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Message no. 1
From: Phil Smith phil_urbanhell@*******.com
Subject: [OT] Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 17:58:08 GMT
>From: "Nexx" <nexx@********.net>
> > Phil *genuinely got scared reading the description of real roleplayers
> > playing the Storyteller system; thats me right down to the diablerising
> > one's sire and the plumeting humanity attribute*
>::chuckle:: I always wound up going the opposite route... I would play a
>vamp with a HUGE Humanity who invariably wound up being killed/driven out
>town (ever have to flee to Canada?) because I would act against their

shhhh! keep it down, Gridsec are everywhere, talk like that can get you
thwapped :)>

My vampire is essentially a machivellian bastard who diablerised his own
sire, killed a mafia boss and then forcibly injected his own blood into one
of his goons, he is planning to kill Gary's resident prince and drink his
blood, along with anyone else worth eating who gets in his way; all in all
healthy ambitions for a young vampire.

I still do prefer SR to V:TM by miles, but my character is slowly growing on


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Message no. 2
From: Nexx nexx@********.net
Subject: [OT] Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 13:00:06 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Smith" <phil_urbanhell@*******.com>

> My vampire is essentially a machivellian bastard who diablerised his own
> sire, killed a mafia boss and then forcibly injected his own blood into
> of his goons, he is planning to kill Gary's resident prince and drink his
> blood, along with anyone else worth eating who gets in his way; all in all
> healthy ambitions for a young vampire.

Gangrel, former Werewolf Kinfolk with True Faith in Gaia and a 10
Humanity... in a city that was currently without a Prince. I was gone

> I still do prefer SR to V:TM by miles, but my character is slowly growing
> me.

Me too. I tend to think of our foray into Vampire as being the downfall of
our Houston gaming group (I move between Houston and Kansas, depending on
whether school is in session or not). The way our Vampire games went,
teamwork was a secondary consideration to advancing your own position, an
attitude which carried over, unfortunately, into our other games. CLUE
Files aside, Shadowrun encourages teamwork. You can't do the job yourself
without being totally munchkin, and you need to do the job. Even if your
characters are totally mercenary, screwing over the other people is
generally a good way to get yourself killed.

a.k.a. Mark Hall
"If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no
light. If I lose paper and ink I will write in blood on forgotten walls. I
will write always. I will capture nights all over the world and bring them
to you."
-Henry Rollins
Updated 9-8-2000
Message no. 3
From: Phil Smith phil_urbanhell@*******.com
Subject: [OT] Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 18:26:34 GMT
>From: "Nexx" <nexx@********.net>
> > I still do prefer SR to V:TM by miles, but my character is slowly
> > me.
>Me too. I tend to think of our foray into Vampire as being the downfall of
>our Houston gaming group (I move between Houston and Kansas, depending on
>whether school is in session or not). The way our Vampire games went,
>teamwork was a secondary consideration to advancing your own position, an
>attitude which carried over, unfortunately, into our other games. CLUE
>Files aside, Shadowrun encourages teamwork. You can't do the job yourself
>without being totally munchkin, and you need to do the job. Even if your
>characters are totally mercenary, screwing over the other people is
>generally a good way to get yourself killed.

Maybe its my storyteller, but nothing really seems to happen in V:TM; my
character does all the work. SR is also a lot more light, as much as I hate
it when everyone starts joking, we do play RPGs to have fun and I enjoy
joking around more than I do slaughtering mortals. V:TM is a lot more dark
and I don't always want that from a game.

OTOH, it is all but impossible to play a vampire without a personality; V:TM
forces roleplaying.

I guess its just down to the characters I play; I have made my SR character
last a year now.


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Message no. 4
From: caelric@****.com caelric@****.com
Subject: [OT] Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 14:36:57 -0700
At 06:26 PM 9/8/00 GMT, Phil wrote:
<snip some stuff>

>OTOH, it is all but impossible to play a vampire without a personality; V:TM
>forces roleplaying.

Ack, no, it certainly does not! Unless you consider a personality
something that always wears black, scowls at everyone, and is generally
uncommunicative, and not talkative. I'm not saying all V:tM players are
like that, but it does seem to attract that kind of generic, cookie cutter
rp'ing, which I hesitate to call role-playing.

Message no. 5
From: Curtis Askren vykar@*****.com
Subject: [OT] Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 23:53:41 -0700 (PDT)
> Ack, no, it certainly does not! Unless you consider
> a personality
> something that always wears black, scowls at
> everyone, and is generally
> uncommunicative, and not talkative. I'm not saying
> all V:tM players are
> like that, but it does seem to attract that kind of
> generic, cookie cutter
> rp'ing, which I hesitate to call role-playing.

I must have missed the message that that covers,
because I have no idea where the hell that came from.
;-P Though, it struck a chord, so watch out. I just
get rather upset when all people think of V:tM players
is the
"always wears black, scowls at
> everyone, and is generally
> uncommunicative, and not talkative."

Yes, yes, I know what you said, but then you say it
attracts that crap... well, I've never experianced
that happen in my games, in fact when I ST and my
former ST frown on it, so NYA-NYA, NYA-NYA-NYA!
(childish taunt) =D


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Message no. 6
From: Phil Smith phil_urbanhell@*******.com
Subject: [OT] Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 08:59:45 GMT
>From: caelric@****.com
> >OTOH, it is all but impossible to play a vampire without a personality;
> >forces roleplaying.
> >
>Ack, no, it certainly does not! Unless you consider a personality
>something that always wears black, scowls at everyone, and is generally
>uncommunicative, and not talkative. I'm not saying all V:tM players are
>like that, but it does seem to attract that kind of generic, cookie cutter
>rp'ing, which I hesitate to call role-playing.

I was only speaking from my experiences of V:TM which, whilst moving at a
slow pace, were very much orientated around coping with being a vampire,
adapting to a new morality that encorporates having to kill someone every
few days and dealing with having to help individuals with a much worse set
of morals than your own. It doesn't lend itself to combat and mass dice
rolling because - certainly compared to SR - the rules are a tad basic, I've
been playing using 2and edition so I don't know how the rules have changed
yet, but the ones I have seen struck me as being kind of sucky.

SR OTOH can be played as a slaughterfest where no one has to be faced with
any kind of moral decision beyond which weapon to ice the next generic goon
with. Most of the time it isn't, but there are rules for dealing with any
situation (other than IIRC, weather an ally spirit leaves or not).

As I said a few posts before, SR is comparatively light. This is all only
from my experiences of the two games however, YMMV.


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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [OT] Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.