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Message no. 1
From: Steven A. Tinner bluewizard@*****.com
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 23:53:50 -0400
Anyone have a link where I can download this?
I've seen it dozens of times, but now that I need it, I have NO idea where
to download it.
Any version will do, as long as it covers all four player types.

I'm just trying to "prove" to a firend that he really IS a Munchkin. ;-)


Steven A. Tinner
"I'm a man. But I can change. If I have to. I guess. But not that much." -
The Possum Lodge Motto, The Red Green Show
Message no. 2
From: Aristotle antithesis@**********.com
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 00:16:39 -0400
>>>Steven A. Tinner wrote:
"I'm just trying to "prove" to a firend that he really IS a Munchkin."

I'm not sure where it is exactly, but good luck. I gave it to my groups
former (he was asked to leave eventually) munchkin and he insisted he was
50% Loony and 50% Roleplayer.

-- Travis "Aristotle" Heldibridle
Message no. 3
From: Keith Duthie psycho@*********
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 16:43:09 +1200 (NZST)
On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Steven A. Tinner wrote:

> Anyone have a link where I can download this?
> I've seen it dozens of times, but now that I need it, I have NO idea where
> to download it.
> Any version will do, as long as it covers all four player types.

Understanding is a three edged sword. Do you *want* to get the point? O- -><-
Standard disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this message are unlikely to
be mine, let alone anybody elses...
Message no. 4
From: Phil Smith phil_urbanhell@*******.com
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 17:36:24 GMT
Written by: Keith Ammann

Roleplayer Types Definition

The Real Man The tough macho type who walks up to the attacking
dragon and tells him to leave before he gets hurt.
The Real Roleplayer The intelligent cunning guy who tricks the constable
into letting you all out of prison.
The Loony The guy who will do anything for a cheap laugh,
including casting a fireball at ground zero.
The Munchkin Need we say more?

Player Relationships

Towards Real Men...

Real Men think they're brothers in arms.
Real Roleplayers hide behind them.
Loonies harass them with stupid suggestions.
Munchkins say "I'm a Real Man, too!"

Towards Real Roleplayers...

Real Men protect them, on the off chance they may come up with
something useful.
Real Roleplayers sigh with relief to know they're not alone, and then get
their characters involved in love affairs and death feuds.
Loonies harass them with stupid suggestions.
Munchkins say "I'm a Real Roleplayer, too!"

Towards Loonies...

Real Men ignore them.
Real Roleplayers sometimes harass them back by taking a stupid
suggestion and making it work.
Loonies declare a pie fight at 20 paces . . . and cheat.
Munchkins try to imitate the jokes, and fall flat.

Towards Munchkins...

Real Men attack them on sight.
Real Roleplayers trick them into being cannon fodder.
Loonies make reasonable-sounding suggestions that will get the
Munchkin killed in an amusing way.
Munchkins query, "What's a Munchkin?"

Playing Shadowrun

Favorite Archetype

Real Men play Street Samurai.
Real Roleplayers play Street Shamans.
Loonies play Rockers.
Munchkins play Cyberninja.

Favorite Metahuman

Real Men play Orks.
Real Roleplayers play Dwarves.
Loonies play Sasquatches.
Munchkins play Vampires.

Favorite Job

Real Men like extractions.
Real Roleplayers like undercover operations.
Loonies like working the counter at the Stuffer Shack.
Munchkins like political insurrections, but only if they get to run the
country afterward.

Favorite Opposition

Real Men like go-gangs.
Real Roleplayers like policlubs.
Loonies like DocWagon.
Munchkins like Aztlan.

Worst-Case Scenario

Real Men hate when their employers screw them over.
Real Roleplayers hate when the Real Men blow their cover.
Loonies hate when the other players won't help them out of their
self-inflicted predicament.
Munchkins hate when the opposition puts up a fight.

Approach to the Run

Real Men scout out the territory, make a stealthy beeline to the
objective, blast their way out and speed away from the scene.
Real Roleplayers get in under disguise, jigger the security systems and
slip out in a delivery van.
Loonies go up to the front desk and announce, "Candygram!"
Munchkins blow away the guards, get what they came for, blow away
the cops and go home.

How They Dress

Real Men wear Armor Jackets over their street clothes.
Real Roleplayers wear corporate suits, tribal garb and neohippie outfits
over their Form-Fitting Body Armor.
Loonies wear Lined Coats over nothing at all.
Munchkins wear Full Heavy Armor and Gyro-mount harnesses for a stroll
down Main Street.

Favorite Social Skill

Real Men like Interrogation.
Real Roleplayers like Negotiation.
Loonies like Etiquette (Zoo Animal).
Munchkins don't waste points on Social Skills.

Favorite Contact

Real Men like their Armorer.
Real Roleplayers like their Bartender.
Loonies like their Rotary Club Habitue.
Munchkins like the High Prince of Tir Tairngire.

