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Message no. 1
From: dbuehrer@****.org (David Buehrer)
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 20:14:44 -0600 (MDT)
RAY MACEY wrote:
|I have never seen a female munchkin (player, not character). Is this
|because they are less inclined towards munchkinism, or is it that they are
|just less represented in RP'ing in general, and I just haven't seen one
|yet? Have you guys and gals found this to be the case or what?

Now that you mention it... Nope, I have never met a female
munchkin. And I've played a lot of IFGS, where munchkinism
runs rampant and quite a few women participate.

Anyone else? Anybody got a clue as to why women don't munckinize?


/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\ dbuehrer@****.org /^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
"His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking
alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free."
Message no. 2
From: NightLife <habenir@******>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Sat, 05 Oct 1996 22:22:14 -0700
>Anyone else? Anybody got a clue as to why women don't munckinize?
They don't play muchkins? Are you serious? Just like everything else they do
have their far share of munchkinism. But like the rest of everything else
they for now are in the minority in this hobby. So what small portion of the
population you see is likely to have seen are the ones who have been around
for a while and gotten it out of their systems. When they start out the have
just as many munchkins as the rest of the population. It just a smaller
percentage of a minority.
Nightlife Inc.

If you have to ask then it's probably classified.
Which means that I have to follow protocol.
But if you ask nicley I might forget that you asked.
Then again maybe not.

Document Classified
Message no. 3
From: Shad Owens <shadow@******>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 20:21:10 -0700 (PDT)
On Sat, 5 Oct 1996, NightLife wrote:


>When they start out the have
> just as many munchkins as the rest of the population. It just a smaller
> percentage of a minority.

Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
players? In ours, we have two (out of 5) -- but the guys have begun to
want to play female characters, 'cause us girls have so much fun with
How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?
Message no. 4
From: Faux Pas <fauxpas@******.net>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 23:38:39 -0500
At 08:21 PM 10/6/96 -0700, you wrote:
> Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
>players? In ours, we have two (out of 5) -- but the guys have begun to
>want to play female characters, 'cause us girls have so much fun with
> How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
>shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?

My group has three female players and two (sometimes three) men. Advantages
or disadvantages for gender? Like bonuses to skills/attributes? Nope, no
way, no how. Advantages game world-wise? Well, if the runners ever stumble
across a Mantid hive, the men would be looked at as hosts (then food), the
women as hosts. I don't know if you'd call that an advantage.

-Thomas Deeny
the Cartoonist at large is on the web at

"She twisted her engagement ring and Flash's costume flew out of it."
-one of a list of reasons why Lois Lane and Superman broke up (they're back
Message no. 5
From: NightLife <habenir@******>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Sun, 06 Oct 1996 00:46:34 -0700
Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
>players? In ours, we have two (out of 5) -- but the guys have begun to
>want to play female characters, 'cause us girls have so much fun with
> How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
>shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?
Only a four in the groups I'm associated with. Mostly wives, girlfriend,
etc.... You get the drift. Generally they end up being more of a calming
factor usually. If their not trying to be a loonie. Or just being a super
slut in my experience. This isn't a flame just personal experience.
Nightlife Inc.

If you have to ask then it's probably classified.
Which means that I have to follow protocol.
But if you ask nicley I might forget that you asked.
Then again maybe not.

Document Classified
Message no. 6
From: chaos@*****.com (Steven Ratkovich)
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 02:04:37 -0500 (EST)
> Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
>players? In ours, we have two (out of 5) -- but the guys have begun to
>want to play female characters, 'cause us girls have so much fun with
> How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
>shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?
Well, we really have no officail full time female players...

My (sort of) girlfriend plays a Raccoon Shaman from time to time, and really
gets into the role playing aspect of the character, but then she's a theatre
major, so that's natural...

We also have a younger girl who joins the group occasionally as various
characters, although she's not really there to Role Play but to hang out...

Other than that, female players are far and few between, which is
unfortunatem because it leaves our games lacking a certain view of things...
And I don't allow male players to play female characters... They can't do
it... and they play them stupid...

In general (NOT EVERYONE!!!), men cannot play a female character because
they play them as they view women, or as they wish women were... Or they're
just idiots...

