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Message no. 1
From: Max Rible <cheshire@*****.com>
Subject: Re: Dead Air, Dead Dunkelzahn...
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 15:06:59 -0800
At 14:28 9/19/96 -0700, Jak Koke wrote:
>I was just wondering if anyone had a chance to pick up and read my book,
>Dead Air. It's my first published novel, though the second I've written for
>FASA. The first is an Earthdawn book called Liferock which will hopefully be
>out next year.

It's one of the better Shadowrun novels I've read; it provides
a reasonable coverage of the world of Shadowrun with real shadowrunners
as main characters (as opposed to decadent aristocrats getting involved
in situations completely beyond their control or a detective who
needs to hire shadowrunners whenever he gets in trouble) getting in real
trouble the way shadowrunners can with believable corporate types on
the other end. No immortal elves involved in grandiose schemes, no
cosmic menaces lurking off in the background, just a nice healthy
paranoid shadowrunning adventure. (It even leaves Hans Brackhaus just
as mysterious as before.) Good stuff; if I were lending Shadowrun
fiction to someone to introduce them to the milieu, I'd probably
start with Dead Air.

>Anyhow, I welcome any feedback. Especially, since I'm working on a trilogy
>now which delves into the assassination of Dunkelzahn and some of the
>characters and plots surrounding the fallout. Obviously, the trilogy (which
>is called The Dragon Heart Saga) is unrelated to Dead Air, except they share
>the Shadowrun universe, but I think feedback is still valuable.

Will there be any more evidence one way or the other as to whether Dunkelzahn's
dead or whether it was faked? (Between the facts that he was assassinated
in front of the JFK building, that he left the note about JFK in his will,
and has been deified about as quickly as JFK, I'm personally 95% sure that
Dunkelzahn faked his assassination and is now off working on his own agenda
while his VP gets to operate with a mandate like the one LBJ had when JFK
was killed. "Dunkelzahn would have wanted it that way" will probably shove
a *lot* of legislation through the UCAS congress and sway a lot of popular

(Of course, he may have to come back as someone different, Dunkelzahn having
been killed. Perhaps he's currently off somewhere getting draconic cosmetic
surgery... and, of course, he may need to build up a completely new power
base for verisimilitude...)
%%% Max Rible %%% cheshire@*****.com %%% %%%
%%% "Before enlightenment: sharpen claws, catch mice. %%%
%%% After enlightenment: sharpen claws, catch mice." - me %%%
Message no. 2
From: Jak Koke <jkoke@****.edu>
Subject: Re: Dead Air, Dead Dunkelzahn
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 20:48:56 -0700
>It's one of the better Shadowrun novels I've read;

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

>Will there be any more evidence one way or the other as to whether Dunkelzahn's
>dead or whether it was faked?

In short, yes.

I can't elaborate too much without giving away secrets, but I can tell you a
little bit about the characters. Stranger Souls (which is Book One) begins
the day of the assassination, which occurs in Chapter Two, described from
Nadja Daviar's point of view. The main character in the trilogy is Ryan
Mercury, a human physical adept who is a mission impossible solo operator
type. He's Dunkelzahn's main undercover agent, and he's deep inside Aztlan
at the beginning of the book.

Other characters of note include Burnout, a cyberzombie assassin. Damien
Knight. Thomas Roxborough. Jane-in-the-box, Dunkelzahn's decker. A team
of shadowrunners called Assets, Incorporated. I could go on, but I don't
want to give away too much.

As is to be expected, the Dragon Heart Saga plot is more over-arching and
universe changing than what I wrote in Dead Air. There's lots of
shadowrunning, but also a few power players as well. I'm in the middle of
writing Clockwork Asylum right now and I can't wait to see what you all
think. It'll be next May or June, I think, before Stranger Souls comes out.


