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Message no. 1
From: Aaron Keith Solomon <aks1@**.MSSTATE.EDU>
Subject: Mutant powers...
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1993 19:57:59 -0500
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

| Keith Solomon |
| aks1@** |
| TIP#104 |

Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name=havok
Content-ID: <Pine.3.07.9309141910.B21175@****.MsState.Edu>

This is my interpretation of the Marvel character, Havok. Before you
start yelling 'MUNCHKIN!', let me tell you, the campaign is VERY high
power, but this character is the weakest of the lot.

Just as an "off the cuff" suggestion, I'd do it like this and
then tweak it during play to make it work right:

The basic logic of Havok's powers has always been that he is
a sort of cosmic capacitor -- he receives and stores up cosmic energy
and can then release it in a directed (or, if he chooses, a nondirected,
albeit then considerably weaker) blast. Thus he has a limit based on
how much energy he can absorb.

Given this, I would give his power the following characteristics:

Overall damage code: Essence+2 M 3 (it's his physical body
receiving and storing, so anything messing with his physical bod could
damage his storage capacity. However, I would rule that CULTURED bioware
(i.e., bioware using his own genetic material) would NOT subtract from
his essence in this case (as it would for a mage).

Dice pool: Unlike spells and weapons, which really do need
training to direct, this is an inborn power. Once he mastered basic
control, directing the thing is trivial. Thus the only REAL control
he would have on it would be HOW MUCH POWER he pumps into each blast.

Thus, I'd give him a number of dice which he can allocate
between blasts, equal to (K)*(Essence). To start with I'd probably
set K equal to 3 -- thus if he doesn't get cybered, or use non-cultured
bioware, he would have a pool of 18 dice to use.

How does the pool regenerate? Ah. One die per TURN (ten minutes,
I believe). Takes him a while to receive and store the energy from
ambient sources.

This is under NORMAL conditions. Under certain special conditions,
the character could accumulate a LOT more energy -- near a nuclear reactor
leak, for instance (Havok was not only IMMUNE to radiation of all kinds,
he got STRONGER around it).

Have fun! Sounds like an interesting Shadowrun concept, as long
as the player doesn't just want to Blow Things Up. In fact, if the player
is a really good one who works up real characters with real personalities,
I'd reward him/her by being generous with the interpretation of the power,
especially in a cinematic sense. Make it dramatic, deadly, dangerous,
and most of all LOTS of FUN.

Also, his power has a restriction. If it kills someone (anyone),
he 'freezes up'. He can't move, etc. for two turns. This was thrown in
to try to balance him a little (VERY little! :). I think there is basis
in the comic for this, but I'm not sure. (O.K. SO I DON'T FOLLOW X-MEN!).


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Mutant powers..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.