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Message no. 1
From: Fahnuir <FAHNUIR@******.BITNET>
Subject: Munchkin Spell?
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 13:19:05 PRT
Hi everybody

Well, i have a problem ( kind of ). One of my players has decided that he want
s to design a new(?) spell for his mage ( or his mage wants to design a new spe
ll for himself... Whatever! ).

I would like to hear some opinions about if the spell is too powerfull or if t
here is something that could need a reajustment ( Drain for exemple ? ).
Here goes the spell.

Name: Blast Shout Type: Mana Target: Willpower (R)

Duration: Instant Range: Limited Drain: (F/2)+3 D

Damage: M (stun)

Note on Range: Altough it can be heard as if it was a granade exploding, it onl
y damages those within the limited range ( per the normal rules on SR2 or Grimo
ire 2nd Edition )

To cast the spell the caster must be able to shout ( he can't be gagged, for
exemple ). When the caster casts the spell, his shout increases in volume ( a
lot!!!! ) and becomes something like a sound wave blast.
Those in front of the caster are subject to a knockback/knockdown test ( as
in melee combat, with the force of the spell as the force of the attacker ).
Characters with active sound enhancement systems have the damage level up by
one step ( moderate gets serious, etc... ), except if they have an active dampe
This spell can do NO PHYSICAL DAMAGE!! ( Directly on the condition monitor ..
. ). If the caster gets enough success to do physical damage, the target must
rool his body with the T.N. depending on the damage (magic pool can assist on
this test, but must be alocated separatly):

Light 3
Moderate 4
Serious 6
Deadly 9

If the character doesn't gets a single sucesse, then he gets deff. If a single
success is rolled then there are no side effects.


I would like some opinions


In your room, i fell you and i just can't get enough...

P.S.- Tell me if you have any doubts regarding anything related to the spell.
Message no. 2
From: "Jason Carter, Nightstalker" <CARTER@***.EDU>
Subject: Re: Munchkin spell?
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 16:24:15 -0700
This should help alittle.

>>Name: Blast Shout Type: Mana Target: Willpower (R)
>>Duration: Instant Range: Limited Drain: (F/2)+3 D
>>Damage: M (stun)

>>Note on Range: Altough it can be heard as if it was a granade exploding, it
>>only damages those within the limited range ( per the normal rules on SR2 or
>>Grimoire 2nd Edition )

This is a combat spell so the range is how far away the target point can be,
but the area of effect is either one target (if not an area effect spell) or
Magic Rating meters radius (if area effect).

>>To cast the spell the caster must be able to shout ( he can't be gagged, for
>>exemple ). When the caster casts the spell, his shout increases in volume ( a
>>lot!!!! ) and becomes something like a sound wave blast.

This is Shadowrun not AD&D. All that is need to cast the spell is for the mage
to cast the spell.

>>Those in front of the caster are subject to a knockback/knockdown test ( as
>>in melee combat, with the force of the spell as the force of the attacker ).

That would be an extra effect adding to the drain code unless the spell uses
elemental effect blast.

>>Characters with active sound enhancement systems have the damage level up by
>>one step ( moderate gets serious, etc... ), except if they have an active

More for the drain code.

>>This spell can do NO PHYSICAL DAMAGE!! ( Directly on the condition monitor
>>... ). If the caster gets enough success to do physical damage, the target
>>must roll his body with the T.N. depending on the damage (magic pool can
>>assist on this test, but must be alocated separatly):

I assume you mean the spell cause stun damage only. Unfortunately damage
overflow cannot be stopped. The deafness save is very unusual. Look at the
Thunderclap spell for a better way to do it.

>> Light 3
>> Moderate 4
>> Serious 6
>> Deadly 9

>>If the character doesn't gets a single sucesse, then he gets deff. If a single
>>success is rolled then there are no side effects.

IMHO, you friend is looking for the Thunderclap spell on Grimoire Page 132 or
an area effect verison of it. However if you want me to work up a drain code
for the spell above, it would be not problem.

See Ya in Shadows, "I can count the number of days I've worked
Jason J Carter since graduation on one hand." - ME!
The Nightstalker Carter@***.EDU
Message no. 3
From: The Deb Decker <RJR96326@****.UTULSA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Munchkin spell?
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1993 13:05:35 GMT
>This is Shadowrun not AD&D. All that is need to cast the spell is for the mage
>to cast the spell.

To clarify: A mage can cast a spell as long as he can see the target. Otherwise
Mon frere Carter's analysis is adept at showing where you should look to
legalize your spell.

J Roberson
Message no. 4
From: Fahnuir <FAHNUIR@******.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Munchkin spell?
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 11:28:08 PRT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>This is Shadowrun not AD&D. All that is need to cast the spell is for the mag
>>to cast the spell.

>To clarify: A mage can cast a spell as long as he can see the target. Otherwi
>se Mon frere Carter's analysis is adept at showing where you should look to
>legalize your spell.

