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Message no. 1
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: "Everyone's a Munchkin," says Jared.
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 02:38:37 -0400
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

begin : quote
If you think about it, RPGers are all munchkins. You're sitting there, in
your game, surrounded by bad guys, and you try coming up with the most
inventive solutions you can to survive and triumph.

And thus, we're all quasi-munchkins, trying to swing the rules and
situations our ways to come out alive and on top.
[Whose name is, I hope, Jared. If it's not, this won't make as much sense.]
end : quote

Ahh, I don't know if I agree with that. I don't always try to sit and think of the
cleverest thing to do given a circumstance. In fact, sometimes I do things that are
downright stupid. The key question is [for me, with my group] what would my character do?
That's what my GM [creepy little Marine he is] gives out the Karma for.

I've said enough times that my fellow players are sick of hearing it, "The true
definition of a roleplayer is when the player has the character do something that the
player knows is a bad idea," by which I mean REALLY BAD, injurious, and such,
"and he does it anyway." Isn't that what we're in this for? Otherwise, it'd just
be a bunch of people sitting around making the cleverest, most powerful characters they
can, who the players hope can get out of any situation they're put in with a modicum of
effort and actually get rewarded for it.

Oh, wait. That's what Jared's saying.

Well, you should come to our place. [Hope you own a car and like to travel. :) ] It's not
like that here. Well, sometimes it is, but those are the munchkins, and we have ways of
dealing with them. [Turn their characters into cyber-slugs and make them go home. Don't
laugh; it happened.]

I hope not everyone's a munchkin in this way; we've lost a lot of group members, and I
hope to find new ones that aren't like that.

I should note, [please don't hurt me, GridSec!] that I don't intend this as a personal
attack on Jared. [Please don't hurt me, Jared!] I just don't see it from where I'm

[Oh, and I hope the HTML doesn't screw things up, oh listmasters. But I had to find out if
it worked sooner or later...]

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
<META content="MSHTML 5.00.2614.3401" name=GENERATOR>
<DIV><FONT size=2><STRONG>begin :
<DIV><FONT size=2>If you think about it, RPGers are all munchkins. You're

sitting there, in<BR>your game, surrounded by bad guys, and you try coming up
with the most<BR>inventive solutions you can to survive and
<DIV><FONT size=2>And thus, we're all quasi-munchkins, trying to swing
the rules
and<BR>situations our ways to come out alive and on top.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>--<A

name is, I hope, Jared. If it's not, this won't make as much
<DIV><FONT size=2><STRONG>end :
<DIV><FONT size=2>Ahh, I don't know if I agree with that. I don't always
try to
sit and think of the cleverest thing to do given a circumstance. In fact,
sometimes I do things that are downright stupid. The key question is [for me,
with my group] what would my character do? That's what my GM [creepy little
Marine he is] gives out the Karma for.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>I've said enough times that my fellow players are sick
hearing it, "The true definition of a roleplayer is when the player has the
character do something that the player knows is a bad idea," by which I mean
REALLY BAD, injurious, and such, "and he does it anyway." Isn't that what we're
in this for? Otherwise, it'd just be a bunch of people sitting around making the
cleverest, most powerful characters they can, who the players hope can get out
of any situation they're put in with a modicum of effort and actually get
rewarded for it.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Oh, wait. That's what Jared's
<DIV><FONT size=2>Well, you should come to our place. [Hope you own a car
like to travel. :)&nbsp;] It's not like that here. Well, sometimes it is, but
those are the munchkins, and we have ways of dealing with them. [Turn their
characters into cyber-slugs and make them go home. Don't laugh; it
<DIV><FONT size=2>I hope not everyone's a munchkin in this way; we've
lost a lot
of group members, and I hope to find new ones that aren't like
<DIV><FONT size=2>I should note, [please don't hurt me, GridSec!] that I
intend this as a personal attack on Jared. [Please don't hurt me, Jared!] I just
don't see it from where I'm standing.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>[Oh, and I hope the HTML doesn't screw things up, oh
listmasters. But I had to find out if it worked sooner or

Message no. 2
From: Arcady arcady@***.net
Subject: "Everyone's a Munchkin," says Jared.
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 01:26:24 -0700
Hopefully I've managed to convert this back to text and not HTML... But
these modern mailers sometimes refuse to listen...

