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Message no. 1
From: Ahuizotl cuellare@***
Subject: Huecos PR NAGtAztlan 1.5
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:25:16 -0500
> --- "Jorge H.Martinez" <arkainer@*******.com> wrote:
> > From: Jorge H.Martinez <arkainer@*******.com>
> > To: cuellared@*****.com, morrisjila@*******.com
> > Subject: Huecos
> > Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:55:51 PDT
> >
> >
> > Esta es mi humilde opinion:
> >
> > >
> > > The first holes that I want to fulfill would be:
> >
> > > What's the name Aztlaners shadowruners give to MR
> > Johnson?
> > - Thats a simple one: Mr. or Señor, or Don Perez.
> > Thats the second name most
> > popular in the mexican culture, at least in the
> > center of the contry. In the
> > north will be Garcia or Garza, in the South would be
> > Gonzales and so on.
> > Depends on the region.
> >
> > > What's the name aztlaners give to shadowrunners?
> > - Hmm, thats a tought one, specially that in English
> > its easy to make
> > compund words but in Spanish its s lot more
> > toughter. I think it would be
> > something like "mudos" (the ones that dont speak),
> > or "quietos" (the ones
> > that dosnt move), or los "chitones" (the ones that
> > doent make noise). Dont
> > really know....
> >
> > > What's the Aztlan dialect? Is a official language
> > in Aztlan? Form where
> > did this language born?
> > - Actually (XX century) our language has lots of
> > words form all languages
> > specially English. So I think that when the magic
> > brought up in Mexico and
> > all LatinAmerica lots of powerwords from ancient
> > languages just like Nauhtl
> > or Mixteco. Eventually with the great corps wanting
> > to get this magic stuff
> > started to learn each of this languages, making them
> > part of the culture as
> > some kind of "secret language", even thought the
> > same shadowrunners learn it
> > just to know what the corps where doing... it become
> > more and more used as
> > the corp grow as well as in the underground society.
> > Right now I think there
> > are two factions of the Aztec language: the one that
> > is used by the corps (A
> > mixture of Nahuatl, Mixteco, and other dialects and
> > Spanish, and English),
> > on the other way the street slang its a mixture of
> > the same plus Japanese
> > and more dialects, making obvious joins with words
> > (mexicans are good for
> > that: "green-go=·gringo").
> >
> > > How the Aztlan flag looks like? The shield?
> > What's the mean of the
> > > colors on the aztlan flag?
> > - Hmm I would make it like an eagle fighting a
> > jaguar in front of the Aztec
> > Calendar with an orange background. The eagle in the
> > mexican culture mean
> > wisdom and the jaguar corage. The Solar Stone best
> > known as the Aztec
> > Calendar represents the Ollin the ever changing so
> > in the change and
> > renovation its the future, the future of the Fifth
> > sun. The orange
> > background its to show the nobility of the bronze
> > race.
> >
> > > How did the 50 millions Catholics was converted
> > to a new religion?
> > - I thought this one for long time.By the end of the
> > XX century the catolic
> > religion was in decadence. Except for the Virgin of
> > Guadalupe all other
> > signs were ignored. The relly important religions
> > for the people were the 11
> > of December (Day of Our Lady Guadalupe), and the 1st
> > of November (Dead's
> > Day). So if in the awaken you start to see
> > "Nahuales", "Alushes", and
> > Fethered Serpents belive me you start to belive that
> > maybe the aztecs were
> > right. When you start to see that the changes are
> > here and the fifth sun is
> > over us, then you stop beliving in somethings to
> > start to belive what your
> > eyes told you to.
> >
> > > Where is the PRI? What happend to it?
> > - The PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional),
> > Revolutional Institucional
> > Party, or best know as RIP :). After near 50 years
> > of absolute polical power
> > it fall down in the year 2000. The other parties
> > join in and beat the PRI,
> > this counting that the people didnt want it, didnt
> > trust it, and didnt
> > belive in it. Where part of the things that made the
> > party fall until near
> > the year 2015 dissappeared with all the new changes.
