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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Fenris F-e-n-r-i-s)
Subject: Ok, question:
Date: Thu Aug 30 20:05:01 2001
I'm planning on GM'ing for my little brother ( who is new to Shadowrun ) and
his friends ( also completely new ).

Any pointers? Seriously, if you have some, dont even bother to post them on
the discussion board, just e-mail them to kadeshaderow@*******.com

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Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Damion Milliken)
Subject: Ok, question:
Date: Fri Aug 31 02:50:01 2001
Fenris F-e-n-r-i-s writes:

> I'm planning on GM'ing for my little brother ( who is new to Shadowrun ) and
> his friends ( also completely new ). Any pointers?

Are they new to RPGs or just new to SR? If they're just new to SR but not to
RPGs, be sure to dispell all the typical stereotypes like green skinned dumb
violent orcs, that elf D&D thing :-), and so on. Also, be somewhat willing
to run a hack 'n' slash style game, depending on their previous experience

Introduce them to the fact that they can do anything they wish to, but also
remind them that unlike other RPGs, they may have to actually live in the
society they interact with...

I guess the other thing I'd try and do would be to keep things simple at
first, so as not to overwhelm them with game mechanics, gear, and so on.
Keep it really simple, and let them experience the SR world. Limit the gear
and rules to SR3 (no CC, M&M, MitS, etc), and maybe consider limiting
magicians to adepts (no pesky astral projection to worry about), and remove
riggers and deckers. These can be introduced slowly, once they have a firmer
understanding of the basics.

Oh, and don't forget: have fun! <grin>

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong
Unofficial Shadowrun Guru E-mail: dam01@***
Version: 3.12
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Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Graht)
Subject: Ok, question:
Date: Fri Aug 31 11:35:01 2001
At 12:02 AM 8/31/2001 +0000, Fenris F-e-n-r-i-s wrote:

>I'm planning on GM'ing for my little brother ( who is new to Shadowrun )
>and his friends ( also completely new ).
>Any pointers?

Start off small with regards to the rules :)

I'd recommend starting off with a simple firefight. The characters are in
a bar, trying to figure out what to do, when some drugged out gangers burst
in the door and start shooting up the place (they don't shoot any of the
PCs on the first round so the players have a chance to react). Arm the
gangers with simple pistols to make things easy on yourself too. The
players get a chance to roll dice and get an instant taste of combat.

It turns out a fixer is looking for a new group of runners and gave the
gangers the drugs, then when they were sufficiently paranoid told them that
the bar was full of enemy gang members.

After the firefight is over the fixer walks in to see who's standing
(hopefully the PCs) and assembles them together to be a running team for a
job he has lined up already (the PC's first adventure).

After you get the game going bring in new rules slowly. Maybe try to set
the next combat in poor conditions (low lighting and it's raining) to
encourage players to use melee combat.

Ditto for magic. Make the first opponent simple with straightforward
combat spells. Maybe the next one will use illusion spells.

And so on :)

To Life,
ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader II
Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Fenris F-e-n-r-i-s)
Subject: Ok, question:
Date: Fri Aug 31 12:45:00 2001
>Graht wrote:
>After the firefight is over the fixer walks in to see who's standing
>(hopefully the PCs) and assembles them together to be a running team for a
>job he has lined up already (the PC's first adventure).
>After you get the game going bring in new rules slowly. Maybe try to set
>the next combat in poor conditions (low lighting and it's raining) to
>encourage players to use melee combat.
>Ditto for magic. Make the first opponent simple with straightforward
>combat spells. Maybe the next one will use illusion spells.
>And so on :)
>To Life,
>ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader II
That's some good advice
I was also thinking of sticking in an NPC Street Samurai to sort of "help
them" through, just as a precaution, nothing sucks worse than getting capped
on your first run.

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Message no. 5
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lars Wagner Hansen)
Subject: Ok, question:
Date: Fri Aug 31 14:30:01 2001
From: "Damion Milliken" <dam01@***>
> Fenris F-e-n-r-i-s writes:
> > I'm planning on GM'ing for my little brother ( who is new to Shadowrun ) and
> > his friends ( also completely new ). Any pointers?
> Are they new to RPGs or just new to SR? If they're just new to SR but not to
> RPGs, be sure to dispell all the typical stereotypes like green skinned dumb
> violent orcs, that elf D&D thing :-), and so on.

Green orks don't come from D&D, it comes from Warhammer. In D&D orks have
piglike-faces and are pale pink to brown IIRC. If you happen to have a copy of
the 2nd edition AD&D Players Handbook (not the revised version), you will have
aperfect picture of D&D orks.

Lars Wagner Hansen, Jagtvej 11, 4180 Sorø
SRGC v0.22 SR1 SR2++ SR3+++ h+ b+++ B--- UB++ IE+ RN LST W++ dk sa++ ma+
sh++ ad++++ ri mc rk-- m- (e-- o t-- d-) gm+ M- P-
Main Rule of Usenet: Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to
their level, then beat you with experience.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Ok, question:, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.