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Message no. 1
From: SCN User <bd042@***.ORG>
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 23:50:59 -0700
Y'know, using comics/anime as models isn't terribly realistic.
Most of those characters take knockback (and lots of it) from
energy weapons, which is ridiculous:

GM: "You're hi with a high intensity beam of light and blown through
the wall, the next wall, the girls locker room, the girls showers
(Hoo-Hah!), the parking garage, several vehicles, the high-rise across
the street, the World trade Center, Lady Liberty's Torch, and a nuclear
power plant in Jersey, coming to rest at the bottom of a crater in what
used to be the reactor core."
PC: (dusting himself off) "Wow! Where can I get a flashlight like that?"

In reality, people generally get shot and fall down. that's because
they have holes in them. Someone shot at full auto may twitch a lot,
but falls over backward because that's the way human knees work.
now someone hit with Mr. Panther Assault Cannon has to deal with a
helluva lot more kinetic energy...but also a helluva lot more damage,
so the conventional Knockback rules oughta do just fine. IMHO, the real
problem is bozos in partial-heavy or full-heavy, who tend to just smile
at Mr. Panther anyway.
(This is why I play magicians, BTW)

Take away all the big nasty toys and force your PC's to roleplay,
then throw in a few descriptions about rentacops being blown every
which way by their grenades, and you'll soon have them flying around
as well.

"Whaddaya mean, it isn't fun to be blown out of the 76th-floor window?"
"I'm not the one who can fly."
"well, neener neener."
--(Stefan Hahn/Blown away by silly complications of the rules)
Message no. 2
From: Paul Jonathan Adam <Paul@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: knockdown
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 20:32:39 GMT
> No Rat is right, the problem here is rather psychological in nature,
> people fall down because they are scared/dot expect the hit/expect to
> fall down. Try shooting at a block of wood of the same wheight/size
> as a human being - I betcha that it wont fall down.

Actually, I do skittle shoots. Hit a skittle with a hot .45 and it goes
flying. Tim took his .454 Casull once and was banned (it blew the skittle
into about six chunks and he took down four with the debris).

Similarly, a railway sleeper stood on end and shot (an experiment that
raised eyebrows at my club) went flying backwards when hit near the top.
Leverage counts for a lot.

A great deal depends on where you're hit. If you're braced, expecting the
shot, tense and alert, you have an excellent chance of staying on your
feet from most pistol rounds. If you're running on oil-covered ice and
the bullet hits you just as you're poised with all your weight on one
foot, you're going to take a short flying lesson no matter how puny the round.

When you have shot and killed a man, you have defined your attitude towards
him. You have offered a definite answer to a definite problem. For better or
for worse, you have acted decisively.
In fact, the next move is up to him.

Paul J. Adam paul@********
Message no. 3
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 12:05:19 +0100
Mike and Jill Johnson said on 20:17/13 May 97...

> >And this led me to an interesting theory for a house rule...correct me
> >if I'm wrong (please) but there are no rules for knockdown unless the
> >round penetrates, right? (no books handy)
> >
> Actually the knockdown/knockback rules are there in the SRII rule book.
> And according to them they affect you even if you completly resist them.
> Our group uses them as written and I tend to think that it adds a degree of
> realism.

SRII page 91: "If the character can overcome a Threshold Number equal to
one-half (round down) the amount of damage done (...) there is no effect."
This can be interpreted in one of two ways:

1) you always roll for knockdown even if you take no damage, in which case
if you get no successes you:
a) fall down (reasoning: it says that with no successes you fall down;
however there is no chance at all of knockback in this case)
b) step back a meter (reasoning: with no damage the Threshold is 0, and
rolling no successes means you didn't get more successes than the
threshold => step back)
2) you only roll for knockdown if you actually take damage from the attack
(reasoning: if you took no damage there is no Threshold, and also no
need to roll)

As a house rule, I suggest modifying the rules to use the base Damage
Level of the weapon (modified for burst/autofire), rather than the Damage
Level actually inflicted. Then the whole reasoning above isn't necessary,
and knockback applies to every weapon and every attack made.

