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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "Motion is the key; consistency is on the other key ring"
Subject: here is some of the munchkin-real role-player etc
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 93 14:35:00 EDT
From: IN%"Robert Hayden <rahayden@*****.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU>"
Date: 17-NOV-1992 21:22:38
Description: SR and Munchkins

Message sent: Wed, 18 Nov 92 03:19:49 CET.

Favorite Totems:
*Real Men*: Follow Wolf
*Roleplayers: Follow Dog
*Loonys: Follow Duck-Billed Platypus
*Munchkins: Follow Dragon, Vampire, and Chimera -- at once

Favorite Decking Utility:
*Real Men*: Load Attack
*Roleplayers: Load Sleaze
*Loonys*: Load Tickle
*Munchkins: Load Control CPU

Favorite Race:
*Real Men:* Are Trolls
*Role Players: Are Elves
*Loonys: Are Toons
*Munchkins: Are Gods

>> Robert Hayden | rahayden@***** | aq650@****.INS.CWRU.Edu <<
>> Having mole problems? <<
>> Call Avagadro at 6.02 x 10^23 <<

From: IN%"Androoooooooo <mmd@***.UMD.EDU>"
Date: 18-NOV-1992 01:40:21
Description: Mor Shadorun Munchkin garbage...

Message sent: Tue, 17 Nov 92 23:39:41 -0500.


Favorite Combat Spell
*Real Men* prefer Power Bolt.
*Real Roleplayers* prefer Stun Bolt, because then you
get to interrogate the victim.
*Loonies* prefer Turn Gun To Whipped Cream
*Munchinks* prefer Slay All within 2 miles.

Favorite form of protection (Not condoms)
*Real Men* prefer Full Heavy.
*Real Roleplayers* prefer Lined Coats & Secure Jackets.
*Loonies* prefer their Titanium Jock Strap.
*Munchinks* prefer all of the above, at the same time.

Favorite Lifestyle
*Real Men* live in a Low Lifestyle Area.
*Real Roleplayers* live in a Mid or Low lifestyle area.
*Loonies* live at the circus.
*Munchkins* live at Fort Knox.

Favorite Way of Killing Someone
*Real Men* shot to the head.
*Real Roleplayers* shot from a dark alley, behind cover.
*Loonies* use slingshots.
*Munchkins* call their 10 dragon contacts, and have them
do it.

Just a few of my inspirations... please don't flame me, or get insulted...
you're the one who read it... |-)

From: IN%"Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>"
Date: 18-NOV-1992 04:44:24
Description: More player types in SHADOWRUN...

Message sent: Wed, 18 Nov 92 10:40:58 CET.

SHADOWRUN Player Types...

Favorite Pistol
*Real Men* prefer Predator II
*Real Roleplayers* prefer Ruger's Super Warhawk
*Loonies* prefer Ares Squirt with paint pellets
*Munchkins* prefer Smartlinked Panther Assault Cannons carried around
like pistols

Favorite Firearm

*Real Men* use Assault Rifles
*Real Roleplayers* use Ingram Smartguns
*Loonies* use battery-driven Waterguns
*Munchkins* use Vindicator Miniguns with a Gyro Mount and
GasVent IV's

Favorite Thrown Weapon

*Real Men* throw Handgrenades
*Real Roleplayers* throw Shuriken or Knives
*Loonies* throw Cream Pies or Water Balloons
*Munchkins* throw Sub-Tactical Nuclear Devices with cyberarms, so
that they are out of the area of effect

Favorite Centering Skill Language

*Real Men* use Latin
*Real Roleplayers* use Teutonic Runes or Ancient Greek
*Loonies* use Pig Latin
*Munchkins* use an obscure Amerindian language that, although
technically dead, they also get the native language
bonus when generating the character

Favorite Magic Character Type

*Real Men* play Hermetic Mages
*Real Roleplayers* play Shamans
*Loonies* play Clown Adepts
*Munchkins* play SR1 Physical Adepts (with enough auto-successes to
default all over the place)

The truly scary aspect of all this is that I actually know people who have
pulled off the stunts I mentioned under the Munchkin topics, with the exception
of the Thrown Weapons topic.

Colonel Count von Hohenzollern und von Doom, DMSc, DSc, PhD.

Doom Technologies & Weapon Systems -- Dark Thought Publications
>>> Working on solutions best left in the dark.
[ Doctor Doom : jch8169@******** ]

From: IN%"Crisper Than Thou <crisper@*******.ARMORY.COM>"
Date: 18-NOV-1992 12:37:36
Description: Getting into this Munchkin list

Message sent: Wed, 18 Nov 92 08:22:06 PST.

