martial arts require a spiritual commitment for a phys ad or a
sam??? A phys ad becomes magically active and the magic works bests through
physical combat not spirituality that has an accompanying martial art.
Prime example here is martial arts taught in America. Lots and lots of
schools here that teach the movements and styles do not teach the history,
language, spirtualtiy and especially the CHI movement AT ALL. Should, the
world awaken like SR tomorrow most of the Martial artists trained in America
could not use their basic Chi energies to get themselves out of a Bag without
applying force beyond the mental.

>>> I'm sorry, I've completely missed your point here. Would you please
clarify? Did I not come across as saying that my life is structured around
my practice? I think the Cowboy and I are on the same footing as far as
respecting what we do, and how we do it.<<<

Sure, clarification: your response though possibly from the same basis, was
presented in a disrespectful manner. (sorry Cowboy) (BTW - I have no trouble
and loose no face in my faith by saying it how I see it b/c my God is a
promoter of honesty of self and truth. And thus, I call em' how I see em'.)

> >>>Control of the self and the
> situation is given paramount importance in any good training. Control of
> these techniques, control of your situation<<<

> Not all situations can be controlled, but adapted to, and this is even
harder for a smaller person who is weaker (a woman, in general)

Wrong. All situations can be controlled. And it's no harder for women or
smaller people. Control of a situation happens outside of the conflict,
whether it's parking in the open, rather than underground, or not going
into a bar full of rowdy people.<<< (when have you as a gamer been in a
bar fully of rowdy people?)

This statement shows me clearly that you have never been attacked, nor
defended yourself in combat. I can say this with impunity because I speak
from experience. As a woman. As a person who has been in a fight. And as
a person who has been attacked. Control of self sometimes is the only option
control of a situation is not always an option. One must learn to flow one's
self through a situation.

> >>> I'm glad you've never been in a fight with someone out to kill
> you.
Doubt me all you wish. I've been in conflict and been sick afterwards, it
could have just been me, but all those I've spoken with have the same

Never sick. Slightly dizzy from blows to the head. Adrenaline rush, yes.
Rage, yes. Sick, NOPE!

>>>Why are you standing up for this, when it's over and done?<<<

I just read my email from top to bottom today, 333 pieces, after returning
home from a multiple day absence. I responded as I read.

Hotter' than (Hel)

Brightest Blessings,
Message no. 2
From: acjpenn@******.com acjpenn@******.com
Subject: CC martial arts (spirituality & the MA)
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 22:30:04 -0500
> This statement shows me clearly that you have never been attacked, nor
> defended yourself in combat. I can say this with impunity because I
> from experience. As a woman. As a person who has been in a fight. And
> a person who has been attacked. Control of self sometimes is the only
> control of a situation is not always an option. One must learn to flow
> self through a situation.

I am, officialy, sorry I opened my mouth.

I'm not going to debate this any further, as it's pointless. There's a
saying that best sums up me trying to explain this over the net.

Never teach a pig to sing, it frustrates you and annoys the pig.
I'm not equating you with a pig, so don't start.

Who is a pig.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about CC martial arts (spirituality & the MA), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.