Ah well, see ya...:)

-Bull, aka Chaos, aka Rak, aka Steven Ratkovich
Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any fours?
"Listen... You smell that?"
-Dr. Peter Venkman, "Ghostbusters"
Message no. 7
From: "Gurth" <gurth@******.nl>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 12:28:33 +0100
Shad Owens said on 20:21/ 6 Oct 96...

> Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
> players?

The "group" I GM has none, but that has only me and one player in it :/
but I've played in a group in Germany last year that consisted of four
players, two of them female. I don't know of any female roleplayers in my
area, but then I hardly know any roleplayers here at all.

> How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
> shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?

The characters, you mean? Nobody gets any kind of (dis)advantage in my
game, I treat them all pretty much the same.

Gurth@******.nl -
Everything looks better in black and white.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5+ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 8
From: dbuehrer@****.org (David Buehrer)
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 07:18:45 -0600 (MDT)
| Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
|players? In ours, we have two (out of 5) -- but the guys have begun to
|want to play female characters, 'cause us girls have so much fun with
| How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
|shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?

The most female players I've gamed with at a time in an RPG
is one. I've also played some live-action (IFGS) where the
ratio is much higher. I've seen a couple all-women teams
in that environment.


/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\ dbuehrer@****.org /^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
"His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking
alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free."
Message no. 9
From: "Sascha Pabst" <Sascha.Pabst@**********.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 21:42:45 +0000
On 6 Oct 96 at 20:14, David Buehrer wrote:
[snop, err, snip women no munchkins]
> Anyone else? Anybody got a clue as to why women don't munckinize?
>From my experience (both as player and as GM) I think women have less of the
"I wanna win" idea then males. They can adapt to groups more easily, and have
surprisingly different approaches to problems then men have (I had to
recognize as a GM). Also they 8at least the ones I played with) were less
interested in the rules and mechanics of the game, and more in Role-Playing
stuff. Which leads to confused GMs sometimes (especially when one is used
primary to male players like me. "I wanna do <idea>!" *GM starts sweating*

"That is not covered..." *think**scribble* *scribble* "Err.. lets try it.
Roll <whatever> dice.")

| / / _______ | Jhary-a-Conel aka Sascha Pabst | "Hate is a force of|
| / /_/ ____/ |Sascha.Pabst@**********| attraction. Hate is|
| \___ __/ | | just love with its|
|==== \_/ ======| *Wearing hats is just a way of life* |back turned" - Terry|
|LOGOUT FASCISM!| - Me |Pratchett-Masquerade|
+------------- -----------------+
Message no. 10
From: "Sascha Pabst" <Sascha.Pabst@**********.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 21:42:46 +0000
On 7 Oct 96 at 12:28, Gurth wrote:
> > How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
> > shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?

> The characters, you mean? Nobody gets any kind of (dis)advantage in my
> game, I treat them all pretty much the same.
This I handle differently.... Everyone gets the same disadvantages...
(Uh... sorry.)

| / / _______ | Jhary-a-Conel aka Sascha Pabst | "Hate is a force of|
| / /_/ ____/ |Sascha.Pabst@**********| attraction. Hate is|
| \___ __/ | | just love with its|
|==== \_/ ======| *Wearing hats is just a way of life* |back turned" - Terry|
|LOGOUT FASCISM!| - Me |Pratchett-Masquerade|
+------------- -----------------+
Message no. 11
From: kumquat@*****.com
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 17:25:32 -0500
SH>>When they start out the have
SH>> just as many munchkins as the rest of the population. It just a smaller
SH>> percentage of a minority.

SH> Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
SH>players? In ours, we have two (out of 5) -- but the guys have begun to
SH>want to play female characters, 'cause us girls have so much fun with
SH> How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
SH>shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?

Actually, I started a group a while back that was ENTIRELY
comprised of female gamers, playing female characters.... it didn't last
as long as I would have liked, though, but before this and since, every
game I run ends up with one or two female players... I know this is
partially due to the fact that many of the women in question are in
the local college, and they wondered what all us guys were always
blathering on about, and many found they liked it. The remainder of the
female gamers are either former players girlfriends or had gaming
experience (or both), and sought ME out, having heard I was a decently
competent GM. I can tell you, after running so many female players over
the years, that it is... different. (geez, and I thought the guys were
twisted... how little I knew...<smirk>)

Just My Two Pence.
The Kumquat.

