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Message no. 1
From: Angelkiller 404 angelkiller404@**********.com
Subject: Killing munchkins. (A British Formori (LONG)) (RE: A British Giant)
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 23:31:14 -0400
> Oh my. He has... 14 points in skills?
> Run a non-combat run. Infiltration, certain types of
>extraction, surveillance... Emphasize legwork. He'll put more
>into socializing for his next character.
> He's a Fomori in Seattle? (you haven't specified) Play this
>up, there can't be many of them.

Mmm...Humanis Policlub Member, who just happens to be a Physical Adept
Sniper with a Barrett Model 121 and a fetish for having the heads of
as many metahumans as he can possibly get on his wall. Fomori are
rare, but they're also big game.

Forgive me for being naive here, but I don't think even the most
munchkinny character in the world can see a sniper from 1,000km off.
Just a cruel suggestion, but not a particularly effective (or fair)

I sorta pride myself on cheap (but ultimately primitive) tricks...too
bad I keep on giving those tricks to my GM.

BTW, on that church? I would've put in a biometric maglock connected
to a canister of say...nerve gas. Do the code wrong, alarm and gas
goes off. Blow it up, gas and alarm goes off.

Pit trap full of monomolecular wire.

Foci addiction.

Dragonslayer is disappointed with the actions of his shaman (putting
the life of an innocent at risk, and a child at that!), and takes away
his bonus dice...or his spells.

The full-scale destruction of a church is sure to bring in Lone Star.
The big guns. With mages.

Fixer with a hair-trigger temper and lots of bodyguards.

Kill the other PCs as a result of his actions. Sure, it's mean, but
then the PC's will want a word with the munchkin.

Nuclear power plant.

The military.

ICQ: 2157053

"There are hardly any excesses of the most crazed psychopath that
cannot easily be duplicated by a normal kindly family man who just
comes in to work every day and has a job to do."
Message no. 2
From: Smilin' Assassin SmilinAssassin@********
Subject: Killing munchkins. (A British Formori (LONG)) (RE: A British Giant)
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 20:54:31 +0100

> Forgive me for being naive here, but I don't think even the most
> munchkinny character in the world can see a sniper from 1,000km off.


HOW FAR!!! I don't think ANYBODY could see ANYTHING from 1,00KM off!! Did
you, perchance, mean 1,000m???

> -----
> AK404

Smilin' Assassin

Who wants to get a hold of WHATEVER that sniper is using!!
Message no. 3
From: Arcady arcady@***.net
Subject: Killing munchkins. (A British Formori (LONG)) (RE: A British Giant)
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 15:57:09 -0700
> <Hack>
> > Forgive me for being naive here, but I don't think even the most
> > munchkinny character in the world can see a sniper from 1,000km off.
> <Slash>
> HOW FAR!!! I don't think ANYBODY could see ANYTHING from 1,00KM
> off!! Did you, perchance, mean 1,000m???

Must've. Cause at 1 Megameter you've got this problem of the planet being
round and all...

Course there is the idea of some AAA corp putting a person on it's top 1 to
terminate list and using a 'tech-you'll never see' laser rifle from a sniper
sitting in a vac suit in orbit waiting for a clear sky in front of your

Arcady <0){{{{><
The Revolution will not be televised; it'll be emailed.
/.)\ Stop making sense. Be an Anti Intellectual
\(@/ Be Tao. Live Tao. Feel Tao. But don't do Tao.
Message no. 4
From: Hunter griffinhq@****.com
Subject: Killing munchkins. (A British Formori (LONG)) (RE: A British Giant)
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 00:48:49 -0400
On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 20:54:31 +0100 "Smilin' Assassin"
<SmilinAssassin@********> writes:
>> Forgive me for being naive here, but I don't think even the most
>> munchkinny character in the world can see a sniper from 1,000km
>HOW FAR!!! I don't think ANYBODY could see ANYTHING from 1,00KM off!!
> Did
>you, perchance, mean 1,000m???
Oh, I don't know. Can you hit someone from that far away with a Thor

Griffin Industries
"A Shadowrunner's Corp."

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Killing munchkins. (A British Formori (LONG)) (RE: A British Giant), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.