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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Allen Smith)
Subject: Cerebral Myoglobin, Take II
Date: Fri Jun 8 15:30:19 2001
Hi. This is a revised version of the Cerebral Myoglobin bioware; thank
you to everyone who commented!



Cerebral Myoglobin:
This bioware, which cannot be made Cultured, is actually a set
of viruses which modifies non-neural cells in the CNS to
produce myoglobin, which holds oxygen and supplies it when
necessary. Some modifications are also done (primarily via
triggering release of various proteins) to prevent some
degree of the damage normally happening from lack of oxygen or
other injury; these are derived from research (going on
currently) on drugs to reduce the damage from stroke, spinal
injury, etcetera. The effects are as follows:
1. Add the subject's Body to the number of points of
Overdamage they can suffer without dying. For this
Body, do _not_ include Suprathyroid Gland Body (a
faster metabolism hurts on this!), but _do_ include
Bone Lacing (unless the subject has a Cyberskull,
in which case instead include any Body dice from
Integrity Enhancement). However, for each point of
Overdamage above the character's normal death
threshold, add a +1 to the TN for rolls against
Permanent Injury from Deadly Damage (SR3 pg
2. If rolling for Permanent Injury from Deadly Damage,
no successes are rolled, and the roll for which
Attribute is damaged indicates:
A. Int or Will;
B. Qui, _if_ it isn't boosted by any cyberwear
or non-neural Bioware; or
C. Reaction, _if_ it isn't boosted by any
cyberwear or non-neural Bioware,
reroll the roll versus Permanent Injury. If the
second reroll gives 0 successes, treat it as
3. Anytime one of the following gets Attribute Stress:
A. Int or Will;
B. Qui, _if_ it isn't boosted by any cyberwear
or non-neural bioware; or
C. Reaction, _if_ it isn't boosted by any
cyberwear or non-neural bioware,
reduce the Stress by 1. This can reduce the Stress
to 0.
Stress Effects:
Light Stress: Hyperventilation causes more mental
effects than normal, due to too much oxygen.
Moderate Stress: No effect on Quickness or Reaction
Stress or Damage; halve (round up) the added
points of Overdamage before death.
Severe Stress: Double the base 60-minute time to heal
Stun damage, due to too much oxygen being
retained by the myoglobin.
Deadly Stress: It doesn't function.
The cost of this implant is affected by a couple of
factors. First, the main cost of this implant is from its
research & development; it is still under patent by Universal
Omnitech, which is using its alliance with Aztechnology to
suppress duplication of the viruses/etcetera involved (which
are otherwise quite cheap and easy to produce). It is thus
available on the black market for considerably less. [The
current SR Street Index and Availability rules don't appear to
really allow for this very well, unless I'm misinterpreting
them.] Second, GMs may wish to adjust the Bio Index (which is
somewhat arbitrary in realism terms) to allow for the
likelihood of Permanent Injury and Attribute Stress in their
Bio Index: .3
Cost: 20,000 or 200,000
Availability: 10/2 months or 6/8 days
Street Index: 1
Legality: Legal

Allen Smith easmith@********
Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Damion Milliken)
Subject: Cerebral Myoglobin, Take II
Date: Mon Jun 11 14:00:02 2001
Allen Smith writes:

> <Snip Cerebral Thingymejig>

Other than the fact that it's not particularly useful to shadowrunners, it
seemed quite OK.

> It is thus available on the black market for considerably less. [The
> current SR Street Index and Availability rules don't appear to really allow
> for this very well, unless I'm misinterpreting them.]

Um, I think they'd be OK. Something like this would have a high
availability (time & TN), to represent how difficult it is to actually find
on the streets (thanks to careful knowledge control by the designers and
enforcement), but a very low Street Index, so that buying it illegally would
be much cheaper than purchasing it legitimately.

