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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "L.T.Bryant" <cs5025@***.AC.UK>
Subject: Get the Munchkins
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 17:18:58 +0000
Incoming munchkins

Fire at will

Fed up with the munchkin player with the super powerful
carictor, Try this.

Ive got a level # bullet barriar
Flame throwers, Gas, buildings , aircraft engines.

Im so fast no one can touch me.
Decrease attribute ( i think this one is LOS)

Im aiming for the mage.
In most milatry teams / gangs with sence the mage will
be equiped the same as every one else no obveous fetishes etc as
this just draws fire, if its just anouther trooper then youve
got to gess/ astraly sence ( but this leaves you vunrable).

ill post outhers as i think of them.
L Bryant
oh rose thou art sick
the invisible worm that flys by night.....STEEL
Message no. 2
From: G'Koth of the Narn Empire <esj@***.UUG.ARIZONA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Get the Munchkins
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 10:37:34 -0700
All right, I've had enough of this BULLSHIT!!!!

What the fuck is your problem? Are some of you people so fucking jealous
that your characters can't survive more than a month that you have to
slag on those of us that do? Jesus H. Fucking Christ!! WE PLAY
SHADOWRUN!!! Not some fucking munchkinized version. Yeah, we do astral
quests, yeah we take on major players on occassion (which is still rare)
Don't like it? Tough shit, it's our game. Call us munchkins if you
want, but WE know we play shadowrun.

Can you tell I'm a little pissed here?

Some differences between our game and yours:

1) We don't use that lame-ass karma pool shit. We have never liked that
game mechanic, and so never used it. That is one big reason why we get
more "Good Karma" than the rest of you. But I guarantee we burn more too.

2) Instead of having GMs that are out to kill the players, we try to make
it as hard as possible without forever killing the PC. We've had plenty
of PCs into overflow, and we've lost a few PCs, but we have always had
the dramatic, cinematic view of SR. Our PCs aren't just "real people",
which is bullshit anyway, but stars/main characters in a blockbuster movie.

You still don't like it? Fuck you, we don't care. If we are
"munchkins", then fine, so be it. WE know we aren't so deal with it.

Yeah, maybe my language is too "inflamatory", but I'm beginning to be
really disgusted with the whole attitude on this list. It's one thing to
try and follow the rules and the general spirit of the rules, but it's
another to be anal about it and not try to bend those rules, just like
everyone does in real life. Gee, wait a minute, I'm just a college
student. I guess I should only do college student stuff and not try to
better myself. Same thing for SR characters? I don't fucking think so.

Erik, a.k.a. the Whistler
Message no. 3
From: Sean Sheridan <sean@**.WISC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Get the Munchkins
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 11:55:47 -0600
WOW, Someones taking this a little to personal....
Anywyas, your right. It is just a games, and games are played for fun.
And to let you know, whenever I play a mage I always give em a trauma damper.
I think that one thing I've noticed about High powered games though is
that you can't kill the pcs because all new character get geeked in the first
round of combat. I try to run my games at a normal threat level, IE gangers with
roomsweeper, maybe guards with smgs, no special ammo...
And theres always the guy with the bone lacing and orthoskin and ....
Who needs only four 2s out of ten dice to sluff off anything i hit him with,
But if I send in the SWAT team the repo man and the techy fall down and go boom
As long as all the characters are on the same wavelength it okay to play at any level
but I've found it helps out alot if you try to keep things simple
Message no. 4
From: Luc <rjwate01@********.SPD.LOUISVILLE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Get the Munchkins
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 08:23:18 EST
[deleting various stuff to shorten response]
> All right, I've had enough of this BULLSHIT!!!!
I have to agree because my characters develop to survive which some feel makes
me a munchkin (decker/mage initiate grade 0 and soriyama cyberware and bioware)
> Some differences between our game and yours:
> 1) We don't use that lame-ass karma pool shit. We have never liked that
> game mechanic, and so never used it. That is one big reason why we get
> more "Good Karma" than the rest of you. But I guarantee we burn more too.
"lame-ass karma pool" pissed off our GM cause with a group of about 9 (all
don't always showup) the group karma pool got up to 50 at which players and GM
negotiated as a cap. And we never burned karma because it was more sensable
to use karma pool to roll more dice.
> 2) Instead of having GMs that are out to kill the players, we try to make
> it as hard as possible without forever killing the PC. We've had plenty
> of PCs into overflow, and we've lost a few PCs, but we have always had
the same with our group except the only death was of a pc who's player had the
social graces of an elementary bully (that was a decker).
> the dramatic, cinematic view of SR. Our PCs aren't just "real people",
> which is bullshit anyway, but stars/main characters in a blockbuster movie.
I prefer a combination of the two..real life concerns of "heros"
> You still don't like it? Fuck you, we don't care. If we are
> "munchkins", then fine, so be it. WE know we aren't so deal with it.
> Yeah, maybe my language is too "inflamatory", but I'm beginning to be
> really disgusted with the whole attitude on this list. It's one thing to
> try and follow the rules and the general spirit of the rules, but it's
> another to be anal about it and not try to bend those rules, just like
> everyone does in real life. Gee, wait a minute, I'm just a college
> student. I guess I should only do college student stuff and not try to
> better myself. Same thing for SR characters? I don't fucking think so.
> Erik, a.k.a. the Whistler
> list.member.real-grumpy
And the moral of this story is that you shouldn't bash on munchkins in general
because someone might even consider you a munchkin...

