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Message no. 1
From: David Hyatt <hyatt@********.COM>
Subject: Re: Renraku Shutdown Links
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 23:50:30 -0800
Ereskanti wrote:
> Oh how interesting. Dave, I know that once in a while you are on the list as
> well. What gives? I was under the immediate consideration that anything that
> was posted as part or whole of the material put forth to FASA is considered
> theirs' once it is accepted (as RA:S has been). Final editing has made the
> space the restrictions of choice.

Yikes! I should clarify this. I did not post the cut sections of the book. I posted links
to the cut sections that are on FASA's Web site. FASA has placed the sections on for you to browse. My page
just links to them. Check out the Renraku Arcology: Shutdown entry in FASA's online
catalog. There is a Preview link underneath the description that will take you to the cut

As for the Screamsheet article on otaku, that is new material. The rules for player
character otaku initiation and otaku tribes were never part of the Renraku book. All that
ever went into the Renraku book was the
rules for the Banded.

I hope that clears things up. :)

> There is one major problem though as I see it. It threatens to make deckers'
> obsolete in much the same way that an Adept threatens to make many Street
> Samurai obsolete.

That is sort of inevitable whenever you have open-ended advancement based on karma. I
tried to balance things a bit by forcing otaku to obey the same restrictions that deckers
have to in their hardware ratings.

> What about the information on how to recreate the
> Otaku that was originally supposed to be in RA:S?

There is an otaku section in the book that explains how to update your otaku to SR3 (and
that clarifies some things).

> Come on folks, opinions??? We, as a collectively list, have taken apart and
> nitpicked every other text material that FASA-SR has released to us, and for
> some reason this piece of work is generated trivial volumes of information.

By all means, nitpick away. :)

Message no. 2
From: "D. Ghost" <dghost@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Renraku Shutdown Links
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 18:52:26 -0600
On Wed, 18 Nov 1998 23:50:30 -0800 David Hyatt <hyatt@********.COM>
>By all means, nitpick away. :)

If you insist... I don't have RA:S (*YET*) so I'll start with the
Screamsheet ... What's the Phoenix's (and its bats) propulsion system?

Also, any chance of posting chassis & engine info (a la the last few
pages in R2) for the new drones?

D. Ghost
(aka Pixel, Tantrum, RuPixel)
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re-cur-sion (ri-kur'-zhen) noun. 1. See recursion.

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Message no. 3
From: K in the Shadows <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: Renraku Shutdown Links
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 21:06:08 EST
In a message dated 11/19/1998 2:54:57 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
hyatt@********.COM writes:

> Yikes! I should clarify this. I did not post the cut sections of the book.
> I posted links to the cut sections that are on FASA's Web site. FASA has
> placed the sections on for you to browse. My page
> just links to them. Check out the Renraku Arcology: Shutdown entry in
> s online catalog. There is a Preview link underneath the description that
> will take you to the cut sections.

Okay, that is fine and dandy, and does explain a few things to me.

> As for the Screamsheet article on otaku, that is new material. The rules
> for player character otaku initiation and otaku tribes were never part of
> Renraku book. All that ever went into the Renraku book was the
> rules for the Banded.

Ah, -that- part I had wondered about directly. I do think it's interesting
that the rules for "Transfiguration" did make it however. What I think is
nastier, is that the rules for Transfiguration (IMO, this is "Initiation" for
the NPC) are far nastier than the rules for Ascendancy that are in the web

> I hope that clears things up. :)

Some, yes.

> > There is one major problem though as I see it. It threatens to make
> deckers'
> > obsolete in much the same way that an Adept threatens to make many Street
> > Samurai obsolete.
> That is sort of inevitable whenever you have open-ended advancement based
> karma. I tried to balance things a bit by forcing otaku to obey the same
> restrictions that deckers have to in their hardware ratings.

Ah, that is the reason then for the "age restricted" or "devolving" of
Otaku as s/he gets older then? Personally, I find this really stupifying,
especially in light of Technobabel and/or Psychotrope. Take your pick, the
latter has more potential ramifications against the suggestions you put
forward than the former does, but they both influence things greatly.

> > What about the information on how to recreate the
> > Otaku that was originally supposed to be in RA:S?
> There is an otaku section in the book that explains how to update your
> to SR3 (and that clarifies some things).

Yes, it does. But it doesn't answer a lot of question that we've had here for
over a year now.

> By all means, nitpick away. :)

-K (who grabs the boxes of trimmed-down-tree-trunks by the crateful ;)
Message no. 4
From: K in the Shadows <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: Renraku Shutdown Links
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 21:31:38 EST
In a message dated 11/19/1998 8:01:01 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
dghost@****.COM writes:

> If you insist... I don't have RA:S (*YET*) so I'll start with the
> Screamsheet ... What's the Phoenix's (and its bats) propulsion system?

I'll be nice on this one myself. Just wait until you see the "Ray" drones
that Deus uses. That should make you want to *flounder* around desperately
for a few hours...

> Also, any chance of posting chassis & engine info (a la the last few
> pages in R2) for the new drones? there is a thought. Dave??? The RA:S book does includes stats for
the Bumblebee, Dervish, Medusa, and a few others. They are nice. Okay, not
really *nice*, just (how did that fat kid say it???) "shweeet".

Message no. 5
From: Mike Bobroff <Airwasp@***.COM>
Subject: Re: Renraku Shutdown Links
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 14:37:44 EST
In a message dated 11/19/98 8:01:01 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
dghost@****.COM writes:

> Also, any chance of posting chassis & engine info (a la the last few
> pages in R2) for the new drones?

Just from the pictures of the Bumblebee for instance that it has a Micro-
Rotodrone chassis with a Electrical power plant.


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Renraku Shutdown Links, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.