Typical Spellcasters:
*Real Men* stock up on Combat spells and summon Elementals/Spirits.
*Real Roleplayers* use Detection spells and have a Familiar.
*Loonies* take Control Emotion: Self and use Watchers a lot.
*Munchkins* have all the spells listed and summon God routinely.

Bonded Magic Items:
*Real Men* have a couple of Power Foci, rating 2 each
*Real Roleplayers* have Spell Purpose and Specific Spell foci
*Loonies* have a plastic butter knife Weapon Focus
*Munchkins* have a magic sword that lets them Initiate another level
every time they kill someone with it.

*Real Men* hang out with Mafia Hitmen and Bartenders.
*Real Roleplayers* hang out with Squatters and Media Freelancers.
*Loonies* hang out with "Boffo the Wonder-Dog"
*Munchkins* have Dunkelzahn as a butler and Harlequin as a chauffer.

Vehicle of Choice:
*Real Men* drive street bikes (Auroras and Rapiers)
*Real Roleplayers* drive modded Westwinds
*Loonies* drive ice cream trucks (air horns playing "Chariots of Fire")
*Munchkins* own three or four Battlemechs.

--The Elder Dan
"Okay, bomb. Arm yourself."

From: IN%"Dark Elf <VESPOSIT@****.SUNYSB.EDU>"
Date: 18-NOV-1992 15:43:14
Description: More Munchkinism

Message sent: Wed, 18 Nov 92 14:53:47 EST.

Well, I've never heard the term Munchkin until it started popping up on
this list. But I've seen the same phenomenon under a different name
"G&Gers" which is a pun on D&D and the name of a certain gamer in the
who was a munchkin/loony (mostly munchkin) and whose favorite charater was
from champions (what else) named Magnus the Mighty who is based on about
10,000,000,000 points (he claims he role-played him for years to get there).

SO, here are a few of my realmen/roelplayers/loonies/munchkin

Favorite Character:
Real Men* Troll Street Sam
RolePlayer* Private Investigator
Loonies* Krusty the Clown
Munchkins* Rigger/Mages with -6 essence, an unlimited supply of
12 point fosuses and a fleet of panzers

Favorite Aircraft:
Real Men* NightWraith fighter/bombers
Roleplayers* Surveillance drones
Loonies* A *BIG* red balloon!
Munchkins* A Zentradei Flagship

Favorite NPC contact:
Real Men* Troll Bouncers
RolePLayers* Humanis members and Media producers
Loonies* A DOuble-Chocolate Sloppy Shake
Munchkins* Cthulhu

Favorite Place to Eat:
Real Men* Death's Door Bar and Grill
RolePlayers* The Space Needle
Munchkins* Whadda ya mean we have to eat!

Favorite Cyberdeck
Real Men* Going Naked (SRI only)
RolePlayers* Fuchi-7
Loonies* Radio-Shack with random erase feature
Munchkins* The Aztechnology Mainframe

Favorite Missions:
Real Men* Desert Wars IV
RolePlayers* Datasteals for Mr. J.
Loonies* Looking for Corky the Cocker Spaniel
Munchkins* Kill everyone

Favorite Evasion Program
Real Men* Attack-9
RolePlayers* Sleaze
Loonies* Microsoft Word 5.0
Munchkins* A Black IC that he downloaded to his deck

Favorite Weapon
Real Men* GPHMG- General Purpose Heavy Machine Gun
RolePlayers* Tasers and NarcoJect
Loonies* An inside-out shock glove
Munchkins* Shoulder Mounted ICBM Launchers

Favorite Cyberware
Real Men* Cyberspurs and Wired Reflexes 2
RolePlayers* Internal Voice Mask, Skillwires-3
Loonies* Cortex Bombs (in self)
Munchkins* Beta clinic wired reflexes-10 with no essence cost,
A never-miss targeting computer and an Assault cannon cybergun.

General Comments on SR:
Real Men* Good Game, lots of combat.
RolePlayers* Plenty of intrigue
Loonies* Not enough stuffer shacks
Munchkins* Needs bigger weapons, should be more like champions,
Gary Gygax probably hates it anyway.

--Dark Elf (and other animals)

From: IN%"Crisper Than Thou <crisper@*******.ARMORY.COM>"
Date: 19-NOV-1992 12:30:35
Description: More Munchkins

Message sent: Thu, 19 Nov 92 08:27:34 PST.

Typical Opposition:
*Real Men* come up against corporate guards and Yak assassins.
*Real Roleplayers* must outwit corrupt politicians and corp execs.
*Loonies* chase after street mimes and psychotic poodles.
*Munchkins* have to kill Cthulhu just to get to the *real* danger.