> >
> > > What's the reason behind the peso norma y peso
> > libre?
> > - Sorry no idea what r u talking about (I havent
> > read the sourcebook)
> >
> > > What's the FDN?
> > - Same as above.
> >
> > > Why is Pavon (The creator of the Aztlan party
> > Gueterrez?
> > - Dont know what r u talking about...
> >
> > > Why Aztlan didn't take Los Angeles in the Dever
> > Trate? And in the born of
> > CFS?
> > - Good question, but remember Hollywood its there as
> > well as far more
> > things. So even if the population in LA its mainly
> > latin the UCAS wpouldnt
> > leave the MECCA of USA culture. Neither would the
> > Japanese remember that the
> > Japanese like to copy all American culture.
> >
> > > How the Veracruz Settlement work?
> > - Sorry NFI.
> >
> > > How the Aztechnology piramide was built in the
> > "Centro historico"?
> > - I really dont know even with the technology the
> > pyramid its built in a
> > LAKE. If the cathedral in the twenty century sinks
> > about two centemeters per
> > year. How the hell r u gonna build a HUGE pyramid
> > within the center of the
> > city?. And another thing what do Aztechnologies
> > destroyed to put the pyramid
> > there, the "Templo Mayor"?, the Cathedral?, the
> > Goberment Building?, what?
> >
> > > What happens to the Basilica de Guadalupe?
> > - Hope it still there. If not I dont want to
> > imagine, all the people will go
> > in arms if the Basilica is damage in any way.
> >
> > > Why there were no revels in Guatemala , El
> > Salvador or another
> > acquisition countries?
> > - I think there r but in small nubers, being part of
> > the second most popular
> > country (I think Japan its first) wouldnt harm in
> > anyway specially if htey
> > have the same language, religion, and culture.
> >
> > > Other Mexicans cities change names like
> > Tenochtitlan?
> > - Maybe but all the important cities in the
> > Prehispanic age where asimilated
> > by the now City of Tenochtitlan, so very few need to
> > change or have any
> > reason to change. The only ones that might become
> > cities are all the city
> > around the Mayan Route: Palenque, Uxmal, Tulum,
> > chichenitza, etc. The
> > reasons all of them are sities of great power the
> > shamans should go there by
> > hordes.
> >
> > > What happens in the conflict whit Texas?
> > - Dont know but I dont think that Aztec would leave
> > a rich land of oil,
> > cows, and other resourses to the hands of "bad
> > administration". Specially if
> > that land was once their.
> >
> > > How are the diplomatic relationships with the
> > rest of the world?
> > - Dont think that pretty good, the only country that
> > has full controll one
> > of the greatest coporations woudnt been seen with
> > good eyes. Besides his
> > cultures has become richer and not decadent as other
> > countries just like
> > UCAS or Great Brittain.
> >
> > >How are conformed the biggest gangs in Aztlan?
> > - Hard to say, but it shouldnt been nice. Specially
> > in the biggest city iof
> > the world its should be pretty hard to control all
> > the gangs around. The
> > most famous today are the "Ponchitos", "Los Cholos"
> > and others I dont
> > remember, I think that the names wouldnt change
> > much...
> >
> > > Why if ORO is a Colombian cartel business is in
> > Mexico instead of
> > Colombia? What's the relationship with Mexicans drug
> > cartels?
> > - Aztlan its the door to all BTL and nature drugs
> > but the most important
> > cartels are in Colombia because there its the
> > biggest production of it.
> > Would u think that with the power of aztech the
> > fields of Marijuana would
> > fall quickly enought to make the drug business out
> > in a few months.
> >
> > > Did the Estado de Mexico Change name?
> > - Dont thinks so i belive it became part of it, as
> > well as Toluca, Ixtapan
> > de la Sal, and other cities around.
> >
> > > How do you translate Aztechnology?
> > - Aztecnologia
> >
> > Caxal
> >
> >
> >
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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Huecos PR NAGtAztlan 1.5, you may also be interested in:


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