> Cost: 20,000 or 200,000
> Availability: 10/2 months or 6/8 days
> Street Index: 1

Try: Cost: 200,000
Availability: 10/60 days
Street Index: 0.1

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong
Unofficial Shadowrun Guru E-mail: dam01@***
Version: 3.12
GE d- s++:-- a24 C++ US++>+++ P+ L++>+++ E- W+>++ N++ o@ K- w+(--) O-@
M-- V- PS+ PE(-) Y+>++ PGP-@>++ t+ 5 X++>+++ R+(++) !tv(--) b+ DI+++@
D G+ e++>++++$ h(*) r++ y-(--)
Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Allen Smith)
Subject: Cerebral Myoglobin, Take II
Date: Tue Jun 12 17:30:01 2001
On Jun 11, 2:12pm, Damion Milliken wrote:
> Allen Smith writes:
> > <Snip Cerebral Thingymejig>
> Other than the fact that it's not particularly useful to shadowrunners, it
> seemed quite OK.

Depends on the lethality of the campaign, and (especially for
deckers/mages/etcetera) the frequency of Permanent Injury & Attribute

> > It is thus available on the black market for considerably
> > less. [The current SR Street Index and Availability rules don't
> > appear to really allow for this very well, unless I'm
> > misinterpreting them.]
> Um, I think they'd be OK. Something like this would have a high
> availability (time & TN), to represent how difficult it is to actually find
> on the streets (thanks to careful knowledge control by the designers and
> enforcement), but a very low Street Index, so that buying it illegally would
> be much cheaper than purchasing it legitimately.

I've actually revised the cost et al, but I am still unclear on the
interactions between Street Index and Availability. If somebody's
purchasing an item legally - without the Street Index multiplier - are
they subject to Availability?



Allen Smith easmith@********
Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Damion Milliken)
Subject: Cerebral Myoglobin, Take II
Date: Wed Jun 13 02:55:01 2001
Allen Smith writes:

> I've actually revised the cost et al, but I am still unclear on the
> interactions between Street Index and Availability. If somebody's
> purchasing an item legally - without the Street Index multiplier - are
> they subject to Availability?

No. The Availability, as per the definition at the start of the Gear
section in SR3, is a measure of the difficulty/ease of finding the item on
the street. If you were purchasing a missile launcher legally, you'd
contact the manufacturer, or a licenced reseller, and they'd let you know
what the lead time for 4,000 items of anti-vehicular smart missiles and 400
launch tubes was. If you were looking for one on the sly to blow up your
pesky neighbour's lear jet that he keeps landing in his oversized back yard,
then that's a different matter :-).

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong
Unofficial Shadowrun Guru E-mail: dam01@***
Version: 3.12
GE d- s++:-- a24 C++ US++>+++ P+ L++>+++ E- W+>++ N++ o@ K- w+(--) O-@
M-- V- PS+ PE(-) Y+>++ PGP-@>++ t+ 5 X++>+++ R+(++) !tv(--) b+ DI+++@
D G+ e++>++++$ h(*) r++ y-(--)
Message no. 5
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Gurth)
Subject: Cerebral Myoglobin, Take II
Date: Wed Jun 13 06:30:14 2001
According to Allen Smith, on Tue, 12 Jun 2001 the word on the street was...

> I've actually revised the cost et al, but I am still unclear on the
> interactions between Street Index and Availability. If somebody's
> purchasing an item legally - without the Street Index multiplier - are
> they subject to Availability?

I'd say they are, else the high availability of some legal items doesn't
make sense. Say, a simrig -- 8/2 weeks, but legal. If availability wouldn't
apply to it being purchased legally, then why would it take a black-market
dealer two weeks to get for you? After all, he could just walk into a store
and buy it there whenever he's got a spare afternoon.

IMHO, in case of an item bought legally, the availability represents going
to a bunch of stores searching for it, asking a store to order it, or
placing a mail order and waiting for that to arrive.

Gurth@******.nl -
Conformity is our tragedy
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+@ UL P L++ E W-(++) N o? K w+(--) O V?
PS+ PE(-)(+) Y PGP- t@ 5++ X(+) R+++(-)>$ tv+ b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Cerebral Myoglobin, Take II, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.