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Message no. 1
From: Sebastian Vilstrup <vilstrup@*****.IHI.KU.DK>
Subject: Re: One shot magic Items - Anchoring
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 12:11:45 +0200
While re-reading the Grimoire I found that you can't aim or target an
anchored spell. I think it's in the second column of the first page.

This means that you cannot make a portable wand of fireballs. It seems
that anchoring can only be used with a non-targetted spell. That leaves
out most combat spells, except perhaps touch spells. I think that touch
spells would be fine, thing like healing and death touch. The only way to
make an offensive wandlike thingy would be to anchor a damaging
area-effect manipulation, and pointing the wand in the general direction.

Do anyone disagree, go home and read the book and please tell me I'm
wrong :)

Hasta la vista
Message no. 2
From: Mark Steedman <RSMS@******.EEE.RGU.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: One shot magic Items - Anchoring
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 11:35:39 GMT
Sebastian Vilstrup writes

> While re-reading the Grimoire I found that you can't aim or target an
> anchored spell. I think it's in the second column of the first page.
> This means that you cannot make a portable wand of fireballs.
yes it stops this one, but as usual there is a solution.

All the listed shadowrun area affect spells are 'radius' but it does
not exclude designing a spell 'area affect cone!', now you cannot aim
the spell, but if its effect cone from the end of my wand you sure
can point the wand at someone! [just don't get the thing the wrong
way round :) ]

> It seems that anchoring can only be used with a non-targetted spell.
> That leaves out most combat spells,
fraid so, you could i suppose have the manabolt come out the end of
the wand but you then need to accurately aim the wand at the target,
not very easy if not playing **&*!!

> Do anyone disagree, go home and read the book and please tell me I'm
> wrong :)
you are right, but there are solutions, and then the fun does start!

> Hasta la vista
> Madman
Message no. 3
From: Robert Watkins <bob@**.NTU.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: One shot magic Items - Anchoring
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 23:49:50 +0930
Sebastian Vilstrup wrote:
> Do anyone disagree, go home and read the book and please tell me I'm
> wrong :)

You're both right and wrong... the caster can't aim the anchored spell, no.
So you can't say 'When this goes off, hit that guy over there.'. So...
Non-AOE Combat spells are right out. Area-of-effect spells are centered
on the item. That leaves projectile-like manipulations as uncovered. How to
treat these? Well, if it's like a grenade type thing, I'd say it goes off
at ground zero. The only one which is hard to spot is Spark, which shoots
out to the target. For this, I'd have the mage anchoring the spell
designate a direction, and have the person using the item try to line it

Robert Watkins bob@**
Real Programmers never work 9 to 5. If any real programmers
are around at 9 am, it's because they were up all night.
*** Finger me for my geek code ***

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about One shot magic Items - Anchoring, you may also be interested in:


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