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Message no. 1
From: Rick St Jean <Platinum@*****.CA>
Subject: phyasad question
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 16:08:53 -0400
its says in the campanion that a physad gets the number of force points
equal to his magic rating. Is this the "force ponts" used for bonding
or the force points spent to buy powers. If it is to buy powers how
many force points will he/she have. if it is none doesn't the physad
get shafted again?. having to spend build points for bonding?

Another pensive question from the library of:
Message no. 2
From: Q <Scott.E.Meyer@*******.EDU>
Subject: Re: phyasad question
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 17:03:59 -0500
On Wed, 15 Oct 1997, Rick St Jean wrote:

> its says in the campanion that a physad gets the number of force points
> equal to his magic rating. Is this the "force ponts" used for bonding
> or the force points spent to buy powers. If it is to buy powers how
> many force points will he/she have. if it is none doesn't the physad
> get shafted again?. having to spend build points for bonding?

The "force points" mentioned in the Companion with regards to phys ads,
IIRC, is just another name for the magic points that a phys ad spends for
his abilities. I believe the situation was that FASA had never actually
come up with a name for the points a phys ad uses to purchase ablities, so
they went with "force points". Phys ads have never gotten force points to
use for bonding foci at character creation. If you wish to use a house
rule to allow this and let them buy force points using the normal method,
go right ahead.


I find it a disturbing sign of our times that 90% of the
users who walk into the lab do not know how to tear the
paper out of a dot matrix printer without tearing it.

Scott "Q" Meyer
Message no. 3
From: Rick St Jean <Platinum@*****.CA>
Subject: Re: phyasad question
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 18:10:28 -0400
Q wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Oct 1997, Rick St Jean wrote:
> > its says in the campanion that a physad gets the number of force points
> > equal to his magic rating. Is this the "force ponts" used for bonding
> > or the force points spent to buy powers. If it is to buy powers how
> > many force points will he/she have. if it is none doesn't the physad
> > get shafted again?. having to spend build points for bonding?
> The "force points" mentioned in the Companion with regards to phys ads,
> IIRC, is just another name for the magic points that a phys ad spends for
> his abilities. I believe the situation was that FASA had never actually
> come up with a name for the points a phys ad uses to purchase ablities, so
> they went with "force points". Phys ads have never gotten force points to
> use for bonding foci at character creation. If you wish to use a house
> rule to allow this and let them buy force points using the normal method,
> go right ahead.
> -Q
But what would the adapt use to bond weapon focuses? This is to be
one of the advantages that the adept has... right? In the old system
points from resources could be alocated towards bonding. If you want
to bond a weapon focus as an adept be prepared to pay minimum 5-10
force points. This seems to hinder the adept. I think that the
majority of people think that adepts are already under-powered. there
has to be some way to supplement the omission by fasa.
Message no. 4
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: phyasad question
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 12:13:58 +0100
Rick St Jean said on 16:08/15 Oct 97...

> its says in the campanion that a physad gets the number of force points
> equal to his magic rating. Is this the "force ponts" used for bonding
> or the force points spent to buy powers.

To buy powers with.

> If it is to buy powers how many force points will he/she have. if it is
> none doesn't the physad get shafted again?. having to spend build
> points for bonding?

Physads can't bond foci at character creation, going by the Companion.
FASAMike seemed to like the idea of letting them do so anyway, though,
when this was heavily discussed on this list (MC23, down! :) not long
after the Companion came out.

It pretty much depends on whether you want to stick to the rules as
written in the Companion, or introduce a few small house rules. I've
chosen the latter, and do it like this: physads get the same Force
Points as other magicians, from which they can bond foci if they have the
money to buy them, and get to spend points equal to their Magic rating to
buy powers from.

Gurth@******.nl -
Turn into nothing less than nothing new.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 5
From: Mark Steedman <M.J.Steedman@***.RGU.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: phyasad question
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 11:25:36 GMT
Rick St Jean writes

> But what would the adapt use to bond weapon focuses? This is to be
> one of the advantages that the adept has... right? In the old system
> points from resources could be alocated towards bonding. If you want
> to bond a weapon focus as an adept be prepared to pay minimum 5-10
> force points. This seems to hinder the adept. I think that the
> majority of people think that adepts are already under-powered. there
> has to be some way to supplement the omission by fasa.
I have always said they get 'points of powers equal to thier magic
attribute' and 'force points from their yen for bonding weapon foci'
the latter is now confirmed as a house rule but assuming any of the
latter force points NOT used on foci are lost no damage is done (ie
if you use the priority system they don't turn into karma if unused
and if you use the points system you get thrity free points and can
buy more if you want them for bonding but the initial thirty cannot
be traded for anything (AT ALL except weapon foci bonding) and are
lost if unused.

In practice given the ridiculous newyen cost of weapon foci you are
better leaving them be and getting a friendly mage with enchanting to
build the in game, use a fair bit of orialcum to get the 'first
bonding cost' down to (either 1 or rating depending on your GM) and
saving a fortune, that A priority can be better spent on skills or
atts for a physad than cash.

Message no. 6
From: John E Pederson <lobo1@****.COM>
Subject: Re: phyasad question
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 22:33:08 -0500
On Wed, 15 Oct 1997 16:08:53 -0400 Rick St Jean <Platinum@*****.CA>
>its says in the campanion that a physad gets the number of force
>equal to his magic rating. Is this the "force ponts" used for bonding
>or the force points spent to buy powers. If it is to buy powers how
>many force points will he/she have. if it is none doesn't the physad
>get shafted again?. having to spend build points for bonding?
>Another pensive question from the library of:

THe one thing I don't understand is why FASA refuses to release an errata
for a book when there's errors, whether or not those errors get corrected
in a later version of the book.</RANT>

That would be a typo. Physads can only use Force points for bonding
weapon foci. Above and beyond that, the FASA-official line is that
Physads do not receive Force points in Character Gen (in point-based
character gen, they can purchase them). If you really need to know the
specifics, take a look in the list archives from back in January, or ask
MC23: he started it:P

John Pederson "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!"
aka Canthros, shapeshifter-mage --South Park
lobo1@****.com canthros1@***.com john.e.pederson@***********.edu ICQ UIN 3190186

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about phyasad question, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.