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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "Arno R. Lehmann" <arlehma@***.NET>
Subject: [OT] Question: BritRail
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 00:31:59 +0200
Now I've got some really OT question.
I and some friends plan to go to Schottland this summer. We don't know
yet exactly when and if we'll take our bikes with us. Since the people
at German Rail can't find out what it costs to take a bike with you on
the train in Britain I thought I asked the list, since quite a lot of
people are from britain here.

Is it possible to take a bicycle on the train from Dove / Folkestone to
Inverness? What does it cost?
I don't know the exact date we will go to Schottland, so if it depends
on that info ... ask me!

All answers an comments to me and not to the list, please!

Thanks in advance,


Further Reading

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