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Message no. 1
From: Alfredo B Alves <dghost@****.COM>
Subject: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 22:53:17 -0500
I have a char with Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) who has a Medkit (Biotech
3). If the char wants to use the medkit to apply first aid, how does the
medkit help?

Is there an advantage to having Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) when the Medkit
has it's own Biotech skill of 3?

D. Ghost
(aka Pixel, Tantrum, RuPixel)
o/` Trideo killed the Video Star ... o/`

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Message no. 2
From: Mongoose <evamarie@**********.NET>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 23:44:45 -0700
+AD4-I have a char with Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) who has a Medkit
+AD4-3). If the char wants to use the medkit to apply first aid, how does
+AD4-medkit help?
+AD4-Is there an advantage to having Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) when the
+AD4-has it's own Biotech skill of 3?

Not as such, in the dice you roll. I could see times when
inputting info into the medkit, then following its instructions, just
won't work as well. I'd think the base time should be longer, or the
penalty for bad conditions higher, if you are depending on the medkits
skill (double both?).
Or you could rule it won't work on unconscious patients (they
can't answer questions).

Message no. 3
From: Patrick Goodman <remo@***.NET>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 23:42:35 -0500
>I have a char with Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) who has a Medkit (Biotech
>3). If the char wants to use the medkit to apply first aid, how does the
>medkit help?
>Is there an advantage to having Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) when the Medkit
>has it's own Biotech skill of 3?

My opinion: No, not really.

(>) Texas 2-Step
El Paso: Never surrender. Never forget. Never forgive.
Message no. 4
From: Nexx <nexx@********.NET>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 00:02:45 -0500
> From: Alfredo B Alves <dghost@****.COM>
> I have a char with Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) who has a Medkit (Biotech
> 3). If the char wants to use the medkit to apply first aid, how does
> medkit help?

Well... You could say that the skill of the medkit acts as a
complimentary skill to your own (you'll be able to fully describe
symptoms, and it has a better memory than you, so you can work together to
get things done right). Otherwise, the medkit hold drugs, drugs, drugs!

> Is there an advantage to having Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) when the
> has it's own Biotech skill of 3?

I have a character who just bought the medkit supplies, because his skill
was better than the machine's (and he didn't like machines).

Rev. Mark Hall, Bard to the Lady Mari
aka Pope Nexx Many-Scars
If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yeilding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend.
If you pardon, we will mend.
So good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.
-Puck "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Message no. 5
From: Alfredo B Alves <dghost@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 00:36:44 -0500
On Tue, 1 Sep 1998 00:02:45 -0500 Nexx <nexx@********.NET> writes:
>> From: Alfredo B Alves <dghost@****.COM>
>> I have a char with Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) who has a Medkit (Biotech
>> 3). If the char wants to use the medkit to apply first aid, how does
>> medkit help?

>Well... You could say that the skill of the medkit acts as a
>complimentary skill to your own (you'll be able to fully describe
>symptoms, and it has a better memory than you, so you can work together
>get things done right).

Sounds good to me.

>Otherwise, the medkit hold drugs, drugs, drugs!

And drugs are what's important in life! ;P I know someone who has about
6 pain killer perscriptions (from the same docter, given at the same
time) ... needless to say, he's happy! (Especially about the one with
codine. :)

>> Is there an advantage to having Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) when the
>> has it's own Biotech skill of 3?

>I have a character who just bought the medkit supplies, because his
>was better than the machine's (and he didn't like machines).
>Rev. Mark Hall, Bard to the Lady Mari
<SNIP Sig>

Uhm ... problem: the supplies are just the things that get used up.
Won't the medkit have re-usable gear? Why not say 70 nuyen for a
non-techie medkit?

D. Ghost
(aka Pixel, Tantrum, RuPixel)
o/` Trideo killed the Video Star ... o/`

You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
Message no. 6
From: Nexx <nexx@********.NET>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 00:53:56 -0500
> From: Alfredo B Alves <dghost@****.COM>

> >I have a character who just bought the medkit supplies, because his
> skill
> >was better than the machine's (and he didn't like machines).
> >
> Uhm ... problem: the supplies are just the things that get used up.
> Won't the medkit have re-usable gear? Why not say 70 nuyen for a
> non-techie medkit?

Good point, didn't think about that... dammit.

Rev. Mark Hall, Bard to the Lady Mari
aka Pope Nexx Many-Scars
If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yeilding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend.
If you pardon, we will mend.
So good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.
-Puck "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Message no. 7
From: Caric <caric@********.COM>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 08:11:38 -0700
> From: Mongoose <evamarie@**********.net>

> +AD4-I have a char with Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) who has a Medkit
> (Biotech
> +AD4-3). If the char wants to use the medkit to apply first aid, how
> the
> +AD4-medkit help?
> +AD4-
> +AD4-Is there an advantage to having Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) when the
> Medkit
> +AD4-has it's own Biotech skill of 3?

IIRC If your character were to use his own biotech skill on people and fail
he would need someone(thing) with a higher biotech skill in order to try
again. I would rule that the medkits biotech of 3 would suffice since
yours is only 1.

Message no. 8
From: David Foster <fixer@*******.TLH.FL.US>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 11:30:29 -0400
On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, Mongoose wrote:

<snip Medkit post>
-> Not as such, in the dice you roll. I could see times when
->inputting info into the medkit, then following its instructions, just
->won't work as well. I'd think the base time should be longer, or the
->penalty for bad conditions higher, if you are depending on the medkits
->skill (double both?).
-> Or you could rule it won't work on unconscious patients (they
->can't answer questions).

Why doesn't the player roll one set and the GM roll for the
machine. If both concurr, great! If they don't..... player gets a
choice. ]:-) For better results, let the GM roll both sets of dice.