Gurth@******.nl -
Everybody's tired of something.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 4
From: dbuehrer@****.org dbuehrer@****.org
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 11:55:46 -0700
I think you're going to like this :)

The current SR3 rules for Knockdown require a seperate test, and I don't
know about the rest of you but I don't like to take the time to do that in
the heat of combat (and in fact, don't).

I figured out a way (I think) to combine the Knockdown test with the Damage
Resistance test.

The target of an attack makes a Damage Resistance test per the rules, and
the damage of the attack is staged down.

Subtract the Damage Resistance success(es) from the Power of the attack to
determine Knockdown effects.

Unarmed, Armed, or Firearms

0 or less No effect.
1 Target is pushed back a step.
2 Target is pushed 1m back, and is staggered. While staggered all
actions have a +1 target number modifier. The character
will regain
his balance *after* his next action. The character may use
a simple
action to regain his balance earlier.
3 Target is pushed 1m back, and is knocked down. Apply the
rules for
being prone.
4+ Target is pushed 2m back, and is knocked down.

Heavy Weapons, Explosives

0 or less No effect.
1+ The target is thrown (Power - Success(es))m, and is knocked

What do you think?

"I don't know what I don't know."
Message no. 5
From: Lee Decker deckerl@******.com
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 13:58:07 -0500
> I think you're going to like this :)
> The current SR3 rules for Knockdown require a seperate test,
> and I don't
> know about the rest of you but I don't like to take the time
> to do that in
> the heat of combat (and in fact, don't).
> I figured out a way (I think) to combine the Knockdown test
> with the Damage
> Resistance test.
> The target of an attack makes a Damage Resistance test per
> the rules, and
> the damage of the attack is staged down.
> Subtract the Damage Resistance success(es) from the Power of
> the attack to
> determine Knockdown effects.
> Unarmed, Armed, or Firearms
> Result
> ------
> 0 or less No effect.
> 1 Target is pushed back a step.
> 2 Target is pushed 1m back, and is staggered.
> While staggered all
> actions have a +1 target number modifier. The
> character
> will regain
> his balance *after* his next action. The
> character may use
> a simple
> action to regain his balance earlier.
> 3 Target is pushed 1m back, and is knocked down.
> Apply the
> rules for
> being prone.
> 4+ Target is pushed 2m back, and is knocked down.
> Heavy Weapons, Explosives
> 0 or less No effect.
> 1+ The target is thrown (Power - Success(es))m,
> and is knocked
> down.
> What do you think?
Not the top of my head, I might try them out in my next game
Things like GelRounds are considered to have a higher power for determining
knockback anyway....
I'll forward these to my players and see what they think.
Message no. 6
From: Scott W iscottw@*****
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 15:17:18 -0400
"And now, a Channel 6 editorial reply to dbuehrer@****.org."
] I think you're going to like this :)
] The current SR3 rules for Knockdown require a seperate test, and I don't
] know about the rest of you but I don't like to take the time to do that in
] the heat of combat (and in fact, don't).


] What do you think?

I don't like the seperate test either, it makes combat even more
plodding. It looks pretty darn good in theory; maybe you could give us
an update after you've used it for a while?

Message no. 7
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 14:34:50 EST
In a message dated 11/1/1999 10:56:27 AM Pacific Standard Time,
dbuehrer@****.org writes:

> I figured out a way (I think) to combine the Knockdown test with the Damage
> Resistance test.
> The target of an attack makes a Damage Resistance test per the rules, and
> the damage of the attack is staged down.
> Subtract the Damage Resistance success(es) from the Power of the attack to
> determine Knockdown effects.
<snip table>
> What do you think?

Hmmnq. One question. Do you compare the number of successes vs the original
power of the attack, or after the power has been reduced by armor, etc?

