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Message no. 1
From: Patric 'Procrastination' Rogers <PROGERS@******.BITNET>
Subject: physical damage with Unarmed Combat,
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1993 03:47:00 EDT
jason carter responded to my post about allowing Unarmed combat (or
it's concentration "Martial Arts") to cause (1/2 str)L physical damage with
this response:

*Remember the Deadly Plus discussion from just alittle while ago. I think it
*covered killing with your hands pretty well. You can either use extra success
*afther stun damage start doing physical on top of the stun, or someone's
*following the damage scale method. In both these cases it avoids making hands
*do physical damage. I'm against that because a) it steals the physical adept's
*thunder and b) why Martial Arts concentration only. I can give my character
*Unarmed Combat 6 and call him a Martial Arts master. Remember that
*concentrations are limits on general skills, not enchancers.

i remeber the discussion, but chose to suggest an alternate method which
does not change the current rules concerning rolling successes, and is
somewhat less intense than the previous discussion. the method i have
proposed also allows a character to kill his opponent without having to
first knock him out - adding a "bit of realism" to the game.

i also do not feel that it really takes anything away from physads. most
physads who choose killing hands will have twice the power rating and
a damage level of at least moderate (1 magic point) if not serious (2
magic points). the physad who has a low strength and only light killing
hands doesn't have any thunder to steal as his real abilities lie

you are correct about the concentrations. when i made my original post i
was not in edit mode and managed to mumble something about "martial arts"
concentrations then say "why not just use unarmed combat skill."
in retrospect, i advocate that my proposed system be used with Unarmed
Combat skill and it's various concentrations and specializations.

speaking of such animals, how do others run the limitations for Unarmed
Combat concentrations and specializations? i have seen several posts that
others have made concerning full-blown martial arts powers and skills, but
i'm interested in "just the black book" rules. ("keep it simple,

Message no. 2
From: "Jason Carter, Nightstalker" <CARTER@***.EDU>
Subject: Re: Physical Damage with Unarmed Combat
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1993 13:40:37 -0700

>>i remeber the discussion, but chose to suggest an alternate method which
>>does not change the current rules concerning rolling successes, and is
>>somewhat less intense than the previous discussion. the method i have
>>proposed also allows a character to kill his opponent without having to
>>first knock him out - adding a "bit of realism" to the game.
What's wrong with changing the method of damage staging damage. Unless you
don't want people taking physical damage when they are knocked-out by a stun
damage attack it makes perfect sense.
And how does this add a little bit of realism to the game? Just because your
trying to kill someone with a blow as opposed to knocking them out, the power
doesn't mysteriously reduce. But using your suggestion does just that.

See Ya in Shadows,
Jason J Carter
The Nightstalker

P.S. Patric. Look down on your keyboard. Look a Shift key! Try using it.
It makes your post much more pleasing to the eye. (Humor intended, but
the request is geninue.)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about physical damage with Unarmed Combat,, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.