From: | t_little@********** (Timothy Little) |
Subject: | New spell idea |
Date: | Sat, 4 Nov 1995 09:41:17 +1100 |
(or at least get some comments). Think of it at the archetypal
Transformation Manipulation spell:
Category: Manipulation
Type: Physical
Range: Touch
Target: Variable
Duration: Sustained
Drain: (1/2F) D
This spell transforms existing matter according to the caster's
specifications. The quantity of matter transormed is up to 1 kg per success
in the casting of the spell. The mass of the transformed matter may not
change. This spell will not affect or create living organisms. The target
number is highly variable, depending upon the complexity of the shape and
materials, and the energy of the transformed matter.
Target # modifiers: Take the highest applicable modifier from each category:
Material Base TN# Examples
Natural 4 Rock, water, air
Primitive 6 Brick, leather, wood, purified natural substances.
Refined 8 Simple plastics, glasses & alloys, basic chemicals
High-tech 10 Advanced plastics, alloys & composites, complex
Shape Modifier Examples
Uniform +0 Rope, rod, slab, ball, or no change
in shape
Simple +1 Simple mechanical devices
Complex +2 Complex device composed of different
Intricate +3 Electrical devices, intricate clockwork
Highly sophisticated +4 Electronics, computers
Energy Modifier Examples
Inert -1 Inert gases, most noncombustible substances
Normal +0 Most combustible substances, and many metals
Flammable +2 Most oils, alcohols, flammable gases and such
Explosive +4 AN/FO, TNT, plastic explosive
(Radioactive +12 Yellowcake, Uranium, Plutonium)
(Antimatter +18)
Special conditions
For making sophisticated devices, the caster needs a fairly good idea of how
the device is designed, or possess blueprints for its construction. For
most electronic devices in the rulebooks, he should make an Electronics B/R
test against the Complexity of the device in order for it to work. For most
Complexity = sqrt(Price / 1000 Y) should be a good guide.
Obviously, if the device requires something that cannot be known by the
caster (such as a decryption key), the device will not be able to function.
The spell does not alter temperature or momentum of the affected substance,
and will not affect a segment of a larger object.
The spell will not take effect instantaneously, it needs at least a turn (or
more, if desired) for the material to transform. Likewise, the
transformation does not instantly revert upon dropping the spell, and matter
that has chemically reacted with something that would not ordinarily form a
stable compound will revert to its original chemical state with the energy
difference absorbed by the decaying magic.
My original idea was for a spell that created objects, but my GM is heavily
against creation or annihilation of matter. I wanted a highly flexible
spell that wouldn't be too abusable, hence a number of restrictions had to
be put in place. Some abusable ideas that cropped up:
Turning someone to jelly - hence non-living targets only.
Turning the air just outside someone's mouth to cyanide - hence touch required.
Making tons of C12 out of boulders - hence the weight limitation and
stability penalties.
Making an MPCP 24 cyberdeck - hence the need to visualise the design.
The base TN is roughly adapted from the Object Resistance table, made more
regular and easier to remember. The shape modifier makes it harder to make
more intricate designs. The energy modifer is added to prevent nuclear hand
The formation and decay times were added because otherwise you could turn
air to gold, throw it somewhere, then drop the spell. The gold then reverts
to air at a density of 19 g/cc, which has *tremendous* pressure, and
immediately explodes with commensurate force.
The chemical change clause was added to prevent difficulties when, say, you
turn helium to gasoline, burn it, then drop the spell. What are you left
with? Extremely unstable helium oxide and helium hydride?
Working out the drain code:
TN# Level
Major Physical Change S
Physical spell +1
Sustained spell +1
Touch required -1 -1
Bonus Game Effect
(Very Complex) +2
--- ---
+1 D
For obvious reasons, the GM wouldn't allow the spell to be Permanent. I
didn't even ask.
(However, the object does retain its transformed shape when the spell is
The GM is still considering the Radioactive and Antimatter stability
criteria. Considering the range of the spell, either may be a very
difficult method of suicide...
Tim Little