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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: The Deb Decker <RJR96326@****.UTULSA.EDU>
Subject: Grim II
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 13:26:17 -0500
Regarding Grim 2--
Well, if you're going to use your own spell design and old
initiation rules, then you can get by w/o G2. But I believe they revamp
Druids a little bit. But, since I don't own it and never fully read G1,
I can't think of any strinking differences that I'm sure of.

J Roberson
Message no. 2
From: Oliver Mathes <drizzt@**.TU-BERLIN.DE>
Subject: Grim II ?
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1993 04:03:24 +0200
Is it out now ?
I can't get it in Germany, but my Mom is on vacation in the US,
do you think i can call, and tell her, go to the book store
and pick up Grim II (in Berlin we have 3 stores where one can
buy Shadowrun produkts, you have to know where to look)
Another question is: Are there any new Shadowrunbooks out in the US?

I have:
The secrets of power 1-3
Nights Pawn
Never trust an elf
Streets of blood




Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Grim II, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.