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Message no. 1
From: "V.A.L.I.S." <campbellcc@***.HENDRIX.EDU>
Subject: Rifts & Munchkins
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 01:10:20 +0100
You know, and I'm just throwing this out there, I think one of the reasons
RIFTS is such a good _chance_ for roleplaying is that it is so 'unblanced'.
I mean here you can pit an unlikely hero against impossible odds...
Tell the story of people ripped from their own plane trying to
Examine the motivations of extremely powerful creatures...
Have the story of a simple man who only wants to document and help
other people survive in this dangerous strange new world...
Play a member of the coliation coming to terms with their hatred of
not humans, dealing with intrigue, and paranoia...
A slave esacaped from capture...
Defending a doomed town (Or perhaps building a succesful one)
etc. (I could come up with a dozen more off the top of my head)
Once again, I firmly beleve it is the ref's (GM/DM/Storyteller etc.)
challenge/responsibility to make a story that intrests and intrigues the
players matches their skill levels, and provides a good role-playing
Sure it is easy to turn into 'Well I have 15000 M.D.C.', but it also
leaves it W-I-D-E open for tons of intresting situations and senarios. You
need players who want intresting characters. In RIFTS it is _pointless_ to
min/max (as experienced roleplayers come to realize in any game) that
beyond designing characters well, it doesn't matter b/c the ref can
__ALWAYS__ kill you. So don't worry about being the best, just in a story
where all are equal and can survive. (i.e. no sammie with 15 +3d6 int with
the rest of the group normal humans...I can threaten the sammy but the rest
of the group will be wasted...etc. etc.))

Ok, everyone notice where it says _I_ firmly believe, as in opinion shared
by our group, and opinion shared with you all, not to change anyone's mind
just to show our way of looking at things, once again scream at me
personally for pissing anyone off...
Later chummers.


Courtney C. Campbell...

* Courtney C. Campbell *
* Campbellcc@***** *
* Http:// *
* ____| *
* |_|__ "I am not mad. *
* | I am intrested in freedom." *
* -James Douglas Morrison *
* "Remember, no matter where you go, there you are." -Buckaroo Banzai *
Matter is plastic in the face of mind
-Tractates Cryptica Scriptura
Phillip Kindred Dick/VALIS
Message no. 2
From: MC23 <mc23@****.NET>
Subject: Re: Rifts & Munchkins
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 11:56:19 -0500
V.A.L.I.S. wrote,
> Once again, I firmly beleve it is the ref's (GM/DM/Storyteller etc.)
>challenge/responsibility to make a story that intrests and intrigues the
>players matches their skill levels, and provides a good role-playing
I new rule susytem would help too. <grin>
>Ok, everyone notice where it says _I_ firmly believe, as in opinion shared
>by our group, and opinion shared with you all, not to change anyone's mind
>just to show our way of looking at things, once again scream at me
>personally for pissing anyone off...
>Later chummers.
Hey, even I played in a Rifts campaign once for a friend. I enjoyed
it, but I made it a point to not learn the rules. I just told the GM
what I wanted to do and he told me what I needed to roll. I avoided
really getting upset at the rule system that way. And I don't even feel
that unpure. <grin>

Ancient cultures believed that names held great power, personal
names more so and they were guarded very closely. To protect themselves,
they answered to another name, because if another discovered their real
name, it could be used against them.
History repeats itself.
Welcome to the Digital Age.
I am MC23

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Rifts & Munchkins, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.