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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
Subject: Money is a myth
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1993 20:50:03 CDT
After reading some of the stuff you guys have been posting
about corporate script, I have to put in my two cents (heh, heh).
Okay, take out a bill (one dollar will do quite fine). Look
at the upper left, under "United". That means that the government
will accept that bill for something you pay them.
"big deal". No not quite, it wasn't untill recently that only
the government could print money. What good was that money, it meant
that the issurer of the bill would accept it for the debts you owed.
Why as a private citizen would I use money from a bank. I might have
a mortgage from the bank, they'll take 'em. I go to the store which
the bank is part owner, so the clerk will accept my bank notes. Etc.
What backs private money, the same thing that does the federal
money, we all agree on it. Let's say that tommorrow the bank will
only accept gold as payment for the debts it receives and also turns
all its assets into gold. Why is gold preferred, because we VALUE it.
Money has no intrinsic value, its an idea. Its the process
by which we keep score.
Would other corporations use each other script. Maybe, depends
on if they can use it to exchange goods from other corps. An example
is the former Soviet Union. If you visited there, you had to use
ruples, they were not good outside the USSR. No other country wanted
them. and the Soviets tried to get you to exchange in their country
(at higher rates) because they wanted greenbacks to exchange on the
world markets.
So if I'm a corper and I life in the company apartments, shop
at the company run stores, go the company bars, what's wrong with the
corporate script?
One thing most of you are right about exchange rates and value
could be a bear. "NRC Corporation script? Don't you know they were
taken over last week? All the script was recalled and reissued.
Purty fire kindling though".

Candi Cabaniss
Western Kentucky University

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Money is a myth, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.