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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Michael Orion Jackson <orion@****.CC.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: Improved Invis., Not seeing...
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 22:52:16 -0500
Does the phrase "things that go bump in the night" mean anything to you?
Hehehe.... Talk about truly tragi-comic: a vicious close-quarter gunfight
where the two sides can't see each other. (Wow! A use for the echo locator
in cybertech!)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Michael Orion Jackson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TAMS Class of 1996/UT Class of 199?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~2112 Guadalupe, Rm. 502; Austin, Tx 78705 (The Goodall-Wooten)~~~~~~~
"Goddamn creatures of the night, they never learn." ~Gideon, _The Crow_
Message no. 2
From: Marty <s457033@*******.GU.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Improved Invis., Not seeing...
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 14:03:39 +1000
> Does the phrase "things that go bump in the night" mean anything to you?
> Hehehe.... Talk about truly tragi-comic: a vicious close-quarter gunfight
> where the two sides can't see each other. (Wow! A use for the echo locator
> in cybertech!)
It was pretty memorable...... The guys all still keep on talking about it.

A variation on the theme was also used once by my brother;

Get yourself a rocky pan, the kind where the rocks fracture into
hexagonal columns of varying heights. Put this pan in a desert, and put
the time as just after dark, or at twilight. The rocks will still be so hot
that thermo vision would be useless. Now put four snipers around the
rocky area and a few guys inside with the players and go to town.

It requires a well-drawn map showing the heights of each of the columns,
for line of sight purposes. Then you've got all kinds of possibilites for
limited visibility, partial or full cover, and blind fire. In the game
there was a lot of grenade throwing occuring, because no-one could tell
exactly where any of the enemy was, and an area effect weapon is then
very useful.

Just be careful not to overdo it.... like most good traps it can get very
bloody very quickly. If you really want to make it complex, have a freak
rainstorm dump about 1mm of rain on the area just before the ambush
occurs... The rocks will evaporate most of the water, but it'll
re-condense right back out as mist due to the colder night air.

Have fun. >;) (evil winking smiley)

Message no. 3
From: Jamie Houston <s430472@*******.GU.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Improved Invis., Not seeing...
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 18:38:52 +1000
On Sat, 19 Oct 1996, Marty wrote:

> A variation on the theme was also used once by my brother;
> Get yourself a rocky pan, the kind where the rocks fracture into
> hexagonal columns of varying heights. Put this pan in a desert, and put
> the time as just after dark, or at twilight. The rocks will still be so hot
> that thermo vision would be useless. Now put four snipers around the
> rocky area and a few guys inside with the players and go to town.
This was an interesting was game to show there head
above the rocks for fear of getting it blown off by a sniper :)

> It requires a well-drawn map showing the heights of each of the columns,
> for line of sight purposes. Then you've got all kinds of possibilites for
> limited visibility, partial or full cover, and blind fire. In the game
> there was a lot of grenade throwing occuring, because no-one could tell
> exactly where any of the enemy was, and an area effect weapon is then
> very useful.
The map was very well was an all in frag-fest with no-one
having any advantages, with the person who saved the most combat pool coming
out alive at the end :) The grenades were funny...Joker and myself were
holed up in one of the hexagonal holes and grenades kept dropping into
our hole...we had to take turns delaying actions to throw the fraggin
things out...we tried to work out what direction they were coming from
but the GM only said 'down'...we found out later that he meant down, as
in 'straight down'...the guy was in the next hole over, sitting there
with a bandolier of grenades lobbing them in on us!!!

> Just be careful not to overdo it.... like most good traps it can get very
> bloody very quickly. If you really want to make it complex, have a freak
> rainstorm dump about 1mm of rain on the area just before the ambush
> occurs... The rocks will evaporate most of the water, but it'll
> re-condense right back out as mist due to the colder night air.
> Have fun. >;) (evil winking smiley)
Thanks for the advice Satan! :)


Jamie Houston * "If a kid asks why it's raining,
aka Bollox, Hamish,(and * a cute thing to tell him is "God is
lots of other unmentionable * crying"...And if he asks why God is
pseudonyms) * crying, another cute thing to tell
s430472@***** * him is "It's probably something
Griffith Uni * you did!"

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Improved Invis., Not seeing..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.