I must say, as the designer of this spell, that the when the spell says that t
he caster must be able to shout, it is because the spell works in the way that
it increases the voice of the caster. If the caster doesn't shouts the spell ca
n't afect it's shout, and so it can not work.
The spell is not a combat spell. It is a manipulation spell (As it affects the
voice of the caster), and the drain of the spell as been worked as if it was a
manipulation spell (including the elemental side effect of blast, that works a
s a knockback/down test).
As for the ability the spell has of not doing phisical damage, this is somethi
ng that as been put into the spell formula when the spell was designed, but if
someone has an explanation of why the spell must do physical damage i would lik
e to know it (when i say explanation, i mean an explanation and not "it can't b
e done because it can't be done").
I would also like to hear more comments on the drain ( If it is to high, if it
is to low. Again i would like to know why do you put the drain as you put it).

Thanks for all your help

In your room, i feel you and i just can't get enough...

P.S.- I'm sorry if there is any uncorrect spelling or grammar, but english is
not native language.
Message no. 5
From: Fahnuir <FAHNUIR@******.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Munchkin spell?
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 11:52:56 PRT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
This should help alittle.

>>Name: Blast Shout Type: Mana Target: Willpower (R)
>>Duration: Instant Range: Limited Drain: (F/2)+3 D
>>Damage: M (stun)

>>Note on Range: Altough it can be heard as if it was a granade exploding, it
>>only damages those within the limited range ( per the normal rules on SR2 or
>>Grimoire 2nd Edition )

}This is a combat spell so the range is how far away the target point can be,
This is not a combat spell (at least it was not our intention). Is a manipu
lation spell.
}but the area of effect is either one target (if not an area effect spell) or
Magic Rating meters radius (if area effect).

>>To cast the spell the caster must be able to shout ( he can't be gagged, for
>>exemple ). When the caster casts the spell, his shout increases in volume ( a
>>lot!!!! ) and becomes something like a sound wave blast.

}This is Shadowrun not AD&D. All that is need to cast the spell is for the ma
}ge to cast the spell.
I've sent a mail to the list where i talked about this.
>>Those in front of the caster are subject to a knockback/knockdown test ( as
>>in melee combat, with the force of the spell as the force of the attacker ).

}That would be an extra effect adding to the drain code unless the spell uses
}elemental effect blast.
It does.
>>Characters with active sound enhancement systems have the damage level up by
>>one step ( moderate gets serious, etc... ), except if they have an active

More for the drain code.

>>This spell can do NO PHYSICAL DAMAGE!! ( Directly on the condition monitor
>>... ). If the caster gets enough success to do physical damage, the target
>>must roll his body with the T.N. depending on the damage (magic pool can
>>assist on this test, but must be alocated separatly):

}Unfortunately damage
}overflow cannot be stopped. The deafness save is very unusual. Look at the
Why can't damage overflow be stopped?
}Thunderclap spell for a better way to do it.

>> Light 3
>> Moderate 4
>> Serious 6
>> Deadly 9

>>If the character doesn't gets a single sucesse, then he gets deff. If a single
?). It's not a temporary deffness. The character (or NPC) needs a new ear (natu
ral or cyber).
>>success is rolled then there are no side effects.

}IMHO, you friend is looking for the Thunderclap spell on Grimoire Page 132 or
}an area effect verison of it. However if you want me to work up a drain code
}for the spell above, it would be not problem.

I would be very pleased if you could help me with the drain code.

Thanks for your answer

In your room, i feel you and i just can't get enough...
Message no. 6
From: Short Fuse <JMCPHERS@******.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Munchkin spell?
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 10:38:36 -0400
:} >>Name: Blast Shout Type: Mana Target: Willpower (R)
:} >>Duration: Instant Range: Limited Drain: (F/2)+3 D
:} >>Damage: M (stun)

Ummm... pardon me, but:
You say it's a manipulation spell, right? Therefore, target number
of 4. No ifs, and, or butts about it. So blah. You call it a manipulation
spell, and write up the rest of it as a combat spell. Umm.. no. So blah blah.

//\\ Jim McPherson
<< >> JMCPHERS@****
\\// Randomizing randomness for a better random day.
GCS/MU d? -p+ c++ l u-(+) e+(++) m(+)(*)@ s/+ n-(---) h f+@ g-(+) w+ t+ r+
Message no. 7
From: The Deb Decker <RJR96326@****.UTULSA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Munchkin spell?
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 11:26:32 GMT
> I must say, as the designer of this spell, that the when the spell says that t
>he caster must be able to shout, it is because the spell works in the way that
>it increases the voice of the caster. If the caster doesn't shouts the spell ca
>n't afect it's shout, and so it can not work.

The subject is the caster. Range=0. The caster doesn't get the Elemental
Effect directed at himself so drop it entirely.

By this definition of the spell (manipulation cast on mage, rather than
combat spell cast at target) you'll probaly need to define it as increasing
the voulme and then basing your attack on rules elsewhere on how to blow
someone's ears away, either as a pranormal power or the effects of loud
noises on Amplified Hearing.

Stun damage automatically flows into the physical column because once your
body has been pummeled enough it starts to break down.

J Roberson

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Munchkin spell?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.