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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Sebastian Wiers <seb@***.RIPCO.COM>
Subject: Re: Depreciation of equipment/cyber
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 17:01:36 -0500
Regarding the not a body parts, but selling cyber gear thread;
Don't gripe- I think you lucked out. First off, that pizza had at least some
of his cyber custom, given the list. Something was up to cram that much cyber
into anyone. (I should know- mongoose has w3, Smartlink, and
skillwires/softlink- I can not get a datajack without finding a very good
surgion and removing some equipment.)
Custom cyber is hard to sell- well, maybe easy to sell to a research
institution, maybe not, but difficult to install in another customer. Check
the rules; not just anyone can implant that stuff, and the clinics that can
chage a ton of yen above and beyond the equipment cost.
That said, the eqipment was also used (duh, obviously). So, its asking
price is 50% (You can buy used cyber. Don't.). So, you were getting your share
of 30% of 50% of the new price, if not less.
I know this because I sold a cyber arm once, through a reliable contact, and
got 8000Y. See, I got 1/2 of 30% of 50% of Y100,000. My Gm might have
negotiated me down some, but I had checked the arm and it had no other
equipment, so I just figure the doc kept 1/2 to cover overhead, which is fine
by me.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Depreciation of equipment/cyber, you may also be interested in:


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