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Message no. 1
From: Hobbes Patrol Headquarters <TYGER@****.WINONA.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Dealing with munchkins, 101
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1993 19:39:07 -0500
Nightstalker writes :
(In refrence to my having an initiate knock on the door of a wannabee
initiate group)


>Yes munchkins can be problems, but I find your approach to be a bit heavy

Yeah, it is. But his is the same bunch that came up with the cyber-mage
decker. He took (quality?) time to SHOW me that with an essense of .02 and
a Body Index of .3 he could STILL have a magic rating of +7. (This from
various foci, his pet ally, and other doo-dads.) I'm not the magic-guru
around here, so don't ask me to quote from his character sheet.

We got him though. The song quote "Death is dark, and hell is deep, and
the devil takes care of his own." comes to mind... Ahh, I love going off


!Nikki was a loser. A street kid, left to fend for himself at a young age.
!He was independent, and unpredictable, but harmless. Except now !
!he had a philosophy, and that made him dangerous. !
! -From "Operation LIVEcrime" !
! Queensryche
Message no. 2
From: Galen Silversmith <galens@***.GWU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Dealing with munchkins, 101
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1993 22:42:15 -0400
On Wed, 30 Jun 1993, Hobbes Patrol Headquarters wrote:
> Yeah, it is. But his is the same bunch that came up with the cyber-mage
> decker. He took (quality?) time to SHOW me that with an essense of .02 and
> a Body Index of .3 he could STILL have a magic rating of +7. (This from
> various foci, his pet ally, and other doo-dads.) I'm not the magic-guru
> around here, so don't ask me to quote from his character sheet.

Well, I have a personal rule as a GM when things like this happen. As
soon as your natural magic rating hits zero, no more spells, period. You
can't learn 'em, you can't teach them, nada. Also, no more spirits, or
astral projection. At least until they get their essence back up (I have
a formula around here somewhere.. But it litterally takes years to get
back a single point of essence (It's based on current essence, the amount
the character is actively trying to recover, and how humane the character

It usually works, cause the only way to get a magic rating to drop from 1
is to cyber yourself, and mages know what there getting into (never had
one do that to themselves yet, though some have considered it).
Message no. 3
From: "Jason Carter, Nightstalker" <CARTER@***.EDU>
Subject: Re: Dealing with Munchkins, 101
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1993 10:18:55 -0700
>>Yeah, it is. But his is the same bunch that came up with the cyber-mage
>>decker. He took (quality?) time to SHOW me that with an essense of .02 and
>>a Body Index of .3 he could STILL have a magic rating of +7. (This from
>>various foci, his pet ally, and other doo-dads.) I'm not the magic-guru
>>around here, so don't ask me to quote from his character sheet.

Well, I'll tell you it's impossible unless the character is an initiate. If
his essense is .02, then his magic attribute would have dropped 6 points. This
will yield a Magic Attribute of 0 unless the character had initiated before
dropping below essense of 1. This can not be remedied by initiation after the
fact since the moment a character's magic attribute drops to 0 they are from
then an onward forever a mundane.

Let your munchkin chew on that for awhile.

See Ya in Shadow,
Jason J Carter
The Nightstalker
Message no. 4
From: Hobbes Patrol Headquarters <TYGER@****.WINONA.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Dealing with Munchkins, 101
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1993 16:30:19 -0500
>>Yeah, it is. But his is the same bunch that came up with the cyber-mage
>>decker. He took (quality?) time to SHOW me that with an essense of .02 and
>>a Body Index of .3 he could STILL have a magic rating of +7. (This from
>>various foci, his pet ally, and other doo-dads.) I'm not the magic-guru
>>around here, so don't ask me to quote from his character sheet.

<<Well, I'll tell you it's impossible unless the character is an initiate. If
<his essense is .02, then his magic attribute would have dropped 6 points. This
<<will yield a Magic Attribute of 0 unless the character had initiated before
<<dropping below essense of 1. This can not be remedied by initiation after the
<<fact since the moment a character's magic attribute drops to 0 they are from
<<then an onward forever a mundane.

<<Let your munchkin chew on that for awhile.

<<See Ya in Shadow,
<<Jason J Carter
<<The Nightstalker

Actually, I wrestled the sheet off of his clipboard last night, and went
over it with a fine toothed comb. (Mind you, I tend to glance over the
sheet once and say "It's cool", so this took them off guard.) I noticed
quite a few discrepancies. Like the fact he had Level 2 orthoshin *AND*
dermal plating, Boosted Reflexes *AND* synaptic accelerators ("But it's
onbly a level one!") on top of a 'boosted reflexes 2' spell, and other

I burned his sheet.

He now wants to bring in a 'cyber-mage troll' with a bull body borg
conversion and a 'pop-up' Vindicator. (sigh.) Some people just don't


!Nikki was a loser. A street kid, left to fend for himself at a young age.
!He was independent, and unpredictable, but harmless. Except now !
!he had a philosophy, and that made him dangerous. !
! -From "Operation LIVEcrime" !
! Queensryche

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Dealing with munchkins, 101, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.