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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Robert Nesius <nesius@******.COM>
Subject: Dwarves/Orcs (was: Re: [SR3] General Format)
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 23:21:11 -0700
At 04:06 -0000 8/11/98, MC23 wrote:
>Once upon a time, Mongoose wrote;
>> Metas are either C (troll / elf) or D (orc / dwarf), as Bull said.
>>get a running mod of 3 and no willpower penalty, dwarves have no quickness
> Reducing the priority because nobody plays the is the most
>mechanically unsound thing I've heard.

No kidding? I see lots of Orks and Dwarves in the games I've
played over the years. If people aren't playing them because of
a perceived, or even actual, inequity in attribute adjustments
at creation, well, fooey on them. :)

Was the priority reduction /really/ to make them more attractive
than other metahumans at chargen? Can anyone confirm that remark?


Robert Nesius | Forget that polygon/second crap. Angband beats all
nesius@******.com | "next-gen" games, and does so w/ ASCII characters.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Dwarves/Orcs (was: Re: [SR3] General Format), you may also be interested in:


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