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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (CJ Tipton)
Subject: OT Air Force Opportunity and other thoughts
Date: Fri Sep 14 09:25:01 2001
I had to take a bit to think on this before posting seemed like a good
idea. I mean no offense to anyone with this post.

I was born the son of a decorated Vietnam veteran.
At age 5, I was adopted by my grandparents.
My grandfather enlisted in the Navy at the onset of World War 2, and
worked until his retirement as an auditer for an oil company.
I've travelled extensively with my folks all over this charming little
dirtball we call Earth, and lived for an extended period of time in
the Middle East, as well as East Asia.
Several months ago, I enlisted in the US Air Force.
I am currently in DEP, and will ship on the 25th of September.
I do not go out of my way to hate anybody. There are in point of fact
very few people I give enough of a crap about to even strongly dislike.
I am a pagan, and believe their is no right or wrong religion, because
God is love to all peoples.

I am physically sickened by some of the things I have heard and seen
since Tuesday.
Ten, maybe fifteen thousand dead in New York, as terrorists attack the
WTC towers, a landmark of steel and stone where more than
Fifty thousand people are employed.
Hundreds of fire, police and rescue workers die attempting to provide aid
in an hour of crisis.
The realization by a senator that precautions against just this sort of
thing were discussed in comittee after the WTC bombing,
but were never implemented.
The realization that every decade has seen a new attrocity that involves
us in the affairs of the Middle East.
Watching on CNN as Palestinians celebrated in the streets, reveling in
the fact that Islam had managed to blow up more
than just a few Israelis this time, and gleefully singing that the
Americans had been struck by the Hand of Allah.
Watching Yassir Arafat, head of the PLO and former terrorist supporter,
give his condolences to America with his lips quivering and his eyes on
the ground, filled perhaps with the realization that this tragedy was
beyond even his ability to fathom.
The news that attacks and threatening phone calls were being made on US
The news that a group of Moslems in Pasadena, Tx. had been publicly
celebrating the tragedy, saying that "America has finally gotten what it
The Justification by many that "This is all happening to America because
they tried to be the worlds police force."
The Servicemans post to this list of a comrades defiance against war and
against those who desire war.

Those are the facts, now my own opinions.

Any member of the US armed forces who isn't willing to defend his nation
without mental reservation is obviously a lying prick who is just
off the government without any intention of fulfiling his oath of
service. I tend to take "service before self" a little more seriously
than that.

Terrorists have already declared war on the US, and everybody else who
isn't conforming to their belief system for that matter. Our government
been aware of this fact for decades. If any soveriegn nation attacked
anothers embassy, it would be an considered an act of war. How many times
have we seen on the news "US embassy in ____ bombed by terrorists", and
for how long? Yet all our enemys in this war are still alive because
our governments fear making them martyrs. We have not sustained any sort
of conflict with these terrorists beyond dealing with specific outrages,
fearing that the Middle East will become "another Vietnam". In other
words, we are fighting entirely defensively in the hopes that we do not
into a war we are already fighting. As foolish as that is, we top it all
off be not even taking the necessary defensive precautions we have
discovered are vital to our survival. I hope that this time, we will
reveal the meaning of the words "Don't Tread On Me."

If I am ever on a plane that is hijacked, knowing that my life and the
lives of the other passengers around me will likely be used to take the
of innocent people elsewhere, I have every reason to attempt to free
myself by force, knowing that I will die either way, and that by possibly

stopping the hijackers, I might be saving somebody elses life. This is
not an emotional reaction, but a logical reaction brought on by
recent events. Let's face it, hijacking a plane with the idea of killing
everybody on board regardless is a bad PR move for hijackers everywhere.

Moslems are not responsible for this problem. I have lived around Moslems
for most of my life. They are a kind, generous, and hospitable people.
Their own Koran forbids discrimination against Jews and Christians, and
espouses compassion for ones fellow man. No Moslem I have ever met
would be capable of what has been done. Retribution against Moslems for
this tragedy must cease, for they are victims as well. There was
(reported by CNN and CBS news) a mosque area in one of the WTC buildings.
The people responsible for this attrocity were not true followers
of Islam. They were just A--Holes. So is anybody who supports these
actions, or celebrates the tragedy suffered by any other human being.
If your looking for somebody to blame or to exact retribution against,
make sure you look in the right place.

It is a time for accountability. Terrorists hate the US. My dad used to
say that when you have a problem with someone else, it is your problem
not theirs.
Terrorists hate the US. I think that it is about time that we made that
their problem. Not out of grief. Not out of hatred. Not out of a sense of
But to ensure that anyone who contemplates a campaign of hate can have a
Blue Book value of what it will cost them to carry it through, not made
in threats, but in the cold reality that all their predecessors have met
the grimmest of ends: to die having failed utterly.

My best wishes go out to all who have lost loved ones in this tragedy ,
with the assurance that if there is a heaven that lets in terrorists for
themselves up in the name of hatred, your loved ones are in a better
place, no matter their sins. My prayers are with the living now who
to help their fellow man, and by doing so make the world a little
brighter day by day.

COWBOY(still wants to wipe his feet on whoever did this....)

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Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Holly Feray)
Subject: OT Air Force Opportunity and other thoughts
Date: Fri Sep 14 13:20:07 2001
...> themselves up in the name of hatred, your loved ones are in a better
> place, no matter their sins. My prayers are with the living now who
> strive
> to help their fellow man, and by doing so make the world a little
> brighter day by day.
> COWBOY(still wants to wipe his feet on whoever did this....)
> CJ
> Arkades@****.com

God I love that man even more. Who knew that was possible?! I just had
to say that publicly before he goes off to the Air force.

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about OT Air Force Opportunity and other thoughts, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.