Starrngr -- Ranger HQ

"You wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring your music on a RUN? No wonder they
call you Howling Mad..." -- Rabid the Pysad.
Message no. 8
From: dbuehrer@****.org dbuehrer@****.org
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 13:11:01 -0700
Starrngr@***.com wrote:
\ In a message dated 11/1/1999 10:56:27 AM Pacific Standard Time,
\ dbuehrer@****.org writes:
\ > I figured out a way (I think) to combine the Knockdown test with the Damage
\ > Resistance test.
\ >
\ > The target of an attack makes a Damage Resistance test per the rules, and
\ > the damage of the attack is staged down.
\ >
\ > Subtract the Damage Resistance success(es) from the Power of the attack to
\ > determine Knockdown effects.
\ >
\ <snip table>
\ >
\ > What do you think?
\ >
\ Hmmnq. One question. Do you compare the number of successes vs the
\ power of the attack, or after the power has been reduced by armor, etc?

Subtract the success(es) from the original Power. The armor reduction has
already been factored in in the Damage Resistance test. I.e., any armor is
subtracted during the Damage Resistance test.

"If we fill our hours with regrets of yesterday
and with worries of tomorrow,
we have no today in which to be thankful."
Message no. 9
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 15:43:26 EST
In a message dated 11/1/1999 12:11:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,
dbuehrer@****.org writes:

> Subtract the success(es) from the original Power. The armor reduction has
> already been factored in in the Damage Resistance test. I.e., any armor is
> subtracted during the Damage Resistance test.
> -Graht

I think you'll find it works better if you use the power reduced by armor.
Otherwise you have to have 4+ successes to avoid being knocked about by even
the lightest pistol round, and any esplosion will probobly send you flying.

Starrngr -- Ranger HQ

"You wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring your music on a RUN? No wonder they
call you Howling Mad..." -- Rabid the Pysad.
Message no. 10
From: dbuehrer@****.org dbuehrer@****.org
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 14:35:54 -0700
Starrngr@***.com wrote:
\ In a message dated 11/1/1999 12:11:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,
\ dbuehrer@****.org writes:
\ > Subtract the success(es) from the original Power. The armor reduction has
\ > already been factored in in the Damage Resistance test. I.e., any
armor is
\ > subtracted during the Damage Resistance test.
\ >
\ > -Graht
\ I think you'll find it works better if you use the power reduced by armor.
\ Otherwise you have to have 4+ successes to avoid being knocked about by even
\ the lightest pistol round, and any esplosion will probobly send you flying.

:) But, that's the effect I want. I think it's a great way to lengthen
combat and make it harder for the PCs without increasing lethality. Plus,
the cinematic effect of bodies flying appeals to me.

In any case, I don't think armor should be factored in twice. If you or
anyone else like the basic concept, but want to tone it down, I would
suggest decreasing the Knockdown number by subtracting a set ammount (-2,
-3, -4, etc.) from the power before subtracting the DR success(es), or
dividing the power (maybe by 2, or 1.5) before subtracting DR success(es).

It's an additional math step, but much faster than rolling dice for a
knockdown test IMHO.

"The information transmitted herein is intended only for the person or entity to
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If you received this in error, please contact the sender, delete the material, and gouge
out your eyes."
Message no. 11
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 17:02:57 EST
In a message dated 11/1/1999 1:36:30 PM Pacific Standard Time,
dbuehrer@****.org writes:

> In any case, I don't think armor should be factored in twice. If you or
> anyone else like the basic concept, but want to tone it down, I would
> suggest decreasing the Knockdown number by subtracting a set ammount (-2,
> -3, -4, etc.) from the power before subtracting the DR success(es), or
> dividing the power (maybe by 2, or 1.5) before subtracting DR success(es).
> It's an additional math step, but much faster than rolling dice for a
> knockdown test IMHO.

Ah, so that was your intent, to have bodies flying everwhere like a Jon Woo
movie. Explains much, it does.

