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Message no. 1
From: LSDodge d7582@*****.com
Subject: Mildly OT: Shadowrun to D&D(Planescape)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 21:59:20 -0400
I know I'm going to open up a big ass can of worms that has almost
definitely been opened up before, but dose anyone have rules for blending
Shadowrun and D&D?
I love the Planescape universe, and can't bare to let it sit idle in my
GM's closet, but I've grown to detest the D&D rules system (or at least I've
come to value the Shadowrun system more, I couldn't go back). So how bout
I've never even SEEN an Earthdawn book, so I don't know if I could just
use those and save myself the trouble of converting, but any ideas would be
a godsend.

P.S. The game may not even HAPPEN, and if it dose it will be in the summer,
so no big rush :-)
Message no. 2
From: Craig J Wilhelm Jr craigjwjr@*********.net
Subject: Mildly OT: Shadowrun to D&D(Planescape)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 12:08:04 -0400
From: LSDodge <d7582@*****.com>
> I know I'm going to open up a big ass can of worms that has almost
> definitely been opened up before, but dose anyone have rules for blending
> Shadowrun and D&D?
> I love the Planescape universe, and can't bare to let it sit idle in
> GM's closet, but I've grown to detest the D&D rules system (or at least
> come to value the Shadowrun system more, I couldn't go back). So how bout
> it?

If you're looking for a different system to run Planescape in, Ars
Magica is the way to go, IMO. I finally dropped AD&D after far too long (17
years, ugh...) in favor of Ars for all my fantasy gaming needs. Check out my
page (URL below) for conversion ideas. If you don't know anything about Ars
Magica, do yourself the favor and pick up the 4th edition book. Once you
understand the system enough, you'll never go back to anything else for

As for going from AD&D to SR, I dunno. SR just seem much better suited
fot high(er) tech games. I use SR as my replacement for Palladium for my
Robotech games, and as a replacement for the Masterbook system for my
Shatterzone games.

> I've never even SEEN an Earthdawn book, so I don't know if I could
> use those and save myself the trouble of converting, but any ideas would
> a godsend.

The Earthdawn system just dosen't seem magic heavy enough for use as a
replacement for AD&D. I personnaly am not a big fan of the ED system.
Craig "Knee Deep in the Blood of Swine" Wilhelm
"Hey, there's an AOL user in #mensa.
Isn't that an oxymoron?"
UIN: 1864690
Rho Phi Gamma
-------------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-------------
GAT/$ d- s+:+ a- C+++ U--- P+ L- E-- W++ N++
o K- w+ O> !M-- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t--- 5+++
X-- R++ tv b++ DI-- D+(Q2++) G++ e++ h* r y++**
--------------END GEEK CODE BLOCK--------------
----------------BEGIN ArM CODE BLOCK----------------
4- R+ H+ SG G+++ Y2 C-- FZ-- !P HOH (F++, Ty++) Cd+
-----------------END ArM CODE BLOCK-----------------
Message no. 3
From: Airwasp@***.com Airwasp@***.com
Subject: Mildly OT: Shadowrun to D&D(Planescape)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 12:01:08 EDT
In a message dated 4/14/99, 10:06:00 AM, shadowrn@*********.org writes:
<< I know I'm going to open up a big ass can of worms that has almost
definitely been opened up before, but dose anyone have rules for blending
Shadowrun and D&D?
I love the Planescape universe, and can't bare to let it sit idle in my
GM's closet, but I've grown to detest the D&D rules system (or at least I've
come to value the Shadowrun system more, I couldn't go back). So how bout

I don't know about blending the two, but as for the Planescape material, use
it as background material for the metaplanes.

Message no. 4
From: XaOs [David Goth] xaos@*****.net
Subject: Mildly OT: Shadowrun to D&D(Planescape)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 11:54:06 -0500
> I've never even SEEN an Earthdawn book, so I don't know if
> I could just
> use those and save myself the trouble of converting, but any
> ideas would be
> a godsend.

I'd say that so much of the charm of a Planescape game is it's flavor and
background. A big part of ED is that the game itself is tied in tightly to
the game-world and background.

I honestly think you'd have an easier time putting Planescape into SR
terms than...

Waitaminit... What is your final goal? Are you wanting to use Planescape
in 2060, or are you wanting to just use the framework of the SR system in
a Planescape world?

Before you get started looking at ED, you should know that the game system
of ED is MUCH MUCH different than the game system of SR. If you get ED
(which in and of itself isn't a bad thing. I like it), you're going to be
learning an entirely new game system that you may not even like, or it may
not work for you.

Sure the gameworld metaphysics and such are related and similar :) , but
the dicerolling mechanics and stats are MUCH different.

-David Goth-
Message no. 5
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Mildly OT: Shadowrun to D&D(Planescape)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 14:05:37 EDT
In a message dated 4/14/99 9:06:00 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
d7582@*****.com writes:

> I love the Planescape universe, and can't bare to let it sit idle in my
> GM's closet, but I've grown to detest the D&D rules system (or at least
> come to value the Shadowrun system more, I couldn't go back). So how bout
> it?
> I've never even SEEN an Earthdawn book, so I don't know if I could just
> use those and save myself the trouble of converting, but any ideas would be
> a godsend.
> Thanks.
> --Tim
> P.S. The game may not even HAPPEN, and if it dose it will be in the
> so no big rush :-)

Tim, I haven't seen the Planescape, but for some reason, I think I'm going to
be more. One of my players showed up with it at the game last sunday, saying
he's trying to gain some inspiration for new Metamagics and/or Metaplanar
Quests of <insert action here>.

I know that we have "places" in our SR Game, much like AD&D did. I know
"Guinee", the City of the Loa is a "static place" in the metaplanes,
by the
descriptions from the Awakenings book. I know that we've got other, far
smaller, places.

Hell, what is so funny is that the Grimoire (both editions) opened the door
for such places. It's called 'the Citadel', and it's at the end of any given
"Quest". Our thought(s)? Make the Citadel, each unique Citadel, into a
"place". If the Citadel is a place where the Free Spirit's "true
name" is,
then that Free Spirit should have some give or say into the general
appearance (kind of like the Personal Domain power).

We've also used the concept to construct metaplaces, using Karma and already
existing Metamagical Talents (like Quickening).

How's this for a thought?

Build a Lodge.

Conjure a Hearth Spirit in the Lodge after you've lived there for a while.

Go to the Metaplanes to get a *really* good look at the lodge. Quest Rating
is the rating of the Lodge or Spirit (the latter probably shouldn't exceed
the former). Take your karma with ya', chat with the Spirit of the Lodge a
bit, make some longer term arrangements, then apply the karma with a
"Quickening" type of effect, to give a static level of appearance/feel.

Go Home when done...

IF the details are nicely done, and the GM deems this to be appropriate, you
have a "place".

Using the rules for Anchorings (Grimoire II), you can have a "link" placed in
the lodge to other places later on. For instance, here's a little known fact:

Padre' (formerly Binder) has such a place set up for his lodge. He made a
"link" from that place to the City of Guinee, after speaking with the "City

Leaders" (a neato way to roleplay a Quest), and established an "enchanting
shop" within the cities boundaries. He's not a Loa or anything, but it was
really cool to toss into the concept.

Sure, you can't take anything physically with you, but formulae and the like
can be determined/designed, and the Lodge spirit itself (now a Free Spirit)
becomes the shop operator (among other things).

Basically, with a bit of imagination, and the agreement of the GM/Group,
something can be come up with.

-K (just wait folks...just wait)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Mildly OT: Shadowrun to D&D(Planescape), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.