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Message no. 1
From: Joshua Bell <joshbell@**********.COM>
Subject: New Edge/Flaw
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 01:33:19 -0400
Josh here, the Muse is upon me, and so I again post thusly:

I just had a good brainstorm for a new EDGE. (Note: It may only be used if
you are using the optional point-based charater creation rules)

Wealthy:( a +6 Edge)
This edge gives the charater 100,000Y/Build Point during charater
creation. The minimum ammount of points spent on resources is 20. This
charater MUST spend 95% of this cash buying equiment/vehicles/cyberware(Max
of ALPHA implants)/etc. the remaining 5% or less MAY be kept by the
charater to start the adventure. This charater must pre-purchase at least
1 year of High Lifestyle or better to start. NOTE: The FLAW of spoiled must
be given to this charater.

Spoiled: ( a -3 Flaw)
This charater must spend at least 8 hours every day in High lifestyle
conditions or better or he/she is grumpy (+2 to all social TN, charisma TN)
until they again are in high lifestyle. Also this charater hates being in
"Squatter" locations (Filthy,etc.), and if put there will be on edge (+1 to
all TN). This charater insists on wearing fine clothes when able, and
spends 20% of his/her monthly income on "Nic-nacks" (i.e. jewlry, simtapes,
music, etc. but NOT weapons or equipment!)

Josh: Could be too powerful, I mean if they spend 40 build points they have
4 million Nuyen, but when the game starts they would only have 200,000Y in
cash (5%). (And I would rule they don't get the 3D6x1,000Y to start). I
just have an image of the wealthy magician, with his 5,000Y suit, trying to
find a clean place to sit in his troll friend's apartment. (imagine beer,
chips, and soycaf spilled everwhere <grin>).
Message no. 2
From: Drekhead <drekhead@***.NET>
Subject: Re: New Edge/Flaw
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 09:34:26 -0500
On 1 May 98 at 1:33, Joshua Bell wrote:

> 3D6x1,000Y to start). I just have an image of the wealthy magician,
> with his 5,000Y suit, trying to find a clean place to sit in his
> troll friend's apartment. (imagine beer, chips, and soycaf spilled
> everwhere <grin>).

Yea, that is a neat image. And you know what? You don't need to add a
new edge/flaw to do it. That's right. How you ask?

Roleplaying. :)


-DREKHEAD- drekhead@***.net - ICQ-UIN 2883757 -
"Reality is the only obstacle to happiness." - Unknown
Message no. 3
From: Rune Fostervoll <runefo@***.UIO.NO>
Subject: Re: New Edge/Flaw
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 16:01:57 +0200
>Josh here, the Muse is upon me, and so I again post thusly:
>I just had a good brainstorm for a new EDGE. (Note: It may only be used if
>you are using the optional point-based charater creation rules)
>Wealthy:( +6 Edge)
>Spoiled:(-3 flaw)

Well, I have a few opinions on edges and flaws.

On 'wealthy'
My suggestion here is, if you want a character able to have more than 1000000
nuyen, just expand the resource list, doubling it for each extra five build
points or so. As a GM you might 'strongly suggest' the player takes a
luxury lifestyle and spends about half, at least, on luxury items.
(50000 nuyen Rolex, an old car collection, whatever).

On 'Spoiled'

I'm not sure. I'm increasingly of the opinion people shouldn't get points
for personality flaws. If someone has a good background, allow them a few
extra build points. Flaws for things like that makes it a kind of 'shopping
list' for things that could, by stretching it, fit into a character concept.

Now, my experience with flaws might be slightly bad - the current batch of
PC's was made under another GM, and three of'em has 10-15 points of flaws.
I'm not inclined to be particularily harsh about it, and the players have
agreed they were fairly munchkinous, and are reducing the flaws on their own
accord. (Did probably help that I made it somewhat clear that I'd go medieval
on those with 10+ flaws.). Kudos to the ONE player with 2-3 flaw points.

Limiting flaws should not give that many points either, since many take them
as a 'bonus' when they wouldn't want anything in that category. Now if a
*street samurai* took bio-rejection or infirm, rather than a mage, then they
should probably get points for it, but that's about it.

Doesn't leave us with many flaw points, does it?

How does you guys handle the 'no tech' bit, by the way?
How do you justify a FIVE POINT flaw for 500 nuyen?
(0 build points gives 500 nuyen.).
At the least disallow the starting cash roll, and no starting
contacts, but I guess you won't be surprised *all* physads
take that one? Rather more surprising the hermetic mage took it
as well.

I'll go through the flaw list one of these days and modify it a bit.


ADVICE, n. The smallest current coin.
-Ambrose Bierce

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about New Edge/Flaw, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.