Support Whirled Peas.
Message no. 12
From: "Brennan M. O'Keefe" <bmokeefe@**.com>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 15:43:01 -0500
> Only a four in the groups I'm associated with. Mostly wives, girlfriend,
> etc.... You get the drift. Generally they end up being more of a calming
> factor usually. If their not trying to be a loonie. Or just being a super
> slut in my experience. This isn't a flame just personal experience.

Personally, my only really bad experience with a female player (as a GM, as
a co-player, and as a kibbitzer in other people's games) was a friend who I
will not name here. Her problem was that she got VERY touchy if her
character was out of the limelight for too long. If the GM in the current
game was concentrating on other players too much, such as when the party
split up or when another character was really involved with a subplot and
she wasn't, she started working very hard at becoming the center of
attention. In SR games, her rigger/sammy didn't usually cause too much
trouble, although I shudder to think what would have happened if we'd had
much Decking going on. In one Vampire game I was watching, though, her
boyfriend's character was about to go to an important meeting with the
Camarilla. This subplot had been building up for a few weeks, so she just
had to step in with about half an hour of minutiae about her character's
personal business dealings. She was a really cool player when she was
actively involved in a game, but you didn't want her simmering on the
Message no. 13
From: The Jestyr <s421539@*******>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 10:59:30 +1000 (EST)
> In general (NOT EVERYONE!!!), men cannot play a female character because
> they play them as they view women, or as they wish women were... Or they're
> just idiots...

Oh yep! (Just like I"m hopeless at playing male characters)
Notable example: Guy plays female elven Moon Druid. So gives her Charisma 8
and makes her a lesbian, cause he has to try to pick up girls, and can't
BEAR the thought of even ROLEPLAYING picking up a guy... *sigh*

Lady Jestyr

A titanic intellect... in a world full of icebergs
Elle Holmes s421539@*****
Message no. 14
From: chaos@*****.com (Steven Ratkovich)
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 21:37:19 -0500 (EST)
>> In general (NOT EVERYONE!!!), men cannot play a female character because
>> they play them as they view women, or as they wish women were... Or they're
>> just idiots...
>Oh yep! (Just like I"m hopeless at playing male characters)
>Notable example: Guy plays female elven Moon Druid. So gives her Charisma 8
>and makes her a lesbian, cause he has to try to pick up girls, and can't
>BEAR the thought of even ROLEPLAYING picking up a guy... *sigh*
>Lady Jestyr
In all honesty, I couldn't, and wouldn't play a female cause all too often
male played women are, as LJ said, Lesbians, or men haters, or both, to
avoid the subject of having to pick up guys (or whatever). Personally, I
wouldn't want to play a female character that way, cause it's wrong. Also,
I couldn't stand the thought of picking up men... I'll admit I'm a bit
conservative, so I have trouble dealing with sensitive areas like that, so I
avoid them, and it save trouble if the rest of my male players avoid that too...

-Bull, aka Chaos, aka Rak, aka Steven Ratkovich
Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any fours?
"Listen... You smell that?"
-Dr. Peter Venkman, "Ghostbusters"
Message no. 15
From: 3011_3@***.EDU
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 1996 18:41:10 -0700 (PDT)
> > In general (NOT EVERYONE!!!), men cannot play a female character because
> > they play them as they view women, or as they wish women were... Or they're
> > just idiots...
> Oh yep! (Just like I"m hopeless at playing male characters)
> Notable example: Guy plays female elven Moon Druid. So gives her Charisma 8
> and makes her a lesbian, cause he has to try to pick up girls, and can't
> BEAR the thought of even ROLEPLAYING picking up a guy... *sigh*

I'm the same way. I can't play a female char very well, but the guys I
game with can do so very well. In one of our campaign (we are still
playing) Both of them are playing females. I'm sure women could find
fault with the way that just about any guy plays a female, but hey, we
aren't trying to duplicate reality. Its a game, so we can cut loose and
not have to worry about all the sh*t we have to in RL...


