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Message no. 1
From: The Reverend <MDB0213@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Chocolate sugar coated frosted munchkins (Nerps for short)
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1993 13:06:56 -0500
][.Violently Munchkinous treacle deleted for the protection of the innocent.]
I call censorship! In the spirit of "the end of gridlock", and since Billary
(which is in poor taste... the female's name should come first... thereby
making it Hillbilly;) and Congress have debated reenacting the Fairness
Doctrine, I feel it only fair to recommend that the same be allowed here.
Munchkind should have the same opportunity to express their views as those
abhorrent players-who-abide-by-the-rules. So there. :-b

]Carpe Cyprinum!
Careful, Doom, or you'll wear that carp out. Then where'll you be? Up a
creek without a carp. :-(

]Power Gaming thoughts) we demonstrated the inoperative nature of this
]proposal. Speak no more on't.
Oh, I admit that it does have its problems (like the cost, for one), but I
still think it COULD be done. With a willing GM. And plenty of willing
players. On a full moon. And extra character sheets. And fake noses.
(I feel like a monty python skit... *squeeze*)

]Not everything is possible, yet many things are? You are back-peddling with
]marked rapidity, mein Freund.
In the words of Bill the Cat: 'Ppppthpt.' I decided, (in your words) to append
my dissemination such that my hindparts would be heretofore prevented from
having motion applied to them by leather-soled apparel. To make use of a
popular radio-show host's colloquialism, "I am demonstrating absurdity by being
absurd". Or just covering my ass. You be the judge.

]interpret that not to give you license to SCREW said rules, or I (Flare and
]Maze) shall accordingly arm ourselves with carps and merrily THWAP thee into
]tiny bits (in Thy mercy)...
Hmmm... the Troll Carp Squad, mayhaps? It is a possibility, I admit.
TiCS and TICs. It could work.....

>Power gamer, probably, occasionally rules-lawyer, and part-time loonie, I am...
] well as conciever of ideas that are generally so deplorable that they are
]summarily sentanced to be shot at dawn (to paraphrase our other associate,
Yup... better I pull them up now than have someone with less moral fiber
attempt to use such ideas against us later. And the only times I have used
these ideas has been whilst engaged in warfare with previous GMs. How else do
you play with a GM who allows humans to carry around Panther Assault Cannons as
handguns? When screwed, screw back.

]However, if
]you wish this to indicate you are called forth by the multitudes of munchkinous
]masses to seek the loopholes, then gladly puth forth your ideas...
If I had the time, I might be inclined to dispatch a post summarizing the
screws and loopholes that I had come up with for SR1. (Maybe do SR2 one of
these days). However, these would be tempered with the knowledge that certain
things which might be looked upon by others as screws have been mentioned to
the DLoH, who has tacitly concurred with them. Not all, but some.

Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't fall asleep on the thesaurus again. I think that
there MIGHT be something to learning by osmosis after all...

The Reverend "They called me the Reverend when I entered the church unstained"
Fear the Information Revolution...for it has reached the hands of the strange.
PGP 2.2 Public Key Block available upon request

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Chocolate sugar coated frosted munchkins (Nerps for short), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.