>begin : quote
>If you think about it, RPGers are all munchkins. You're sitting there, in
>your game, surrounded by bad guys, and you try coming up with the most
>inventive solutions you can to survive and triumph.
>And thus, we're all quasi-munchkins, trying to swing the rules and
>situations our ways to come out alive and on top.
>end : quote
>Ahh, I don't know if I agree with that. I don't always try to sit and think
of the
>cleverest thing to do given a circumstance. In fact, sometimes I do things
that are
>downright stupid. The key question is [for me, with my group] what would my
>character do? That's what my GM [creepy little Marine he is] gives out the

The most fun I've ever had and I suspect the most fun I've ever "delivered
to the table" as a player has been when I've played characters who did
'everything wrong'. My best case of this was Cosmo Lass (in a light hearted
Champions game). She had a mind of her own and it definitely wasn't a
tactically sound one. The best games are the ones in which we as players are
allowed to not 'game' but to simply be. If I'm focused on winning, or if I
know that stupidity will lose me my role, then I lose some of my ability to
fully live that role. For I know that if I blunder in a way that that person
would the 'game' will punish me.
I hate having to make characters that 'will survive'. If I could get away
with it I'd be the 'Real Loony' on that list of player types. But I get to
love my roles too much and don't want to be deprived of them. I love the
setting of Shadowrun; but I think it is a game that is built to encourage
'tactical gaming'.

Arcady <0){{{{><
The Revolution will not be televised; it'll be emailed.
/.)\ Stop making sense. Be an Anti Intellectual
\(@/ Be Tao. Live Tao. Feel Tao. But don't do Tao.
Message no. 3
From: Dvixen dvixen@****.com
Subject: "Everyone's a Munchkin," says Jared.
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 02:01:15 -0700
At 02:38 AM 15/08/99 , abortion_engine annoyed me by writing:

[snip html]

*slap* Go re-read the FAQ. (URL in .sig)

/me releases the Rabid Woodchucks and sends them after FAQ violators.

Dvixen - dvixen@****.com - ShadowRN GridSec Consultant (100¥/hr)
Of course I know where the bodies are buried! I've got the FSH!
ShadowRN FAQ -
Keeper of the Rabid Woodchuck - Blue Moon Pesterer of The DLOH
Message no. 4
From: Jyster Cap jyster007@*****.com
Subject: "Everyone's a Munchkin," says Jared.
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 17:06:40 -0700 (PDT)
--- abortion_engine <abortion_engine@*******.com> wrote:
> begin : quote
> If you think about it, RPGers are all munchkins.
> You're sitting there, in
> your game, surrounded by bad guys, and you try
> coming up with the most
> inventive solutions you can to survive and triumph.
> And thus, we're all quasi-munchkins, trying to swing
> the rules and
> situations our ways to come out alive and on top.
> --leisnj48@****
> [Whose name is, I hope, Jared. If it's not, this
> won't make as much sense.]
> end : quote
> Ahh, I don't know if I agree with that. I don't
> always try to sit and think of the cleverest thing
> to do given a circumstance. In fact, sometimes I do
> things that are downright stupid. The key question
> is [for me, with my group] what would my character
> do? That's what my GM [creepy little Marine he is]
> gives out the Karma for.
> I've said enough times that my fellow players are
> sick of hearing it, "The true definition of a
> roleplayer is when the player has the character do
> something that the player knows is a bad idea," by
> which I mean REALLY BAD, injurious, and such, "and
> he does it anyway." Isn't that what we're in this
> for? Otherwise, it'd just be a bunch of people
> sitting around making the cleverest, most powerful
> characters they can, who the players hope can get
> out of any situation they're put in with a modicum
> of effort and actually get rewarded for it.
> Oh, wait. That's what Jared's saying.
> Well, you should come to our place. [Hope you own a
> car and like to travel. :) ] It's not like that
> here. Well, sometimes it is, but those are the
> munchkins, and we have ways of dealing with them.
> [Turn their characters into cyber-slugs and make
> them go home. Don't laugh; it happened.]
> I hope not everyone's a munchkin in this way; we've
> lost a lot of group members, and I hope to find new
> ones that aren't like that.
> I should note, [please don't hurt me, GridSec!] that
> I don't intend this as a personal attack on Jared.
> [Please don't hurt me, Jared!] I just don't see it
> from where I'm standing.
> [Oh, and I hope the HTML doesn't screw things up, oh
> listmasters. But I had to find out if it worked
> sooner or later...]

Ok this isnt an attack just an opinion.

It seems in every aspect of life there are groups
of people who try to elevate themselves above the
(so called) common people by either using terms
that catorgize and then subjugate them to a lesser

A friend of mine sent me his definition of Munckin.

A munckin is someone who does not play accordingly
to your style of play.

The style of play doesnt matter unless it disrupts
the game.

Ive had friends do things to disrupt the game
and play it off as roleplaying or this is how
my character acts.

Nuff of my 2 cents. Be happy, drink lots of soda.

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Message no. 5
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: "Everyone's a Munchkin," says Jared.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 15:14:40 EDT
In a message dated 8/15/99 2:04:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, dvixen@****.com

> *slap* Go re-read the FAQ. (URL in sig)
> /me releases the Rabid Woodchucks and sends them after FAQ violators.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about "Everyone's a Munchkin," says Jared., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.