BTW: I just got back on the list. I left over the summer, but I'm back
now. Some of you who were here earlier this year may remember me as the
double-parenthesis guy. ((I used to type everything in like this)).
Message no. 16
From: tkerby@***.net (Tim Kerby)
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 96 22:21:41 EDT
On Sun, 6 Oct 1996 20:14:44 -0600 (MDT) you wrote:

>Anyone else? Anybody got a clue as to why women don't munckinize?

Don't know. Maybe because they don't have to compensate for a small
penis? :)

tkerby@***.net |
drekhead@***.com | The computer ate my sig!
drekhead@*******.com |
Message no. 17
From: Pete Sims <petesims@********>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 02:43:18 +0100
In article <Pine.3.89.9610062008.A11482-0100000@******>, Shad Owens
<shadow@******> writes
>On Sat, 5 Oct 1996, NightLife wrote:
>>When they start out the have
>> just as many munchkins as the rest of the population. It just a smaller
>> percentage of a minority.
> Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
>players? In ours, we have two (out of 5) -- but the guys have begun to
>want to play female characters, 'cause us girls have so much fun with

One permanent player, one visitor, and hopefully another two soon to
join, that makes it a ratio of three/four females to three/four males
(not counting myself) a pretty even spread really. :)

> How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
>shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?

No advantages or disadvantages, I don't believe in them, I have come
across women who are every bit as capable and in some cases more so,
that some males I know. So, if a female wants a Samurai, she gets it,
and with no penalties, that would not only be unfair to the player but
would also smack of bigotry.

Women can do many things as well as men, even though in most cases the
male is the "stronger" of the species (being hereditarily the
I can't follow the rule that males are superior. I personally know two
females who can outperform most men I know in the field of physical

Women are involved in all walks of life, they indulge in all sports, so
why can't they indulge in the Shadows, as equals. I defy anyone to turn
round to a cybered female sam with a smartlinked predator in her hand
and say "what are *you* doing here, you're a "woman", you *can't* do
this", and then survive the clip of 9mm that peppers him. :)

(God I sound more like a feminist than a male - must take some more of
those male hormone pills) :) :)

Pete Sims
Heroes or Fools? That's a determination others will make in hindsight. But by
being here now, we make that determination for ourselves, and it's neither.
Message no. 18
From: Dvixen Vidi Vici <dvixen@****>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 23:56:43 -0700 (PDT)
On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, David Buehrer wrote:

> Anyone else? Anybody got a clue as to why women don't munckinize?

Guess you don't get out much...


'sokay. Neither do I.

Angela J Schaafsma Dvixen@****
This post in no way reflect the opinions of the myriad voices in my head.

V3.1 GSS d- s+:- a-- C++ W+ N++ w+(-) PS+ t+(--) fk++ 5++ X++ b+++ e+ r%
Message no. 19
From: Dvixen Vidi Vici <dvixen@****>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 00:25:06 -0700 (PDT)
On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Shad Owens wrote:

> Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
> players? In ours, we have two (out of 5) -- but the guys have begun to
> want to play female characters, 'cause us girls have so much fun with
> ours.

First group:
3 female players, 2 male players, 1 male GM.
First storyline, (with 1st ed rules) players played characters with same
gender for first storyline.
Second storyline, (intro of second ed rules) group was majority male,
with a feamle controlling the only female character.

Second group:
2 female players, 3 male players, 1 male GM.
First storyline,
(Alex) Zero - Female Cockney decker.
(Oliver) ??? - Female Orc something
- Yuki - Female attitude with nails. died after taking on a
gang of ghouls alone.
(Lori) - Gramps - Male shadow vet. died on first run.
- Reeger - Male chauvanist pig. died after pissing off Celt.
- Moss - Female Rocker chick. died. overconfident.
(Andrew) - Caber - Mr. Scottish attidude
(Me!) - Celt - Female Druid of Sea.

First storyline ran for over a year.

Second storyline,
(Alex) - Zero
(Andrew) - Caber
(Me!) - Celt
(Lori) - Dag - Male Elf something or other... oh yeah! Rigger.
- Speed - Male Rigger.
(Oliver) - Slick - Information Specialist (yeah, right...)

