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Message no. 1
From: Zardon Farbane <KSREC@******.BITNET>
Subject: FASA Corp. update from GEnie
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 93 12:55:13 -0900
Greet's Chummers....

I just got this off of I thought I would pass on to
the Listserv....

-Zardon Farbane Decker/Mage


From: lunatic@******.com (Lunatic Johnathan Bruce E'Sex)
Subject: FASA Corp. update from GEnie
Message-ID: <1993Jan27.053636.26004@******.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1993 05:36:36 GMT

__)ome of you may be wondering what FASA, the corporation, has been
doing, lately. The following message was taken from the bulletin board
of the games RoundTable on GEnie. It was written by Tom Dowd of FASA.

Category 7, Topic 5
Message 191 Mon Jan 18, 1993
FASA.SUPPORT [Tom] at 12:39 EST

Hi There!

Yes, this is Tom. We do live....barely.

Here's an update on the Great FASA Adventure '92-'93.

As some of you may know we've been in preperations to move since October,
but problems with the construction in our new offices delayed that until
December. This, in and of itself has thrown us off some. All through December
we were slated to move *any minute now* which meant we were in a perpetual
state of packed with limited access to files, references, staplers, and so
on. This made doing our normal job so much of a hassle that it occupied all
of our time (funny thing about that...) which meant extra-things like GEnie
here (and our real lives) suffered. We finally moved between Christmas and
New Years into wonderful new offices that are actually offices and not
thinly disguised warehouse. We even got new equipment and a new network (my
personal problem, but be that as it may.) Anyway, things looked like we might
actually be ready to get back to business.


One week ago there was a fire on the roof of our new building and a few
hundred gallons of water washed through the offices. There was no real
equipment or resource damage, except for the new flooring, the new carpeting,
the new walls, the new doors, and so on. So guess what? We had to pack
everything back up so that the repair work could be done. Sigh.

Anyway, sometime next week the carpet should be reinstalled. The office
network modem is finally working so once Sam finds his cofee cup he'll be
around (he may have dropped in elsehwere already...and in fact I may
be repeating everything he's said. That just shows you the state of
communication at FASA these days.

Anyway, sorry for the absense.

If anyone has posted questions in the last month and a half and not gotten
a response I suggest you repost them. The board has been re-initialized for
me (don't know about Sam) and there's no way I can go back and read
everything up to the current date. Sorry folks. So please, repost.

Also, I'm going to work at getting an RTC together ASAP to answer questions
and such and drop some hints about something really cool this summer. 'Nuff


See ya again real soon!


/ -= Lunatic Johnathan Bruce E'Sex (: /
/ lunatic@******.com GEnie: LUNATIC CI$: 76170,672 /

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about FASA Corp. update from GEnie, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.