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Message no. 1
From: MILLIKEN DAMION A <u9467882@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Invisibilty Spells
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 23:45:47 +1000
Ok, its generally accepted (I'm assuming) that invisibility refracts light
rays to generate its efffect. If this is right, then how about if I had a
mage in an entirely enclosed room, and cast invisibility on one of the walls
in order to see outside? If the spell refracts light, then it is impossible
to get the rays inside the room, through the opaque walls. If it were to work,
then invisibility would need to work through means other than refracting light
rays. Any thoughts as to which way it happens?

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong e-mail: u9467882@***

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Message no. 2
From: Stainless Steel Rat <ratinox@***.NEU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Invisibilty Spells
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 10:50:00 -0400
>>>>> "MILLIKEN" == MILLIKEN DAMION A <u9467882@***.EDU.AU>

MILLIKEN> Ok, its generally accepted (I'm assuming) that invisibility
MILLIKEN> refracts light rays to generate its efffect.

Physical Invisibility works this way; mana Invisibility targets the mind of
the viewer. Physical Invisibility warps light around the target, so it
doesn't reflect to the viewer.

MILLIKEN> If this is right, then how about if I had a mage in an entirely
MILLIKEN> enclosed room, and cast invisibility on one of the walls in order
MILLIKEN> to see outside?

The light warps around the "invisible" wall and into the non-invisible
walls, and reflects away. If you were to make all the walls invisible, then
the whole room becomes the center of the warping, and the light /still/
doesn't come in.

Rat <ratinox@***> | Guns cause crime and cars cause vehicular | homicide.
PGP Public Key: Ask for one today! |
Message no. 3
From: Marc A Renouf <jormung@*****.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Invisibilty Spells
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 13:19:47 -0400
Rat and Damion write:

[a discussion about the light warping of physical invisibility spells]

Who says invisibility has to warp light around things? Why can't it
just make something totally transparent? Either by altering the light
reflecting properties of the substance or by altering the minds of all
the people within LOS of the thing such that they can perceive the
radiation that DOES travel through it (gamma rays, radio waves, etc.)in a
"visible", understandable manner. In that case, you would be able to see
through walls, etc.

Message no. 4
From: Stainless Steel Rat <ratinox@***.NEU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Invisibilty Spells
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 14:21:18 -0400
>>>>> "Marc" == Marc A Renouf <jormung@*****.UMICH.EDU>

Marc> Rat and Damion write:
Marc> [a discussion about the light warping of physical invisibility spells]

Marc> Who says invisibility has to warp light around things?

Ummm... the guys at FASA said that.

Marc> Why can't it just make something totally transparent?

Because then it would be a manipulation spell, not a detection spell.

Rat <ratinox@***> | On the seventh day the Lord said: I'm | pooped. You build the theme park.
PGP Public Key: Ask for one today! |
Message no. 5
From: Marc A Renouf <jormung@*****.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Invisibilty Spells
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 11:06:39 -0400
On Wed, 20 Jul 1994, Stainless Steel Rat wrote:

> >>>>> "Marc" == Marc A Renouf
<jormung@*****.UMICH.EDU> writes:
> Marc> Rat and Damion write:
> Marc> [a discussion about the light warping of physical invisibility spells]
> Marc> Who says invisibility has to warp light around things?
> Ummm... the guys at FASA said that.

Where? Is that in one of the books, or is it just another case of
"FASA said so."

> Marc> Why can't it just make something totally transparent? >
> Because then it would be a manipulation spell, not a detection spell.

Oh. I see. And you think that the ability to bend light around an
object is not a major physical manipulation? Get actual. Upon more
consideration of this matter, I'm tempted to put Physical invisibility
into the Manipulation category because it would make more sense.

> --
> Rat <ratinox@***> | On the seventh day the Lord said: I'm
> | pooped. You build the theme park.
> PGP Public Key: Ask for one today! |

Message no. 6
From: "C. Paul Douglas" <granite@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: Invisibilty Spells
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 15:10:50 -0400
On Thu, 21 Jul 1994, Marc A Renouf wrote:

> > Marc> Who says invisibility has to warp light around things?
> >
> > Ummm... the guys at FASA said that.
After reading the spell discription..I would say that simple Invisibility
has a magical psycological effect to make the spell target of the spell
invisible because, it does not affect tech devices..However..The Improved
Invisibility spell would actually bend the light or make the spell target
near completely non-relective/non-obstructive to light waves..

> Where? Is that in one of the books, or is it just another case of
> "FASA said so."
FA$A said so is a good argument..Afterall they do write the rules..Which of
course everyone is free to change in their own game..

> Oh. I see. And you think that the ability to bend light around an
> object is not a major physical manipulation?

That all depends on if you concider light more matter or energy..taking
into account the behavior of light..a little contradiction on natures' part..

Get actual. Upon more
> consideration of this matter, I'm tempted to put Physical invisibility
> into the Manipulation category because it would make more sense.

That of course is your perogative...

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Invisibilty Spells, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.