Message no. 5
From: Guy Swartwood <gswartwo@*********.WICHITAKS.NCR.COM>
Subject: Re: Get the Munchkins
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 08:17:00 PST
MEssage from Erik, a.k.a. the Whistler saying

>All right, I've had enough of this BULLSHIT!!!!
So have I. If you can't have an intelligent thing to say, go somewhere else.

>Yeah, maybe my language is too "inflamatory", but I'm beginning to be
>really disgusted with the whole attitude on this list. It's one thing to
>try and follow the rules and the general spirit of the rules, but it's
>another to be anal about it and not try to bend those rules, just like
>everyone does in real life. Gee, wait a minute, I'm just a college
>student. I guess I should only do college student stuff and not try to
>better myself. Same thing for SR characters? I don't fucking think so.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch, don't include me or everybody
in that attitude thing,
I came here to talk about SR not to hear some bad attitude animal with a
foul mouth screaming at everyone for what someone said to him.
Message no. 6
Subject: Re: Get the Munchkins
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 16:15:00 GMT
Tut tut tut tut, Erik. We have got our knickers in a twist haven't we? Have you
tried cutting out all caffeine and sugar in your diet, try it, I did and now I
feel a whole lot better (therapy also helps but costs quite a bit).

"I'm the midnight bomber what bombs at midnight.
Joke of the day. What's red all over and sits in the corner? A baby eating
razorblades. ;-) (dons asbestos suit (don't thry
itch a lot?)
Message no. 7
From: G'Koth of the Narn Empire <esj@***.UUG.ARIZONA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Get the Munchkins
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 15:17:18 -0700
On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Inquisitor wrote:

> Tut tut tut tut, Erik. We have got our knickers in a twist haven't we? Have you
> tried cutting out all caffeine and sugar in your diet, try it, I did and now I
> feel a whole lot better (therapy also helps but costs quite a bit).
Sugar and caffiene don't come any where near this body. I work too damn
hard int he gym to screw myself over. What I do have is a bad attitude
about people insulting me. Call me whatever names you want, fine. I
could give a rat's ass. But don't insult me, or what I do. THAT pisses
me off, and you don't want to see me really pissed off.

Compared to some of you (those who are jealous) I am a munchkin. And
damn proud of it. We HAVE to be powerfull. Like I've said previously,
we don't use the Karma Pool, team OR individual. And our ones are all
auto failures; we don't have to just roll all ones just a majority of
them. The way we have modified SR demands that we be more powerful than
some of you pansies who have insulted me and my friends.

Do my rants and flames cover all of you? Obviously not. I may be short
tempered and just slightly angry/grumpy in general, but I am _never_ stupid.

Now is there any way we can get of this topic? I mean, it's all in the
eye of the beholder. Your munchkin is my normal pc is someone else's pansy.
Let's move on.

Erik, a.k.a. the Whistler
Message no. 8
From: Gareth Owen <glowen1@*****.NHS.GOV.UK>
Subject: Re: Get the Munchkins
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 19:20:42 +0000
> Im aiming for the mage.
> In most milatry teams / gangs with sence the mage will
> be equiped the same as every one else no obveous fetishes etc as
> this just draws fire, if its just anouther trooper then youve
> got to gess/ astraly sence ( but this leaves you vunrable).

In some games I run, aiming for the mage will result in hitting a samurai.


Gareth Owen | Mail: glowen1@*****
Sytems Administrator | Phone: (UK) 0495 765021
Gwent Health Authority | "Reboot it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure"

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Get the Munchkins, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.