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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "Caric" <caric@*******.com>
Subject: Innocent Bashing (was Munchkins...)
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 15:47:33 -0700
> I like my characters to play the "good guys" as such... they aren't
> heroes, as such, like superman or Luke Skywalker, but I stress them doing
> teh right thing, whatever that need to be... That tends to be hard for
> them, and I deal with them harshly when this happens...

I agree with apparently most of the other people who have posted on this
subject, if the group gets off on beating innocents then they should pay
the price. In the case of the girls prep school incident I would have
maybe had a few of the girls be pretty potent magicians or have some
security guards come in and man handle the runners. Treat them like rag
dolls the same way the did to the students. Basically train them that when
you beat innocents you pay a very dear price.



Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Innocent Bashing (was Munchkins...), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.