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Message no. 1
From: Richard Tomasso rtomasso@*******.com
Subject: Prelude to UCAS?
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 11:01:29 EDT
Some thoughts on Canadian submission to the US.

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Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Richard Tomasso)
Subject: Prelude to UCAS?
Date: Thu Jun 7 11:35:01 2001
Almost half foresee Canada, U.S. in union within a decade
'Quite a surprising lean'
Tom Arnold
National Post

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Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Augustus)
Subject: Prelude to UCAS?
Date: Thu Jun 7 14:45:00 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Tomasso <rtomasso@*******.com>

> Almost half foresee Canada, U.S. in union within a decade
> 'Quite a surprising lean'

Talk about this by the papers and a few people always seems to crop up once
in awhile... but its not something that could happen in 10 years.

If you look at the Europe thing and how long it went down, and then consider
that there hasn't even been any actual talk on this subject with
politicians... then throw in all our differences (both cultural and
political) and definitly 10 years is too soon.

Some of the big canadian corporations (mostly multinational) in Ontario are
probably the only ones that would be for it... for the general population
they might be interested if it meant sharing a common currency (something
the article says most likely won't happen anyhow)

For me, that'd be the only real thing that'd interest me (the common
currency)... sometimes I feel almost "trapped" in canada with our currency
being so poor compared to the US (I used to enjoy 1 or 2 week long vacations
a year in the US... since 1998, I've done about 1 every 2 years... the
exchange rate just makes it so tough to financially justify)

But otherwise, I think our two political systems are too different (the US
elects a president who appoints his cabinet from those he owes political
favours to... in Canada, we elect local representatives and the leader of
the party that has the most representatives in the House of Commons is our
leader, who appoints his cabinets from the elected representatives (yes,
they are from the same political party for the most part, though there has
been a couple of times in the past where the leader appointed members from
another party... but thats pretty rare))

Will it be something that ever happens? Maybe. But for it to go down, I'd
say the economy of North America would pretty much need to be falling
apart... with this being just about the final solution.

A funny thought about all this though... the people in Canada who would be
most for it happening would be those in Ontario. But, as it sits now,
pretty much just about all of Canada revolves around Ontario (no, I don't
like it, but its the truth) and they don't seem to understand why the other
provinces are continually griping about how they mistreat us.

But if Canada and the US ever did merge, they'd find that things are quite
different than how they percieve it... they'd end up being just about the
bottom rung on the ladder (just before the other provinces and maybe 4 or 5
other States)... they just don't seem to understand that if a US state like
California has more people in it than Canada... the whole country (of
Canada) couldn't expect a more significant say in national politics,
collectivly, than what California gets itself now (and they suffer the same
"west coast alienation" to the US that BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and
Manitoba get from Ontario and Quebec.

But thats my 2 cents... (if they were american, it'd be my 3 cents Canadian)


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Prelude to UCAS?, you may also be interested in:


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