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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Adam J adamj@*********
Subject: ShadowCreations Poll
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 09:45:36 -0700
This is a bit later that I intended to post it, but here's the list of
proposed names for the "new" ShadowCreations list. To submit your vote for
favourite name, simply send ME (NOT the list) a private email with your top
choice and your second favourite choice. Please include them right near the
top of your email so I can sort through and tabulate the votes -- top
choice earns 2 points for the name, second favourite earns one point.

In the case of a tie, or where a bunch of names are all clustered near the
top, I pick the winner. Muhahah :) The person who suggested the winning
name gets something cool, but I'm not sure what that is yet.. :-)

Obviously, some of these names aren't really serious, but I included them
so the suggesters wouldn't feel left out. And before the voting begins, I
want to thank all of you that did give ideas and suggest names. <snif> I
love you guys! (And I don't want any beer..)

-- The Names --

Shadow Play

Shadowrun: Creative Resources (S:CR)

Shadowrun the New Generation (STNG, that should bring in a lot of Star
Trek fans ;)

Another Shadowrun Appropriate Product (ASAP)

Shadowrun Operating Procedures (SOP)

Multi User Shadowrun Training

Shadow Inks

The Shadowfiles (a play on Corporate Shadowfiles, not the X-Files. :)

PFGtPS: Patterson's Field Guide to Playing Shadowrun

NAGtRP: Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Role Playing

Players' Matrix Source (Not a serious suggestion, but has a great
Acronym. :)

GitS: Gaming in the Shadows :)

Casting Shadows

Shadowrun for Dummies (I don't think we can legally use this.)

"<EGMG> - Evil GM Guide"

ReFRAG - REsources For Runners And GMs.


FixersGuide (ie GM)

R-CAGE-Ops (Rules Clarifications And Game Enchancement Options)

ShadowContact (ie us that help out. :) )

DAAFE (Death Avoidance And Fun Enhancement)

The Golden Book of Shadowrun

GM and Players Guide to NOT sucking at Shadowrun?

Shadowrun: Hints, Ideas, and Tips. (Vote for this, and I'm blocking you
from subscribing to the list <g> )

ShadowCReation's Information for BEginners. [SCRIBE]

Shadowrun Operating System (SOS)


Rules of the Night (sounds like a pimp manual...)

ASCWINWOTYTSD (said: ask-win-watt-tit-sid)
(A Sucking Chest Wound is Nature's Way Of Telling You To Slow Down)

Rules to Continue Living By


URGE (Users' Roleplaying Guidance Exercise)

RUG (Runner's User Guide)

SR NetBook. (basic, but hey..)

Shadow Creations: Archive of Resources, Extras, and Tactics

Advise from the Woodchuck, or

Woodchuck Pointers

-- Names End --

< / adamj@********* >
< ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader / TSA Co-Admin / ICQ# 2350330 >
< FreeRPG & Shadowrun Webring Co-Admin / The Shadowrun Supplemental >
< ShadowFAQ: >
< "She pretty much walks around perpetually pissed at Mick." >
< - Kevin Kelly, on professional wrestler Mick Foleys wife Colleen >
Message no. 2
From: Tim Kerby drekhead@***.net
Subject: ShadowCreations Poll
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 12:58:51 -0500
Favorite :

ReFRAG - Resources for Runners and GM's


>Shadowrun: Hints, Ideas, and Tips. (Vote for this, and I'm blocking you
>from subscribing to the list <g> )

God I love that one. :)

Message no. 3
From: dghost@****.com dghost@****.com
Subject: ShadowCreations Poll
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 19:29:10 -0600
On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 09:45:36 -0700 Adam J <adamj@*********>
>-- The Names --
>GitS: Gaming in the Shadows :)


>Shadowrun Operating Procedures (SOP)


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Message no. 4
From: dghost@****.com dghost@****.com
Subject: ShadowCreations Poll
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 19:31:38 -0600
On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 09:45:36 -0700 Adam J <adamj@*********>
>Shadowrun: Hints, Ideas, and Tips. (Vote for this, and I'm blocking you
>from subscribing to the list <g> )

Actually, this is a pretty good one because its title covers a lot
(unlike EGMG, which is really cool but unfortantely gives the impression
of a GM only list.)

>Advise from the Woodchuck, or
Sorry to pick on spelling, but that should be advi*C*e. :)

D. Ghost
(aka Pixel, Tantrum, RuPixel)
"You, you're like a spoonful of whoopass." --Grace
"A magician is always 'touching' himself" --Page 123, Grimoire (2nd

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or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
Message no. 5
From: dghost@****.com dghost@****.com
Subject: ShadowCreations Poll
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 01:27:21 -0600
On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 19:29:10 -0600 dghost@****.com writes:
<SNIP Voting>

DamniT!!! I could have *sworn* I sent that to Adam privately. Sorry. :(


D. Ghost
(aka Pixel, Tantrum, RuPixel)
"You, you're like a spoonful of whoopass." --Grace
"A magician is always 'touching' himself" --Page 123, Grimoire (2nd

You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
Message no. 6
From: Tim Kerby drekhead@***.net
Subject: ShadowCreations Poll
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 9:11:51 -0500
At 2/18/99 1:27:00 AM, you wrote:

>On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 19:29:10 -0600 dghost@****.com writes:
><SNIP Voting>
>DamniT!!! I could have *sworn* I sent that to Adam privately. Sorry. :(

I know how you feel, man, I know how you feel. :)


================================================================ - Tim Kerby -
drekhead@***.net - ICQ-UIN 2883757 -
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;
and I'm not sure about the the universe." -Albert Einstein
Message no. 7
From: Jett zmjett@*********.com
Subject: ShadowCreations Poll
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 14:12:14 -0500
Number one choice.

> Shadowrun Operating System (SOS)

Number Two Choice:

> Rules to Continue Living By


If you're happy and you know it see a shrink.

Pleasant? I AM being f**king pleasant.

Rape and pillage BEFORE you burn! BEFORE!

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about ShadowCreations Poll, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.