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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "James W. Thomas" <cm5323@***.AC.UK>
Subject: crime in a cashless world
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 12:30:45 +0000
SR is cashless. all money is electronic.
this is great for all legitamate work, good for banks,
businesses, good for everything except CRIME.
You can't do ANYTHING on a credstick without 'THEM' knowing
(from ShadowRunners Dictionary)
(THEM:<noun>the Powers that be; whoever is after you; The Law;
The police; Whoever or Whatever secretly runs the world;
The Multinational Corporations; The Banks; 50' giant mutant
ants that live under Arizona (archaic)]

Any certified stic's that carry electronic cash arn't much good,
as they have to be taken out of a bank and the money fed back in
to be any use. So'THEY'(see'THEM'above) can still track the
money. [you thought that cert' stick DIDN'T have ID numbers and
the date/location issued coded on them? poor you]

The only way to get 'clean' money is a REALLY GOOD fence/fixer/
dealer/decker. UNTIL NOW

Goods Pooling
(for PC's and NPC's alike.all you need is a good rep, lots of
free capital and a computer)
You set up by buying/trading goods or services and listing them
on the computer (OFFLINE) with values you set.

Then you can 'Buy' stuff off peaple by valuing the item they
want to sell, and giving them that value in goods off the list.
then you put the stuff you bought onto the list at a mark up.

People can buy from the list by offering goods/services that you
value and then taking stuff they want off the list to the value
of the goods/services

Its simple moderated BARTER. and its completely CASH FREE! no
traces of incriminating credit transfer.

You can buy/sell anything that people value on the list:
Guns, ammo, cars, real estate, jewelery, grocery
vouchers, drugs, software,hardporn,clothes, clean cash (@* markup)
,new SINS, false papers, hits, lifestyles, services (from sex to
car washing, anything goes).magic items, focus's, elementals,
fetishes, planes, explosives, stereo equipment, ANYTHING
legal, illegal and 'HOT' items all listed

And the bigger the list is, the more stuff on it, the more
likely you are to find something you want.Or you can just let
the list owner owe you, just like a bank.

And Big lists can send updates to customers worldwide, so you
may just find someone who wants that expensive stolen jewelery.

sorry for the post lenght, my heads Buzzing.
Message no. 2
From: Doctor Doom <jch8169@*******.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Re: crime in a cashless world
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 08:47:02 -0600
Von Herrn Thomas:

> SR is cashless. all money is electronic.
> this is great for all legitamate work, good for banks,
> businesses, good for everything except CRIME.
> You can't do ANYTHING on a credstick without 'THEM' knowing
> (from ShadowRunners Dictionary)

Not true. As per the Dark Lord on High, one may still find cash in coin
and bill form in circulation, such as the UCAS dollar. There is also
corporate script -- though I rather expect very few runners would be
terribly eager, much less opt for this medium for their financial
compensation following a mission. However, despite various fallacious
references in the books, e.g. "Into the Shadows," the ubiquitous NuYen
does /not/ have a physical form.

Colonel Count von Hohenzollern und von Doom, DMSc, DSc, PhD.

Doom Technologies & Weapon Systems -- Dark Thought Publications
>>> Working on solutions best left in the dark.
[ Doctor Doom : jch8169@******* ]
Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul
Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
-- The Dark Lord Sauron, Inscription of the One Ring
Message no. 3
From: Todd Dresser <tcd@******.DIGEX.NET>
Subject: Re: crime in a cashless world
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 10:49:18 -0500
On Wed, 16 Nov 1994, James W. Thomas wrote:

> SR is cashless. all money is electronic.
> this is great for all legitamate work, good for banks,
> businesses, good for everything except CRIME.
> You can't do ANYTHING on a credstick without 'THEM' knowing
> (from ShadowRunners Dictionary)
> (THEM:<noun>the Powers that be; whoever is after you; The Law;
> The police; Whoever or Whatever secretly runs the world;
> The Multinational Corporations; The Banks; 50' giant mutant
> ants that live under Arizona (archaic)]

There is still some cash/bearer bond used in the SR world.
It is just used by the Multi-national Corps to do BIG business.
Very little does that trickle down thing.