Personally, I dont see how comparing the number of successes to the adjusted
power of the weapon (IE the target # for the DR test) is factoring the armor
in twice, But...

Another option to consider, Graht, if people are flying around to much is
just increase the base number on the table where the knockdown effects start.

Starrngr -- Ranger HQ

"You wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring your music on a RUN? No wonder they
call you Howling Mad..." -- Rabid the Pysad.
Message no. 12
From: Sebastian Wiers m0ng005e@*********.com
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 17:14:10 -0600
:I figured out a way (I think) to combine the Knockdown test with the Damage
:Resistance test.
:The target of an attack makes a Damage Resistance test per the rules, and
:the damage of the attack is staged down.
:Subtract the Damage Resistance success(es) from the Power of the attack to
:determine Knockdown effects.

Son for a heavy pistol, that would be 9-damge resistance successes?

:Unarmed, Armed, or Firearms
:0 or less No effect.
:1 Target is pushed back a step.
:2 Target is pushed 1m back, and is staggered. While staggered
: actions have a +1 target number modifier. The character
:will regain
: his balance *after* his next action. The character may use
:a simple
: action to regain his balance earlier.
:3 Target is pushed 1m back, and is knocked down. Apply the
:rules for
: being prone.
:4+ Target is pushed 2m back, and is knocked down.

So, to avoid being knocked down by a heavy pistol, you need 4 damage
resitance successes? And at least 8 to avoid it causing a tst pantly? That
seems kinda harsh, compared to the current effects!
This also misses some good effects of the current knaockdown rules;
first, a serious wound is more likely to knoack you down than a light, so
atacker succeses add to the chance of knockdown (in you sytem, they won't).
Second, knockdown chances (once wounds are determined) are irrelevant of

I like the idea of the "one roll", but the nubers you gane seem to have
quite different resuilts than the current rules, perhaps making knockdowns
to common. (Or to rare- a power 2 attack could never cause knockdown...)

:Heavy Weapons, Explosives
:0 or less No effect.
:1+ The target is thrown (Power - Success(es))m, and is knocked

Depends on what counts as a heavy weapon, but this looks (at the least)

Message no. 13
From: Sebastian Wiers m0ng005e@*********.com
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 17:21:39 -0600
:I think you'll find it works better if you use the power reduced by armor.
:Otherwise you have to have 4+ successes to avoid being knocked about by
:the lightest pistol round, and any esplosion will probobly send you flying.

On the other hand, than a shotgun (8s) would never knock down somebody
who is wearing an armoured jacket.

Message no. 14
From: Allen Versfeld moe@*******.com
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 09:29:35 +0200
Starrngr@***.com wrote:
> In a message dated 11/1/1999 1:36:30 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> dbuehrer@****.org writes:
> > In any case, I don't think armor should be factored in twice. If you or
> > anyone else like the basic concept, but want to tone it down, I would
> > suggest decreasing the Knockdown number by subtracting a set ammount (-2,
> > -3, -4, etc.) from the power before subtracting the DR success(es), or
> > dividing the power (maybe by 2, or 1.5) before subtracting DR success(es).
> >
> > It's an additional math step, but much faster than rolling dice for a
> > knockdown test IMHO.
> Ah, so that was your intent, to have bodies flying everwhere like a Jon Woo
> movie. Explains much, it does.
> Personally, I dont see how comparing the number of successes to the adjusted
> power of the weapon (IE the target # for the DR test) is factoring the armor
> in twice, But...
> Another option to consider, Graht, if people are flying around to much is
> just increase the base number on the table where the knockdown effects start.

How about adding your Body to the number of successes rolled?
Allen Versfeld

Message no. 15
From: BRUCE gyro@********
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 21:30:57 +0200
-----Original Message-----
From: dbuehrer@****.org <dbuehrer@****.org>
To: shadowrn@*********.org <shadowrn@*********.org>
Date: 01 November 1999 09:05
Subject: Knockdown

>I think you're going to like this :)
>I figured out a way (I think) to combine the Knockdown test with the
>Damage Resistance test.

