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Message no. 1
From: chaos@*****.com (Steven Ratkovich)
Subject: Invisibliity/Silence revisited
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 04:18:21 -0500 (EST)
Ok, a friend of mine (the one with Ultrasound Sights that started the whole
debate the first time around) is still trying to find a way around the
Invis/Silence combo. Here are some ideas that he had,and what are your thoughts.

1) UV. Would the Invis affect a light source such as this. I said that
it's still light and would be affected.

2) A gamma wave beam, working on the sonar idea. Or any sort of radiation,
low level. Of course, for one, this is radiation and dangerous (deadly) to
work with. Alkso, gamma rays are how the Incredible Hulk was created <grin>.

3) An ares super squirt with paint on wide spray and hose the area. He'sll
become visible. Of course,you still need to hit the mage for this to work.

4) Some sort of low level radiation spray,sothat he would show up as a heat
source. Once again, you're working with a dangerous subject. Can you say
cancer, boys and girls? I knew you could.

5) How would a sonic weapon work against the spell? The sound would be
dissapated by the spell, would the force of the wave still do anything?

6) Grenade in the middle of the Ultrasound Blind Spot...:)

Well,you get the point. Mr. White's a techie freak, so he enjoys thinking
of this stuff... (Just kidding Whitey. Hopefully, he'll be on the list soon.).

Well, That's all for this idiocy... See ya later with mored stupid

# -Bull, aka Chaos, aka Rak, aka Steven Ratkovich #
# chaos@*****.com #
# Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any fours? #

"I say we go back to the ship, and nuke the
site from Orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
-Ripley, "Aliens"
Message no. 2
From: Jonathan Wright <jwrigh01@********.ca>
Subject: Re: Invisibliity/Silence revisited
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 13:57:33 -0400 (EDT)
On Sun, 29 Sep 1996, Steven Ratkovich wrote:

> Ok, a friend of mine (the one with Ultrasound Sights that started the whole
> debate the first time around) is still trying to find a way around the
> Invis/Silence combo. Here are some ideas that he had,and what are your thoughts.
> 1) UV. Would the Invis affect a light source such as this. I said that
> it's still light and would be affected.

I agree, light in its most general sense is all light including UV and IR.

> 2) A gamma wave beam, working on the sonar idea. Or any sort of radiation,
> low level. Of course, for one, this is radiation and dangerous (deadly) to
> work with. Alkso, gamma rays are how the Incredible Hulk was created <grin>.

Don't know about this one, gamma radiation is merely light energy of a
_really_ short wavelength (or long, it's been a couple of years since my
last physics course)

> 3) An ares super squirt with paint on wide spray and hose the area. He'sll
> become visible. Of course,you still need to hit the mage for this to work.

Okay, this one boils down to the exact working of an invisibility spell.
Does a physical invisibility spell bend light around the subject a couple
of millimetres away from the subject (much like the Bandersnatches
adaptive colouring ability)? If so, this technique doesn't work very
well as the paint hits the target, covering him/her and then becomes
invisible along with him. Of course the general location of the target
can be deduced by the lack of paint hitting floor/wall behind him.

> 4) Some sort of low level radiation spray,sothat he would show up as a heat
> source. Once again, you're working with a dangerous subject. Can you say
> cancer, boys and girls? I knew you could.

Actually this might work if you used it the other way round, looking for
what's soaking up the ambient radiation source you've flooded the room
with. Better yet use something non-lethal so you don't harm yourself
trying to harm him. Light smoke, and fire sprinklers come to mind.

> 5) How would a sonic weapon work against the spell? The sound would be
> dissapated by the spell, would the force of the wave still do anything?

Sound is force moving through a medium. If its silenced it doesn't impact
the target. A really munchkinous player could extend a silence spell
effect to give them immunity from concussive blasts.

> 6) Grenade in the middle of the Ultrasound Blind Spot...:)

As they say: Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades :)

Jon Wright
Message no. 3
From: dbuehrer@****.org (David Buehrer)
Subject: Re: Invisibliity/Silence revisited
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 17:57:53 -0600 (MDT)
Steven Ratkovich wrote:
|4) Some sort of low level radiation spray,sothat he would show up as a heat
|source. Once again, you're working with a dangerous subject. Can you say
|cancer, boys and girls? I knew you could.

Radioactive Isotopes mixed with water wouldn't be all that dangerous (I'm
think of the kind that they make you drink (or inject) before a CAT scan).


/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\ dbuehrer@****.org /^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
"His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking
alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free."

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Invisibliity/Silence revisited, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.