Typical Break-In Method:
*Real Men* kill the opposition and take the loot.
*Real Roleplayers* create a two-front diversion and sneak in.
*Loonies* pretend they're pizza delivery and knock on the front door.
*Munchkins* attack from the sky, destroy the facility, take the loot
and about 10 million nuyen worth of other corporate materials,
get their pay, and buy another Battlemech.

Typical Fixer/Mr. Johnson Deals:
*Real Men* say "40,000 nuyen ain't enough, chummer. 75k or no go."
*Real Roleplayers* say "Instead of money, how about you smooth some
ruffled feathers over at Renraku? I'd rather they weren't
out for my blood anymore."
*Loonies* say "Can we have it all in McDonald's gift certificates?"
*Munchkins* say "Right, one million nuyen plus controlling stock in
Ares America, plus a Nightsky with full-auto Panther cannons
and your youngest daughter. Also, you have to supply our
hardware needs, which I have right here...." (pulls out some-
thing akin to an encyclopedia)

--The Elder Dan

From: IN%"'Jason Carter, Nightstalker' <CARTER@***.EDU>"
Date: 19-NOV-1992 19:01:51
Description: Munchkins

Message sent: Fri, 20 Nov 92 00:58:36 CET.

More Munchkin Stuff,

Favorite Cyberware:
*Real Men* have Wired Reflexes-2 and a Smartgun link
*Real Roleplayers* have a Datajack and Headware Memory
*Loonies* have Neon Rainbow Swirl Cybereyes with the color
blindness enchancment only
*Munchkins* have Beta Wired Reflexes-3 and Beta Vehicle Control
Rig-3 at the same time

Favorite Non-Magical Archtype:
*Real Men* play Street Samurai
*Real Roleplayers* play Deckers
*Loonies* play SimSense Stars
*Munchkins* play Decker-Rigger-Mages (Hey, deckers and riggers
aren't magical)

Most Treasured Karma Awards:
*Real Men* Two points for Guts and full success points
*Real Roleplayers* Two points for Roleplaying or one for Drama
*Loonies* Three plus Humor and one for high meloDrama
*Munchkins* Two for roleplaying a killing machine, plus two for
Guts in the face of those thrill gangers, and 1 for smartly using
the Battlemech to kill the Dragon, and 1 for being in the Right place
at the Right Time (namely being on the adventure) and .........

Favorite Melee Weapon:
*Real Men* use Dikote covered CyberSpurs
*Real Roleplayers* use swords
*Loonies* use Nerf Bats
*Munchkins* use Force 6 Light Saber Weapon Focuses

See Ya in Shadow,
Jason J Carter
The Nightstalker

From: IN%"Dark Elf <VESPOSIT@****.SUNYSB.EDU>"
Date: 19-NOV-1992 19:10:59
Description: More Munchkinisms

Message sent: Thu, 19 Nov 92 18:34:28 EST.

Here's a few more:

Favorite BTL chip:
Real Men* Neil the Orc Barbarian
Real RolePlayers* The minotaur's Labryinth
Loonies* Simulated Paranoia game
Munchkins* Who needs fantasy when you're more powerful than GOD!!!

Favorite Rocker Band
Real Men* Disater Area
Real RolePlayers* Concrete Dreams (still the best)
Loonies* Wierd Al 2053
Munchkins* I'm my favorite Rocker!!!!!!

Favorite Critter:
Real Men* Basilisks (they put up one hell of a fight)
Real RolePlayers* Sasquatch (they're not really animals you know)
OUT OF IT'S A**!!!!!!!!!!!!
Munchkins* Great Dragons, they're good for target practice.

Favorite Ammunition:
Real Men* Exploding Bullets
Real RolePlayers* Drugged Gel Rounds (so you can get them to hand
over their Y for the antidote)
Loonies* Ping-Pong Balls
Munchkins* Enchanted exploding flechette rounds that home in on
living things and are coated with Cyanide-IV, causing
instant death even on a near miss.

Least favorite Food:
Real Men* Quiche, real men don't eat it!
Real RolePlayers* Anything not scanned for poison
Loonies* Anything not covered in whipped cream and ketchup
Munchkins* Food??? Who needs food, I'm immortal!!!!!!!!

Favorite Non-Shadowrunning Pastime:
Real Men* Spending time at the target range
Real RolePlayers* Boneing up on the B/R skills
Loonies* Hitting own head with hammer, repeatedly
Munchkins* World domination.

>>>>>[ heh ]<<<<<

From: IN%"steven mancini <mancinis@******.CC.PURDUE.EDU>"
Date: 19-NOV-1992 21:48:29
Description: Re: More Munchkinisms (I am getting addicted!!!)