What a fab idea!

>The target of an attack makes a Damage Resistance test per the rules,
>the damage of the attack is staged down.
>Subtract the Damage Resistance success(es) from the Power of the
attack to
>determine Knockdown effects.

Oooops, heres where the heavy pistols are gonna ruin everything again.
Even with combat pool, I'd have to roll 7 successes to stay on my

Should the power be adjusted? Say for armour, burst fire and ammo
types? Either this or the knockdown effects should be
moved further down the table. I would hate to get knock on my ass by a
light pistol while wearing 7points of ballistic armour :)

Bruce <gyro@********>

Here's to the sun God, He sure is a fun God, Ra, Ra, Ra
Message no. 16
From: dbuehrer@****.org dbuehrer@****.org
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 09:02:18 -0700
Sebastian Wiers wrote:

\ :Subtract the Damage Resistance success(es) from the Power of the attack to
\ :determine Knockdown effects.

\ :Unarmed, Armed, or Firearms
\ :
\ :Result
\ :------
\ :0 or less No effect.
\ :1 Target is pushed back a step.
\ :2 Target is pushed 1m back, and is staggered. While staggered
\ all
\ : actions have a +1 target number modifier. The character
\ :will regain
\ : his balance *after* his next action. The character may use
\ :a simple
\ : action to regain his balance earlier.
\ :3 Target is pushed 1m back, and is knocked down. Apply the
\ :rules for
\ : being prone.
\ :4+ Target is pushed 2m back, and is knocked down.
\ So, to avoid being knocked down by a heavy pistol, you need 4 damage
\ resitance successes? And at least 8 to avoid it causing a tst pantly? That
\ seems kinda harsh, compared to the current effects!

There's been some misunderstanding, and it's my fault for not stating my
intentions clearly.

Example: a PC is shot by an NPC. The NPC is using a heavy pistol (9S) and
rolls 2 successes. The PC rolls 10 dice (Body 5 plus 5 dice from his
combat pool). The PC is wearing 4 points of armor. His target number for
his damage resistance test is a 5. Let's say he rolls a little above
average and gets 4 successes. He subtracts the attacker's 2 successes,
leaving him with 2 successes to stage the damage down to a Moderate wound.
To determine the effects of knockback he subtracts all 4 DR successes from
the Power of the attack (9) resulting in a Knockback rating of 5. The PC
is pushed 2m back and knocked down.

The armor does count because it affects the number of successes the PC gets
on his Damage Resistance test.

Despite having armor and combat pool he still takes a Moderate wound and
he's knocked down. Given that a 9S Heavy Pistol is a big gun (we're
talking Dirty Harry here), I don't feel that this is unreasonable.

If he had managed to roll enough successes to avoid getting damaged
altogether (8 successes) he would have only been pushed back a step by the
Knockdown. Remember, PC's have a Karma Pool. Getting 8 successes in the
previous example isn't that hard for a PC.

The PCs (who have a Combat Pool and Karma Pool) will get by and they won't
get knocked down that much. The NPCs are the one's that are going to be
flying left and right, which should make it fun for the players IMO.

I understand that others don't find that appealing :) but it's easy to fix.
Instead of subtracting DR successes from the Power of the attack, subtract
DR successes from Power-2 (or more if you want).

\ I like the idea of the "one roll", but the nubers you gane seem to have
\ quite different resuilts than the current rules, perhaps making knockdowns
\ to common. (Or to rare- a power 2 attack could never cause knockdown...)

Again, I wanted different results from the current rules :) And again, I
should have pointed that out. Sorry bout that.

I have never seen a Power 2 attack cause knockdown using the current rules.

\ This also misses some good effects of the current knaockdown rules;
\ first, a serious wound is more likely to knoack you down than a light, so
\ atacker succeses add to the chance of knockdown (in you sytem, they won't).
\ Second, knockdown chances (once wounds are determined) are irrelevant of
\ armor.