Favorite Weapons

Real Men like katanas, Ares Predators and Ingram Smartguns.
Real Roleplayers like shuriken, Narcoject guns and sniper rifles.
Loonies like Tiffani Self-Defenders on Gyro-mounts and Ares Squirts
filled with disappearing ink.
Munchkins like Dikote monofilament whips, assault cannons with APDS
ammo and recoilless Vindicator miniguns.

Favorite Cyberware

Real Men like Smartgun Links.
Real Roleplayers like Voice Modulators.
Loonies like the Sears Handi-Craftsman cyberarm power tool
Munchkins like it all, preferably beta-grade.

Favorite Vehicle

Real Men like Harley Scorpions.
Real Roleplayers like Ford Americars, heavily customized.
Loonies like Winnebagos.
Munchkins prefer GMC Banshees, but a Citymaster will do in a pinch.

Favorite Spell

Real Men like Mana Bolt.
Real Roleplayers like Mask.
Loonies like Mana Tickle and Ram vs. Bowling Pins.
Munchkins like Turn to Goo, even though it was taken out of the 2nd

Favorite Totem

Real Men like Wolf.
Real Roleplayers like Raccoon.
Loonies like Roadrunner.
Munchkins like Owl.

Favorite Thing about Second Edition

Real Men like the new combat rules.
Real Roleplayers like the new Metahuman allergy rules.
Loonies like the new Laubenstein color illustration with all the
weirdos piled into a truck.
Munchkins like the new loopholes.

Biggest Problem with Second Edition

Real Men don't like that Karma autosuccesses are gone.
Real Roleplayers don't like that the list of 2050s slang is gone.
Loonies don't like that the "Food Fight" scenario is gone.
Munchkins don't like that the Turn to Goo spell is gone.

You don't have to thank me :)>


Let us assume we have a can opener.
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Message no. 5
From: Spike spike1@****
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 11:51:14 +0100 (BST)
And verily, didst Keith Duthie babble thusly...
> On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Steven A. Tinner wrote:
> > Anyone have a link where I can download this?
> > I've seen it dozens of times, but now that I need it, I have NO idea where
> > to download it.
> > Any version will do, as long as it covers all four player types.


There's also the earthdawn specific one that I picked up a few years ago...
No idea of the website, but if I can find it on my harddrive, I could mail

| spike1@******* | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?" |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| |
| in | "I think so brain, but this time, you control |
| Computer Science | the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..." |
Message no. 6
From: Fyre - AKA Colin fyre@******
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 19:58:40 +0100
Ack! I'm a bit of each or so it seems. I tend to favour the Roleplayer's
approach, but always take the Loony's point of view. Most of my
characters end-up being Real Men though and, well, there's a little bit
of Munchkin in all of us. No? ;)

(You know. The bit that noticed that if you kept Q + I to a round
number, keeping W even, you weren't missing any bonuses to reaction or
combat pool. The bit that realised that if they had more contacts, there
was more of a chance they'd get the high-availability EQ. The bit that
chose the cyberware/spells/powers :) . Think of him as you would the
Wyrm ;) )

PS: Isn't the Munchkin totem now the Sun?

Message no. 7
From: Phil Smith phil_urbanhell@*******.com
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 20:49:14 GMT
>From: Fyre - AKA Colin <fyre@******>
>Ack! I'm a bit of each or so it seems. I tend to favour the Roleplayer's
>approach, but always take the Loony's point of view. Most of my
>characters end-up being Real Men though and, well, there's a little bit
>of Munchkin in all of us. No? ;)

Not so; I'm the guy who likes playing wimpy characters, to stupid extremes;
I still have yet to play a character with a body or strength attribute
higher than their racial average. Everyone plays RPGs for different reasons
and no way is necissarily wrong so long as it doesn't spoil everyone else's

Phil *genuinely got scared reading the description of real roleplayers
playing the Storyteller system; thats me right down to the diablerising
one's sire and the plumeting humanity attribute*

Let us assume we have a can opener.
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Message no. 8
From: Nexx nexx@********.net
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 18:38:42 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Smith" <phil_urbanhell@*******.com>

> Phil *genuinely got scared reading the description of real roleplayers
> playing the Storyteller system; thats me right down to the diablerising
> one's sire and the plumeting humanity attribute*

::chuckle:: I always wound up going the opposite route... I would play a
vamp with a HUGE Humanity who invariably wound up being killed/driven out of
town (ever have to flee to Canada?) because I would act against their
Message no. 9
From: Bull bull22@*******.com
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 23:43:10 -0400 (EDT)
Oooohhhh... I've been looking for the SHadowrun one...

I'll probably edit this up and post it (Does Kieth Ammann have a web page
and/or e-mail addy so he can get linked credit?)

>Favorite Thing about Second Edition
Anyone want to do a third ed. update? :]


Bull -- The Best Ork Decker You Never Met!

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Message no. 10
From: Adam J adamj@*********.com
Subject: Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 05:57:36 -0600
At 23:43 07/09/2000 -0400, Bull wrote:

>>Favorite Thing about Second Edition
>Anyone want to do a third ed. update? :]

Actually, there is an updated/3rd edition one floating around, but I can't
seem to find it at the moment..

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Real Man/Roleplayer/Looney/Munchkin Quiz?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.