Two or three months into the second storyline, Oliver and Lori got
booted by the GM, and Alex took a break from the group.

Third Storyline,
(Andrew) - Caber
(Me!) - Celt
About two months into the storyline,
(Eric) - Tank - Male Troll. Ghoul snacks.
- Random - Male Elf PhysAd
About a month after Eric,
(Alex) - Zero

During the most recent storylines, I usually have two or three mini-PC's
that make an appearance when Celt is off doing Celt-like things. Two
male, one PhysAd who loves doing stuff for the thrill of it, one drunk
who drinks and talks about nothing in particular (no useful skills other
than drinking the Scotsman under the table...), and a female razored
version of Grace Jones, but meaner.

> How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
> shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?

We don't. Then again, our GM doesn't seem to pay any attention to much
other than combat and what the mind-frag of the session is...

AJ Schaafsma Dvixen@****
This post in no way reflect the opinions of the myriad voices in my head.
*Warning!* Foul and depressed mood. Send back rubs. *Warning!*
Message no. 20
From: Pete Sims <petesims@********>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 05:37:23 +0100
In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.961008105806.28295G-100000@*****>, The Jestyr <s421539@*******> writes
>> In general (NOT EVERYONE!!!), men cannot play a female character because
>> they play them as they view women, or as they wish women were... Or they're
>> just idiots...
>Oh yep! (Just like I"m hopeless at playing male characters)
>Notable example: Guy plays female elven Moon Druid. So gives her Charisma 8
>and makes her a lesbian, cause he has to try to pick up girls, and can't
>BEAR the thought of even ROLEPLAYING picking up a guy... *sigh*

I've got a player that got involved with a female reporter, he decided
to carry it on a bit further, and as his character was the good looking
rugged type, that most women seem to go for, I let her fall for him :).
When he realised that he was going to have to role play his attraction
for a female NPC, against *me* (another male) he got really bashful,
really quick. Mind you I don't suppose it helped much when I sat on his
lap, and offered to talk about the first thing that came up, and then
proceded to blow in his ear. :) He now plays the part quite well, but
prefers to keep at *arms* if not rooms length :) He did stipulate after
a while that he thought he could handle the role playing, provided that
no kissing or tongues were involved, I tried to explain to him that that
would be Live Role Playing, and there was a difference, but I just got
this strange, "I don't trust you" look. :)

Pete Sims
Heroes or Fools? That's a determination others will make in hindsight. But by
being here now, we make that determination for ourselves, and it's neither.
Message no. 21
From: Guardian <s777317@*******>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 15:25:38 +1000 (EST)
> I've got a player that got involved with a female reporter, he decided
> to carry it on a bit further, and as his character was the good looking
> rugged type, that most women seem to go for, I let her fall for him :).
> When he realised that he was going to have to role play his attraction
> for a female NPC, against *me* (another male) he got really bashful,
> really quick. Mind you I don't suppose it helped much when I sat on his
> lap, and offered to talk about the first thing that came up, and then
> proceded to blow in his ear. :) He now plays the part quite well, but
> prefers to keep at *arms* if not rooms length :) He did stipulate after
> a while that he thought he could handle the role playing, provided that
> no kissing or tongues were involved, I tried to explain to him that that
> would be Live Role Playing, and there was a difference, but I just got
> this strange, "I don't trust you" look. :)

If Joker even CONSIDERS this, he's gonna have a lot of single guys in the
party, and end up with a lot of bruises...

I suppose it might work, depending on the people you play with, but I
don't see anyone (including the GM) even trying it.

Bet it surprised the player, too... *evil grin*


"It's called tourist season, so why can't we shoot them?"
Adam Treloar aka Guardian
Message no. 22
From: "Loki" <loki@*******.com>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 00:57:30 -0700
> Here's just a question -- how many groups out there have female
> players? In ours, we have two (out of 5) -- but the guys have begun to
> want to play female characters, 'cause us girls have so much fun with
> ours.

We have two female players out of eight in our group. With one of the males
also playing a female character.

> How do other groups deal with the female/male ratio of
> shadowrunners -- and do you give any advantages/disadvantages to either?