Fixer --------------} The easy I do before breakfast,
the difficult I do all day long,
the impossible only during the week,
and miracles performed on an as-needed basis....

Now tell me, what was your problem?
Message no. 9
From: Bob Tockley <zzdeden@****.ASGARD.NET.AU>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 01:23:44 +1000
Scrawled by Mongoose <evamarie@**********.net>

> I have a char with Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) who has a Medkit (Biotech
3). If the char wants to use the medkit to
> apply first aid, how does the medkit help? Is there an advantage to
having Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) when the
> Medkit has it's own Biotech skill of 3?

I always tended to think it was a little pointless having biotech at a
rating lower than 3, when your medkit had its own integral rating.
However, if you want to even things up - and make it worthwhile to have a
low-level biotech skill, institute the following changes to the listed rules:

+ Use of a medkit's rating 3 expert system without the Biotech skill
constitutes as being either Bad or Terrible Conditions (as per page 129 of
SR3) - you make the call.

+ Use of a medkit with a Biotech skill allows you roll the higher of the
two skill ratings (either your own or the Medkit's integral rating 3) and
use the lower of the two skills as a Complementry Skill (as per page 97 of
SR3). Reason behind this: Simple. The medkit or the medtech will
double-check each other's diagnosis. If one suggests something and the
other something else - the medtech knows something is amiss and can adjust.

"A mind is a terrible thing to waste somebody with..."
Message no. 10
From: Steve Eley <sfeley@***.NET>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 11:38:59 -0400
Nexx wrote:
> Well... You could say that the skill of the medkit acts as a
> complimentary skill to your own (you'll be able to fully describe
> symptoms, and it has a better memory than you, so you can work together to
> get things done right). Otherwise, the medkit hold drugs, drugs, drugs!

My ruling has always been that you roll (PC's Biotech) + (Medkit Skill)
dice versus the Target Number. Of course, this was before complementary
skills, but I still think the principle should apply since, rounding down,
a Medkit at 3 would at most only be able to give you one complementary
success. And that doesn't seem right given the gear's description.

Have Fun,
- Steve Eley
Message no. 11
From: "Christopher M. Coulter" <kamikaze@*********.EDU>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 10:41:54 +0000
> My ruling has always been that you roll (PC's Biotech) + (Medkit Skill)
> dice versus the Target Number. Of course, this was before complementary
> skills, but I still think the principle should apply since, rounding down,
> a Medkit at 3 would at most only be able to give you one complementary
> success. And that doesn't seem right given the gear's description.

I see medkits as only having base knowledge about first aid. That
knowledge is usually at 3. IMHO that would mean that a character
with a Biotech of 4 or more would know more than what the medkit
does. It would also mean that a character with a Biotech of 3 would
know as much as the medkit and could probably count as a second
opinion on a diagnoses.

Christopher M. Coulter
Message no. 12
From: Patrick Goodman <remo@***.NET>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 11:13:17 -0500
>I see medkits as only having base knowledge about first aid.
>That knowledge is usually at 3. IMHO that would mean that a
>character with a Biotech of 4 or more would know more than what
>the medkit does. It would also mean that a character with a
>Biotech of 3 would know as much as the medkit and could probably
>count as a second opinion on a diagnoses.

My character in the game I just got into has a Biotech of 5. Our GM
plays the Medkit as actually being able to talk (maybe it's always
supposed to have talked, but I always imagined some kind of roll-out
touch screen on the thing for some reason). Thomas has had a couple of
interesting discussions with the thing (he uses it mostly for minor
injuries even though he's got a killer Heal spell at his beck and call).

(>) Texas 2-Step
El Paso: Never surrender. Never forget. Never forgive.
Message no. 13
From: "Christopher M. Coulter" <kamikaze@*********.EDU>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 12:20:21 +0000
> My character in the game I just got into has a Biotech of 5. Our GM
> plays the Medkit as actually being able to talk (maybe it's always
> supposed to have talked, but I always imagined some kind of roll-out
> touch screen on the thing for some reason). Thomas has had a couple of
> interesting discussions with the thing (he uses it mostly for minor
> injuries even though he's got a killer Heal spell at his beck and call).

If I recall, In SR1, the medkit is supposed to talk. I have not
checked the newer versions for that feature yet, but the key thing to
remember with something like that is it is only raw data that is
revealed. If you tell the symptoms to the medkit, then the
processing unit could only make a diagnoses by eliminating what
doesn't fit the symptoms. Either way this would make it very hard
for a computer to diagnos very complicated problems.

Chris Coulter
Message no. 14
From: Mongoose <evamarie@**********.NET>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 12:41:09 -0700
>If I recall, In SR1, the medkit is supposed to talk

I'd assume that in SR, almost any electronic device would have some
voice activated / output capability, especially if it had any other kind
of input and display. Microtrancievers, for example; how else would you
set their frequencies? Really, really tiny buttons?
The annoying part for runners would be if that was the ONLY option; I
think SR3 has the option for making any electronic gear datajack
compatible, though.

Message no. 15
From: Matb <mbreton@**.NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Medkits & First Aid
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 02:58:13 -0700
Alfredo B Alves wrote:

> Is there an advantage to having Biotech (First Aid) 1 (3) when the
> Medkit has it's own Biotech skill of 3?

An often-used houserule around these parts is that you can't use any
pool dice (or karma for rerolls) for Skillsofts; the Medkit wiould fall
under the same rule. And don't forget that the character may eventually
have to apply first aid without the medkit being there (and there are
other possible uses to the skill, too).

- Matt

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Medkits & First Aid, you may also be interested in:


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