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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: dbuehrer@****** dbuehrer@******
Subject: [GRIDSEC] ShadowRN Mini-FAQ
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 12:11:17 -0600
Please note, this one now has the correct email and www links for the
ShadowRN list settings.

1. Subscribing:

Send email to shadowrn-request@*********.org, no subject, with the
following text in the body:

subscribe [password] [digest-option] [address=<address>]

Subscribe to the mailing list. Your password must be given to
unsubscribe or change your options.
'digest-option' may be either: 'nodigest' or 'digest' (no
quotes!) If you wish to subscribe an address other than the
address you send this request from, you may specify
"address=<email address>" (no brackets around the email
address, no quotes!)

2. Unsubscribing:

Send email to shadowrn-request@*********.org, no subject, with the
following text in the body:

unsubscribe <password> [address]

Unsubscribe from the mailing list. Your password must match
the one you gave when you subscribed. If you are trying to
unsubscribe from a different address than the one you subscribed
from, you may specify it in the 'address' field.

3. To get HELP, including the unsubscribe command, send a message to
shadowrn-request@*********.org no subject, body 'HELP'

4. Viewing your list options:

This allows you to check and change your settings.


1. When replying to a message, be sure to quote what you are replying to.
1a. Snip the part that you aren't replying too, but don't snip so much it
becomes illegible
1b. Be sure to Correctly identify who said what you are quoting.

Good example:
On Friday July 18th Bull Said:
>Hello, testing?

Please don't send test messages to the list.


Bad Example:
On suchaday Chez said
On suchaday Lucid said
On suchaday Hayden said
>>>Some text
>>20 lines of unreleated text.
>A few more lines of even more unrelated text.
>>Some stuff from the other poster.

Cool. I'd ground that through a quickening for a dollar!


1d. Snip a persons signature file, unless it is vital to the reply.

2. Do not Start a thread that is already OFF TOPIC. [OT]. We get enough
[OT] from topic drift, anyhow.

To Life,
Your friendly neighborhood ShadowRN GridSec Assistant
ShadowRN GridSec
ShadowRN Admin
-Adam Jury <adamj@*********>
ShadowRN Owner
-Mark Imbriaco <mark@*********, mark.imbriaco@*****.com>
ShadowRN FAQúqsrn
ShadowRN Subscription Settings

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [GRIDSEC] ShadowRN Mini-FAQ, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.