I haven't bothered working any differences stat-wise into the game, just
the role-playing differences between sex.

@>-,--'--- Loki

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Poisoned Elves
Message no. 23
From: GRANITE <granite@**.net>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 1996 02:00:02 -0700
David wrote:
> Anyone else? Anybody got a clue as to why women don't munckinize?

It just so happens I was having a convorsation on just this sort of thing
just last night..It is a primordial reaction..
Male - "Me want bigger club kill more food." thus a munchkin is born
Female -"Me stay in cave figure out what to do with chopped Bronto
again."thus a creative thinker is born..And ya'll though I was going to say
Lord, Grant Me The Serinity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change,
The Courage To Change The Things I Can,
And The Wisdom To Hide The Bodies Of Those People I Had To Kill
Because They Pissed Me Off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ShadowRunner's Serinity Prayer
Message no. 24
From: "Norbert G. Matausch (BulletShower)" <NMATAUSC@****>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 10:12:43 +1000
Also sprach Pete:
> When he realised that he was going to have to role play his attraction
> for a female NPC, against *me* (another male) he got really bashful,
> really quick. Mind you I don't suppose it helped much when I sat on his
> lap, and offered to talk about the first thing that came up, and then
> proceded to blow in his ear. :)

ROTFLSTC!!!! :)))))

The eight goons are slowly approaching you. You can see their Uzis.
What do you do?
"I shoot, aim, load and fire in an uncontrolled way" Lord Nord
Message no. 25
From: "Gurth" <gurth@******.nl>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 13:19:53 +0100
Sascha Pabst said on 21:42/ 7 Oct 96...

> > The characters, you mean? Nobody gets any kind of (dis)advantage in my
> > game, I treat them all pretty much the same.
> This I handle differently.... Everyone gets the same disadvantages...
> (Uh... sorry.)

That's another way to handle things :) I really should try to be less of a
nice GM, I think... *evil thoughts*

Gurth@******.nl -
Learn their rules, play their game, deceive yourself in haste.
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Version 3.1:
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Y PGP- t(+) 5+ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 26
From: dbuehrer@****.org (David Buehrer)
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 07:18:45 -0600 (MDT)
Tim Kerby wrote:
|On Sun, 6 Oct 1996 20:14:44 -0600 (MDT) you wrote:
|>Anyone else? Anybody got a clue as to why women don't munckinize?
|Don't know. Maybe because they don't have to compensate for a small
|penis? :)

What I may lack in length I more than make up for in girth :)

Seriously though, lack of testosterone probably has
something to do with it. And being left out of competitive
male bonding rituals (baseball, football, soccer, GI Joe,
etc) probably doesn't hurt either.


/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\ dbuehrer@****.org /^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
"His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking
alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free."
Message no. 27
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowrn@********>
Subject: Re: Female Munchkins
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 01:13:25 +0100
In message <199610080237.VAA01727@***>, Steven Ratkovich
<chaos@*****.com> writes
>In all honesty, I couldn't, and wouldn't play a female cause all too often
>male played women are, as LJ said, Lesbians, or men haters, or both, to
>avoid the subject of having to pick up guys (or whatever). Personally, I
>wouldn't want to play a female character that way, cause it's wrong. Also,
>I couldn't stand the thought of picking up men... I'll admit I'm a bit
>conservative, so I have trouble dealing with sensitive areas like that, so I
>avoid them, and it save trouble if the rest of my male players avoid that too...

It's a lot easier when you're male, playing a female, and the target of
your affections is male, played by a female :)

I know what you're saying. I play several female characters, but they
vary... Quinn, the Coyote shaman who'll do almost anything provided it's
funny enough: Harley the rigger, who can't understand why anyone would
want to have sex when there are motorcycles to ride: Easy, who's just
completely psychotic. Harley's the nearest to normal. Quinn's bisexual
and prefers women (for my convenience) and Easy just doesn't let
_anyone_ near her.

FWIW I find it an interesting challenge, and since I mostly play one-on-
one with my wife then other aspects are a lot easier to explore.

"There are four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable and
Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

Paul J. Adam paul@********

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Female Munchkins, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.