Message sent: Thu, 19 Nov 92 21:23:33 EST.

] Here's a few more:
] Favorite BTL chip:
] Real Men* Neil the Orc Barbarian
] Real RolePlayers* The minotaur's Labryinth

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH I feel very Honoured; or did ya not know
that was my Organization: on ???? :)

] Loonies* Simulated Paranoia game
] Munchkins* Who needs fantasy when you're more powerful than GOD!!!
] Favorite Rocker Band
] Real Men* Disater Area
] Real RolePlayers* Concrete Dreams (still the best)
] Loonies* Wierd Al 2053
] Munchkins* I'm my favorite Rocker!!!!!!

Actually several of them were fans of Maestro and the Musical
Madmen, who was my Hermetic-Banshee Rocker-Mage. He had this
neat Mob Mood x10000 spell he used... and designed to carry
over into the physical recordings of his music.

] Favorite Critter:
] Real Men* Basilisks (they put up one hell of a fight)
] Real RolePlayers* Sasquatch (they're not really animals you know)
] OUT OF IT'S A**!!!!!!!!!!!!
] Munchkins* Great Dragons, they're good for target practice.

They ARE not: they happen to be the Backbone of any good initate
group; they tend to have hordes of cash and make good Astral
Quest companions.
Personally my favorite critter is Spider. I have destroyed her
3 times usig various methods; but then after slaying her I was
sadly informed it was never Spider, only an Avatar of hers named
Lolth (?).

] Favorite Ammunition:
] Real Men* Exploding Bullets
] Real RolePlayers* Drugged Gel Rounds (so you can get them to hand
] over their Y for the antidote)
] Loonies* Ping-Pong Balls
] Munchkins* Enchanted exploding flechette rounds that home in on
] living things and are coated with Cyanide-IV, causing
] instant death even on a near miss.
Gee thought I went over this one; we use bullets from metal
scrapped from the Ovens of Auschwitz. The generate background
counts are are known as "Black Bullets".

] Favorite Non-Shadowrunning Pastime:
] Real Men* Spending time at the target range
] Real RolePlayers* Boneing up on the B/R skills
] Loonies* Hitting own head with hammer, repeatedly
] Munchkins* World domination.
Designing spells like Slay Spider Spirit, Area of Effect,
Sustained, x1000 range. (Think the drain was something like
D5, which is no prob for a smart shape-shifter shaman who
uses enough fetish foci to drop the drain to Serious, but casts
it at a higher force than his Magic Attribute so that it is
Physical Damage which is regenerated the next round.)

] >>>>>[ heh ]<<<<<

Actually this brings up a point I was curious about and it is
NOT directed at ANYONE. Does anyone else cringe slightly when
someone across the nets takes the name of a distinct character
from the games rather than creating their own persona? I mean
on I have seen I don't know how many "Dodger"'s
"Twist"'s and "Dunkelzahn"'s. It just seems so cheap to adopt
a given character rather than make a name for yourself...
I realize that it s next to impossible sometimes to come up with
what qualifies as an "original" name, but really, some of these
lack ANY imagination.


From: IN%"Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>"
Date: 19-NOV-1992 22:43:49
Description: Munchkin: Unbound

Message sent: Fri, 20 Nov 92 04:40:25 CET.

Favorite Evasion Program
Real Men* Attack-9
RolePlayers* Sleaze
Loonies* Microsoft Word 5.0 <or they use Trance & Burn on theirself>
Munchkins* A Black IC that he downloaded to his deck

>>>>>[ Actually, I know someone who did that, too... ]<<<<<
-- Doctor Doom <21:39:25/11-19-53>

Favorite Villians:
*Real Men* like Doctor Doom
*RolePlayers* like Magneto
*Loonies* the Joker
*Munchkins* like the Beyonder

Favorite Food:
*Real Men* eat steak
*RolePlayers* eat file minoin with pureed potatoes with a dry red wine
*Loonies* eat junk food, exclusively, the more unhealthy, the better
*Munchkins* eat ultra-high protein, carbohydrates, vitamin and mineral
supplements that increase their metabolism such that they
can perform incredible feats of strength without having to
use Karma to raise the appropriate attribute

General Commentary on ShadowRun's Second Edition:
*Real Men* like the fact that it is more lethal
*RolePlayers* hope the heightened lethality will cause less of an
emphasis on combat
*Loonies* do not care. They do not read rules.
*Munchkins* are disappointed lots of the 'holes' in the rules have been
plugged, but give them time.

Doctor Doom

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about here is some of the munchkin-real role-player etc, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.