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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: 61940038%TAONODE@*****.CSUOHIO.EDU (G.F.BURKE )
Subject: Explosives...ooohhh!
Date: Mon 07 Oct 1996 13:04 ET
Court, you're does take more than a little fire to set it off.
In fact, soldiers have been known to use C4 as a heat source. We currently
have a guy who uses the stuff with a perverse love. Recently two of the other
characters met their untimely demise when they blew up. Turns out one of them
decided that they would carry the explosives, the other diecided he'd puss the
shining button. They were both punished for being stupid.
Personally, explosives lack flair. One might as well run around
evrywhere with an assualt cannon. That's another thing. I've actually had
people ignore the concealibiltity ratings on weapons. More specifically on
vechiles. Somewhere they got the impression that everyone had their car,
truck, or van hooked up with vehicle control rigs and a LMG strapped to the
top (oh and sometimes a missle launcher to boot, if you had the cred to kick
around). I told the guilty party several times that they'd be the first ones
pulled over...with some cation. Just because you carry a big gun doesn't mean
it's wise to flaunt it.
I live by this rule...if you can do can the other guy (an
effective way to tame your munchkin). Try and imagine the look on their face
when they see a hulking troll carrying an gyro-mounted LMG, with an assault
cannon strapped to his back...and a Doc Wagon Platinum bracelet on his wrist
(heh, no one ever said that the other guys can't have them).
Message no. 2
From: freak@*****.com (Brian)
Subject: Re: Explosives...ooohhh!
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 20:55:39 -0500 (EST)

oni...explosives don't lack flair...a rules abusive robot lacks flair

This is a test of the Emergency Freaking system.....

Message no. 3
From: Peter Leitch <pleitch_hpcs@*******>
Subject: Re: Explosives...ooohhh!
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 1996 18:01:08 +1000
At 13:04 7/10/96 ET, G.F.BURKE wrote:
> Personally, explosives lack flair. One might as well run around
>evrywhere with an assualt cannon.

Mr Burke [ apt name, that... :-) ], you obviously don't appreciate
the finer points of explosive demolitions, do you? It is a science,
an art in fact, to be applauded and exclaimed over, when you can
drop a ten story building with a mere 3 kilos of C12, broken up
into 250g loads, and shaped to bite a half meter hole in the
support pylons (half meter hole one side, half meter hole the
other side; result...severed pylon). Of course, you have to have
the requisite skills and good architectural knowledge, as well as
complete plans of the building. There's a complete run all by

I don't know...some people don't appreciate genius... *grin*.

Where do you want to go today? And what do I get to blow up?
- Getter (aka Kris Thunderclap)


Peter Leitch
Canberra, Australia

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Explosives...ooohhh!, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.