> Any certified stic's that carry electronic cash arn't much good,
> as they have to be taken out of a bank and the money fed back in
> to be any use. So'THEY'(see'THEM'above) can still track the
> money. [you thought that cert' stick DIDN'T have ID numbers and
> the date/location issued coded on them? poor you]

I'm not sure which book, but it mentions cred being transferable by
anyone, by just sloting in a personal comp.

> The only way to get 'clean' money is a REALLY GOOD fence/fixer/
> dealer/decker. UNTIL NOW

Alway leave home with "clean" money. You may get hit by a car.

(couldn't reseist)

> Goods Pooling
> (for PC's and NPC's alike.all you need is a good rep, lots of
> free capital and a computer)
> You set up by buying/trading goods or services and listing them
> on the computer (OFFLINE) with values you set.
> Then you can 'Buy' stuff off peaple by valuing the item they
> want to sell, and giving them that value in goods off the list.
> then you put the stuff you bought onto the list at a mark up.
> People can buy from the list by offering goods/services that you
> value and then taking stuff they want off the list to the value
> of the goods/services

You have just become a fixer. Congradulations!!!

> Its simple moderated BARTER. and its completely CASH FREE! no
> traces of incriminating credit transfer.
> You can buy/sell anything that people value on the list:
> Guns, ammo, cars, real estate, jewelery, grocery
> vouchers, drugs, software,hardporn,clothes, clean cash (@* markup)
> ,new SINS, false papers, hits, lifestyles, services (from sex to
> car washing, anything goes).magic items, focus's, elementals,
> fetishes, planes, explosives, stereo equipment, ANYTHING
> legal, illegal and 'HOT' items all listed
> And the bigger the list is, the more stuff on it, the more
> likely you are to find something you want.Or you can just let
> the list owner owe you, just like a bank.
> And Big lists can send updates to customers worldwide, so you
> may just find someone who wants that expensive stolen jewelery.
> sorry for the post lenght, my heads Buzzing.
The use of this barter list, requires you to be some where to get hold of
and to have a place to put "stuff" (most likely stuff someone wants back).
It seems to me that you have stopped "running" in the shadows and have
become an NPC.

Message no. 4
From: Erik S Jameson <esj@***.UUG.ARIZONA.EDU>
Subject: Re: crime in a cashless world
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 12:20:05 -0700
Uh, we discussed this sort of thing about a week and a half ago. SR is
NOT cashless. Never has been. Every government issues some sort of
paper currency (UCAS dollars for example) and all of the Big 8 corps
issue their own corporate scrip. This paper money probably is the
currency for most illegal transactions, otherwise certified credsticks
will do.

Now if you still want to run your own little Shadowrunners Market and
barter, then fine, it's your game. But SR is NOT cashless...

Erik, a.k.a. the Whistler
Message no. 5
From: Matt Hufstetler <gt2778a@*****.GATECH.EDU>
Subject: Re: crime in a cashless world
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 16:17:38 -0500
> The only way to get 'clean' money is a REALLY GOOD fence/fixer/
> dealer/decker. UNTIL NOW
> Goods Pooling
> (for PC's and NPC's alike.all you need is a good rep, lots of
> free capital and a computer)
> You set up by buying/trading goods or services and listing them
> on the computer (OFFLINE) with values you set.
> And the bigger the list is, the more stuff on it, the more
> likely you are to find something you want.Or you can just let
> the list owner owe you, just like a bank.
> And Big lists can send updates to customers worldwide, so you
> may just find someone who wants that expensive stolen jewelery.

Sounds like he wants to impersonate a really good fixer to me.
Matt H.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about crime in a cashless world, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.