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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: One Ronin <ronin@*******.COM>
Subject: Corrections.....(was:Re: Lasers and Ronin's combat corner)
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 07:40:58 PST
Wow. I don't think I've ever had so many people at once point out how
wrong I am. That's all cool. It keeps me from making the same mistake
twice. Anyway, I consulted a physics grur friend of mine (something I
apparently should have done BEFORE making my post), and pointed out many
of the same things that you guys have.

I'll agree that the laser itself might not be that visible, especially
if the beam is as tight as it's supposed to be. However, I would tend
to think that a laser as powerful as the ones presented in Shadowrun
would probably ionize the air along the path of the beam. While this
might only last for an instant, it's sure to show up on thermo, if not
passive night as well. This is up to the GM, though. It's all in how
you want to handle it.

Another thing about punching through barriers. Let's suspend a little
bit of physics for a sec and look at raw game mechanics. If a laser has
a power of 15 and is only resisted by 1/2 impact, don't you think that
it's powerful enough to burn through something pretty thick with just
one pulse? If not, then how could it punch through armor so well? I
kinda see barrier rating being represented the same as impact armor. If
the laser can burn through an impact 4 security vest, then is should
treat a wall with a barrier rating of 4 the same way. Once again, this
is a GM call. YMMV.

All in all, I'm glad to see you guys actually reading my stuff.
Although, I guess I should have stayed away from a device I know so
little about. Too much sci-fi, not enough physics classes, I guess.
Next time, I'll talk about something I have more working knowledge
about: Silencers.

Thanks for the input.....and thanks for not hurling any carps my way.
Thus far, I have narrowly avoided being THWAPED, I just hope it stays
that way.


Mai mentsu konna mai kikyo.

ICQ #:11373195

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Message no. 2
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Corrections.....(was:Re: Lasers and Ronin's combat corner)
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 08:49:16 -0700
For the mere cost of a Thaum, One Ronin wrote:
/ of the same things that you guys have.
/ I'll agree that the laser itself might not be that visible, especially
/ if the beam is as tight as it's supposed to be. However, I would tend
/ to think that a laser as powerful as the ones presented in Shadowrun
/ would probably ionize the air along the path of the beam. While this
/ might only last for an instant, it's sure to show up on thermo, if not
/ passive night as well. This is up to the GM, though. It's all in how
/ you want to handle it.
/ Another thing about punching through barriers. Let's suspend a little
/ bit of physics for a sec and look at raw game mechanics. If a laser has
/ a power of 15 and is only resisted by 1/2 impact, don't you think that
/ it's powerful enough to burn through something pretty thick with just
/ one pulse? If not, then how could it punch through armor so well? I
/ kinda see barrier rating being represented the same as impact armor. If
/ the laser can burn through an impact 4 security vest, then is should
/ treat a wall with a barrier rating of 4 the same way. Once again, this
/ is a GM call. YMMV.
/ All in all, I'm glad to see you guys actually reading my stuff.
/ Although, I guess I should have stayed away from a device I know so
/ little about. Too much sci-fi, not enough physics classes, I guess.
/ Next time, I'll talk about something I have more working knowledge
/ about: Silencers.
/ Thanks for the input.....and thanks for not hurling any carps my way.
/ Thus far, I have narrowly avoided being THWAPED, I just hope it stays
/ that way.
/ -Ronin
/ Mai mentsu konna mai kikyo.
/ ICQ #:11373195
/ ______________________________________________________
/ Get Your Private, Free Email at

-David B.
"Earn what you have been given."
email: dbuehrer@******
Message no. 3
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Corrections.....(was:Re: Lasers and Ronin's combat corner)
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 08:56:40 -0700
For the mere cost of a Thaum, David Buehrer wrote:
/ For the mere cost of a Thaum, One Ronin wrote:
/ /
/ / of the same things that you guys have.
/ /
/ / I'll agree that the laser itself might not be that visible, especially
/ / if the beam is as tight as it's supposed to be. However, I would tend

Damn, sorry bout that. I was thinking of responding, changed my mind,
and hit the wrong key. Please thwap me privately.

-David B.
"Earn what you have been given."
email: dbuehrer@******
Message no. 4
From: Hatchetman <hatchet@*********.BC.CA>
Subject: Re: Corrections.....(was:Re: Lasers and Ronin's combat corner)
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 17:14:40 -0800
> I'll agree that the laser itself might not be that visible, especially
> if the beam is as tight as it's supposed to be. However, I would tend
> to think that a laser as powerful as the ones presented in Shadowrun
> would probably ionize the air along the path of the beam. While this
> might only last for an instant, it's sure to show up on thermo, if not
> passive night as well. This is up to the GM, though. It's all in how
> you want to handle it.

Also, even if the flare is brief, it's like looking at any bright light and
imprints on your retina (if you still have your real ones left) and you'll
see the after-image for a few seconds.

> All in all, I'm glad to see you guys actually reading my stuff.
> Although, I guess I should have stayed away from a device I know so
> little about. Too much sci-fi, not enough physics classes, I guess.
> Next time, I'll talk about something I have more working knowledge
> about: Silencers.

Oh goody, silencers. Hey, never been to physics either. I just know all
kinds of stuff with no practical use. Like my endless array of gun
Message no. 5
From: Paul Gettle <RunnerPaul@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: Corrections.....(was:Re: Lasers and Ronin's combat corner)
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 22:09:14 -0500

At 05:14 PM 11/11/98 -0800, Hatchetman wrote:
>Also, even if the flare is brief, it's like looking at any bright
light and
>imprints on your retina (if you still have your real ones left) and
>see the after-image for a few seconds.

However, locating a laser sniper's firing position from retinal
imprinting is going to be difficult at best. You will have an
afterimage of the beam superimposed on your field of view, but if your
viewing angle should change at all (body movements, head movements,
eye movements, even tiny ones), the afterimage will remain
superimposed over the exact same portion of your field of view.

Say two Sec-Guards are on patrol, and one gets geeked by a laser
sniper. From the afterimage the surviving guard has imprinted on his
retina, the shot came from above and to his left. However, no matter
what direction the guard looks, north, south, east or west, the beam's
afterimage still apears to come from above and to the left. This is
because that's the part of the guard's retinas that corrispond to the
"above and to the left" field of view, was the part dazzled by the

Someone trying to locate the firing position from a laser's afterimage
would have to keep their gaze fixed upon the exact point they were
looking at at the time of firing to be able to get an accurate
direction fix. This would be especially tricky if the beam dazzle
crosses the peripheral of their field of view, since the natural
instinct would be to look in that direction.

Difficult at best, and I'd say only general direction fixes are
possible by this method. (And even conventional snipers run the risk
of someone getting a general fix on where the shot was fired from...
after all, anyone can check the body for what side the entry wound is

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Corrections.....(was:Re: Lasers and Ronin's combat corner), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.