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Message no. 1
From: loneeagle@******** (Lone Eagle)
Subject: Fat Bottomed Girls
Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 13:58:27 +0100
And Neo it seems should be riding bicycles...

I've just been comparing some stuff...
In Gurth's Running Gear an All-Terrain Bike is listed, looking at the stats
it seems perfectly sensible, eminently appropriate.
However, with the right combination of ware it becomes scary.
The bike has a speed of Qx5 and an acceleration equal to the rider's Strength
Now let's take an Orc, no karma but ware to suit, add a full load of muscle
replacement and Kid Stealth legs.
The guy's bike is going to have a speed rating of 60 (quickness 10 x (5
(bike) + 1 (kid stealth legs))) and an acceleration of 12...

Anyone else fancy burning Eurocar Westwind 2000s off at the lights?

Lone Eagle
"Hold up lads, I got an idea." - Please be patient, this site is under construction

Version: 3.12
GE d++(---) s++: a->? C++(+) US++ P! L E? W++ N o? K? w+ O! M- V? PS+ PE-()
Y PGP? t+@ 5++ X- R+>+++$>* tv b+++ DI++++ D+ G++ e+ h r* y+>+++++

GCC0.2: y75>?.uk[NN] G87 S@:@@[SR] B+++ f+ RM(RR) rm++ rr++ l++(--) m- w
s+(+++) GM+++(-) A GS+(-) h++ LA+++ CG--- F c+
Message no. 2
From: maxnoel_fr@*****.fr (Max Noel)
Subject: Fat Bottomed Girls
Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 15:53:51 +0200
Lone Eagle wrote :

> And Neo it seems should be riding bicycles...
> I've just been comparing some stuff...
> In Gurth's Running Gear an All-Terrain Bike is listed, looking at the
> stats it seems perfectly sensible, eminently appropriate.
> However, with the right combination of ware it becomes scary.
> The bike has a speed of Qx5 and an acceleration equal to the rider's
> Strength
> Now let's take an Orc, no karma but ware to suit, add a full load of
> muscle replacement and Kid Stealth legs.
> The guy's bike is going to have a speed rating of 60 (quickness 10 x
> (5 (bike) + 1 (kid stealth legs))) and an acceleration of 12...
> Anyone else fancy burning Eurocar Westwind 2000s off at the lights?

I'm not so sure of this... If there's a rigger behind the wheel, the
Westwind will toast your ork... :)
One day I was playing with probabilities in the Shadowrun system, and
I came up with this. I think I've mentioned it before on the list, but
I didn't give the details. Here goes. (have fun)

Consider the following:

"Crash" Henburn, human rigger with rating 3 VCR

Intelligence 6
Quickness 6
Cars skill 6
Initiative 12 + 4D6
Control Pool 12

Ferrari Open-Wheel Racer

Handling 2/8
Speed 311
Acceleration 21
Nitrous Oxide Injectors 6 (20 charges)
Rigger adaptation

Now let's play a with statistics a little. What happens when Crash just
jacks in his car, starts the engine and decides to accelerate as hard
as he can?

4D6 yield on average a result of 14. This means the rigger will have an
average Initiative of 26: 3 actions per turn.
Given the on-road Handling of the O-WR (2) and the fact that a VCR
reduces all your driving TNs by its rating, it's safe to assume that
under normal conditions, the TN for an Acceleration test will be 2.
Crash wants maximum effect. He accelerates during a full combat turn,
using maximum Control Pool and the NOx injectors as following:
- Initiative passes 1 and 2: 6 CP dice, 6 NOx dice: total 2*18 dice
- Initiative pass 3: 6 NOx dice (no remaining Control Pool): total 12
The chances of scoring a success on a single D6 against a TN of 2 are
of 5/6 ~= 0.83. With 48 dice, Crash will get on average 40 successes
during the turn.

This means that in 3 seconds, Crash's car will accelerate from 0 to 840
meters/turn. That's 1008 kph, or 280 m*s^-1 (around 626 mph), 3 seconds
after you release the brakes.
That gives us an acceleration of ~93.3 m*s^-2, or about 9.52 G,
sustained over 3 seconds. On average. For the best-case-scenario, add 1
pass and 16 successes, bringing the total speed to 1176 m/turn (1411
kph) and the acceleration to 13 G.

(And you can roll some more dice if you're willing to inflict stress on
the car. Though I wouldn't recommend it, as a stress test failure when
your car is running past Mach 1 is, er... considered harmful)

When I quote this example, people instantly become aware of the
usefulness of unmanned drones. Good news is that our test rigger (may
he rest in peace) won't be needing more than a 2D coffin. :)

(P.S.: I know that technically the car would have stopped accelerating
around 422 m/t but it looked cooler this way ;) )

-- Wild_Cat
maxnoel_fr@*****.fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a
perfect, immortal machine?"
Message no. 3
From: gurth@******.nl (Gurth)
Subject: Fat Bottomed Girls
Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 19:24:27 +0200
According to Lone Eagle, on Saturday 24 May 2003 14:58 the word on the
street was...