Jak Koke jkoke@****.edu
Message no. 3
From: Jamie Houston <s430472@*******>
Subject: Re: Dead Air, Dead Dunkelzahn
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 14:26:40 +1000 (EST)
On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, Jak Koke wrote:
> In short, yes.
> I can't elaborate too much without giving away secrets, but I can tell you a
> little bit about the characters. Stranger Souls (which is Book One) begins
> the day of the assassination, which occurs in Chapter Two, described from
> Nadja Daviar's point of view. The main character in the trilogy is Ryan
> Mercury, a human physical adept who is a mission impossible solo operator
> type. He's Dunkelzahn's main undercover agent, and he's deep inside Aztlan
> at the beginning of the book.
> Other characters of note include Burnout, a cyberzombie assassin. Damien
> Knight. Thomas Roxborough. Jane-in-the-box, Dunkelzahn's decker. A team
> of shadowrunners called Assets, Incorporated. I could go on, but I don't
> want to give away too much.
> As is to be expected, the Dragon Heart Saga plot is more over-arching and
> universe changing than what I wrote in Dead Air. There's lots of
> shadowrunning, but also a few power players as well. I'm in the middle of
> writing Clockwork Asylum right now and I can't wait to see what you all
> think. It'll be next May or June, I think, before Stranger Souls comes out.
> <sigh>
> Best,
> --Jak

This sounds really cool...I haven't read any SR novels yet, but I think
you've just made me want to start...think I'll get my hands on a copy of
Dead Air...:)


Jamie Houston * "If a kid asks why it's raining,
aka Bollox, Hamish,(and * a cute thing to tell him is "God is
lots of other unmentionable * crying"...And if he asks why God is
pseudonyms) * crying, another cute thing to tell
s430472@***** * him is "It's probably something
Griffith Uni * you did!"
Message no. 4
From: Joker <s1057948@*******>
Subject: Re: Dead Air, Dead Dunkelzahn
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 14:34:33 +1000 (EST)
On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, Jak Koke wrote:

> >It's one of the better Shadowrun novels I've read;
> Other characters of note include Burnout, a cyberzombie assassin. Damien
> Knight. Thomas Roxborough. Jane-in-the-box, Dunkelzahn's decker. A team
> of shadowrunners called Assets, Incorporated. I could go on, but I don't
> want to give away too much.
> --Jak

Damn. Now I'm going to be thinking of nothing else except READING THIS
NOVEL....Oh well Good things come to those that Wait.

Sounds Great Jak. :)

If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go,
because, man, they're gone.
The Joker,
Craig Chatfield. Email : s1057948@*****

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.
And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never
expect it.
Message no. 5
From: Joker <s1057948@*******>
Subject: Re: Dead Air, Dead Dunkelzahn
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 14:34:33 +1000 (EST)
On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, Jak Koke wrote:

> >It's one of the better Shadowrun novels I've read;
> Other characters of note include Burnout, a cyberzombie assassin. Damien
> Knight. Thomas Roxborough. Jane-in-the-box, Dunkelzahn's decker. A team
> of shadowrunners called Assets, Incorporated. I could go on, but I don't
> want to give away too much.
> --Jak

Damn. Now I'm going to be thinking of nothing else except READING THIS
NOVEL....Oh well Good things come to those that Wait.

Sounds Great Jak. :)

If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go,
because, man, they're gone.
The Joker,
Craig Chatfield. Email : s1057948@*****

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.
And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never
expect it.
Message no. 6
From: Max Rible <cheshire@*****.com>
Subject: Re: Dead Air, Dead Dunkelzahn
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 00:00:34 -0800
At 20:48 9/19/96 -0700, Jak Koke wrote:
>>Will there be any more evidence one way or the other as to whether Dunkelzahn's
>>dead or whether it was faked?

>In short, yes.

>I can't elaborate too much without giving away secrets, but I can tell you a
>little bit about the characters.

> I could go on, but I don't
>want to give away too much.

Thanks. It's good to know there'll be a follow up on those issues. Be sure
to write us all as soon as it comes out-- enquiring conspiracy theorists want
to know! :-)
%%% Max Rible %%% cheshire@*****.com %%% %%%
%%% "Before enlightenment: sharpen claws, catch mice. %%%
%%% After enlightenment: sharpen claws, catch mice." - me %%%

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Dead Air, Dead Dunkelzahn, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.