Knockdown chances (using current rules) are not irrelevant of armor.
Because a character's armor has an impact on the ammount of damage they
take, armor affects their chances of being knocked down by an attack.

And, I don't like basing Knockdown on Wound Level (no offense :) I can't
explain why, but IMO the chances of a character being knocked down should
be based on the Power of the attack, not the Damage Level. Also, with the
current rules a character makes a DR test, and then makes a Knockdown test
using his Body *again*. The chances of being knocked down are just to low,

So, my idea addresses two issues for me: it makes the Knockdown test quick
and simple, and it makes Knockdown more common (especially for NPCs, which
adds a cinematic element which is appealing to me).

\ :Heavy Weapons, Explosives
\ :
\ :0 or less No effect.
\ :1+ The target is thrown (Power - Success(es))m, and is knocked
\ :down.
\ Depends on what counts as a heavy weapon, but this looks (at the least)
\ amusing.

Well, I'm glad that at least one aspect has met with a hint of approval ;)

"One little smile can fill the room with sunshine."
Message no. 17
From: Sebastian Wiers m0ng005e@*********.com
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 17:33:31 -0600
:So, my idea addresses two issues for me: it makes the Knockdown test quick
:and simple, and it makes Knockdown more common (especially for NPCs, which
:adds a cinematic element which is appealing to me).

Actually, after doing a few more case comparisons, and keeping those
goals (and the fact that you count combat pool successes) in mind, they seem
to work for most attacks.
One thing I'd note is that, for our PC's, its pretty common for our PC's
to only roll 1-3 body succeses on damage resitance tests, though they don't
get knocked down form the hit. Then again, I was not including the effect
of the "dodge"- if you include those successes, the whole thing balances a
bit better. Actually, with all that, I kinda like it. I agree than
knockdown is a bit to rare, if not realisticly, than at least "cinematicly"

:\ :Heavy Weapons, Explosives
:\ :
:\ :0 or less No effect.
:\ :1+ The target is thrown (Power - Success(es))m, and is
:\ :down.
:\ Depends on what counts as a heavy weapon, but this looks (at the
:\ amusing.
:Well, I'm glad that at least one aspect has met with a hint of approval ;)

Well, on that one, the goal of "making it funner", not "simplifing the
rules", was pretty obvious. :)

Message no. 18
From: dbuehrer@****.org dbuehrer@****.org
Subject: Knockdown
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 08:31:10 -0700
Sebastian Wiers wrote:
\ :So, my idea addresses two issues for me: it makes the Knockdown test quick
\ :and simple, and it makes Knockdown more common (especially for NPCs, which
\ :adds a cinematic element which is appealing to me).

[snip: .5Mp]

\ Then again, I was not including the effect
\ of the "dodge"- if you include those successes, the whole thing balances a
\ bit better.

Aw geez, I'd forgotten all about Dodge. Yes, do subtract Dodge resistances
from the Power of the attack to determine Knockback (in addition to
subtracting Damage Resistance successes).

\ Actually, with all that, I kinda like it. I agree than
\ knockdown is a bit to rare, if not realisticly, than at least "cinematicly"
\ speaking.

If you try it, let me know how it works for your group :)

\ :\ :Heavy Weapons, Explosives
\ :\ :
\ :\ :0 or less No effect.
\ :\ :1+ The target is thrown (Power - Success(es))m, and is
\ knocked
\ :\ :down.
\ :\
\ :\ Depends on what counts as a heavy weapon, but this looks (at the
\ least)
\ :\ amusing.
\ :
\ :Well, I'm glad that at least one aspect has met with a hint of approval ;)
\ Well, on that one, the goal of "making it funner", not "simplifing
\ rules", was pretty obvious. :)

Yep, I had a vision of the character who uses combat pool and Karma to
knock a grenade attack down to a light wound sent flying through the air,
over the bridge railing, and into the river <EGMG>.

"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are
permitted to remain children all of our lives."

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Knockdown, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.