> The guy's bike is going to have a speed rating of 60 (quickness 10 x (5
> (bike) + 1 (kid stealth legs))) and an acceleration of 12...

This is usually what happens when you plug metahumans and/or cyberware into
many Shadowrun rules... The system works well for off-the-rack humans, but
as soon as you go outside that range, you can end up with ridiculous
numbers if you're not careful. Although it's not as easy to do under SR3,
does anyone remember the SRII speed samurai? He ran the 100 meters in
4.something seconds, according to some dice rolls (that weren't even very
good) and calculator work.

Gurth@******.nl -
Hooligans (zn) baldadige watervogel
-> Probably NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++(---) UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--)
O V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t- 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 4
From: SteveG@*********** (Steve Garrard)
Subject: Fat Bottomed Girls
Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 10:05:28 +0200
Max Noel wrote:
> I'm not so sure of this... If there's a rigger behind
> the wheel, the
> Westwind will toast your ork... :)
> One day I was playing with probabilities in the
> Shadowrun system, and
> I came up with this. I think I've mentioned it before on the
> list, but
> I didn't give the details. Here goes. (have fun)
> Consider the following:
> "Crash" Henburn, human rigger with rating 3 VCR
> Intelligence 6
> Quickness 6
> Cars skill 6
> Initiative 12 + 4D6
> Control Pool 12
> Ferrari Open-Wheel Racer
> Handling 2/8
> Speed 311
> Acceleration 21
> Nitrous Oxide Injectors 6 (20 charges)
> Rigger adaptation
> Now let's play a with statistics a little. What happens when
> Crash just
> jacks in his car, starts the engine and decides to accelerate as hard
> as he can?
> 4D6 yield on average a result of 14. This means the rigger
> will have an
> average Initiative of 26: 3 actions per turn.
> Given the on-road Handling of the O-WR (2) and the fact that a VCR
> reduces all your driving TNs by its rating, it's safe to assume that
> under normal conditions, the TN for an Acceleration test will
> be 2. Crash wants maximum effect. He accelerates during a
> full combat turn,
> using maximum Control Pool and the NOx injectors as following:
> - Initiative passes 1 and 2: 6 CP dice, 6 NOx dice: total 2*18 dice
> - Initiative pass 3: 6 NOx dice (no remaining Control Pool): total 12
> dice
> The chances of scoring a success on a single D6 against a TN of 2 are
> of 5/6 ~= 0.83. With 48 dice, Crash will get on average 40 successes
> during the turn.
> This means that in 3 seconds, Crash's car will accelerate
> from 0 to 840
> meters/turn. That's 1008 kph, or 280 m*s^-1 (around 626 mph),
> 3 seconds
> after you release the brakes.
> That gives us an acceleration of ~93.3 m*s^-2, or about 9.52 G,
> sustained over 3 seconds. On average. For the
> best-case-scenario, add 1
> pass and 16 successes, bringing the total speed to 1176 m/turn (1411
> kph) and the acceleration to 13 G.
> (And you can roll some more dice if you're willing to inflict
> stress on
> the car. Though I wouldn't recommend it, as a stress test
> failure when
> your car is running past Mach 1 is, er... considered harmful)
> When I quote this example, people instantly become aware of the
> usefulness of unmanned drones. Good news is that our test rigger (may
> he rest in peace) won't be needing more than a 2D coffin. :)
> (P.S.: I know that technically the car would have stopped
> accelerating
> around 422 m/t but it looked cooler this way ;) )

Yes, except you forgot the fact that even with NOS, there is no possible way
any car could accelerate that fast, period. I've always felt the SR boys
left the laws of physics in the hallway when they designed the acceleration
section of the vehicle rules.


"Beware my wrath, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."
- Unknown Dragon

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Message no. 5
From: nightgyr@********* (GreyWolf)
Subject: Fat Bottomed Girls
Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 19:17:26 +1000
One parsec a long long femton ago, Slayer (Steve Garrard) wrote:

>> Yes, except you forgot the fact that even with NOS, there is no
>> possible way
>> any car could accelerate that fast, period. I've always felt the SR boys
>> left the laws of physics in the hallway when they designed the
>> acceleration
>> section of the vehicle rules.

Well, what do you suggest then? I personally enfore aa crash test if you
accelerate more than 4x the vehicles acc rating in a single "phase", though
I allow NOS dicec to be used if NOS was active -- so NOS isnt completely
useless exscept as a crash-instigator.


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Fat Bottomed Girls, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.